What are YOUR fitness goals?



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I want to get more lean.
  • shrikester
    shrikester Posts: 8 Member
    I want to be 60 kg by my birthday, which is 1 December, for that I need to lose 6 kg. It is not my final goal, but I will feel better, a lot better if I can do it. My extra challenge is that I cannot run at present, even though it is my favourite exercise. It is the food intake I have to work on. With the right motivation it is doable!
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    i want to get to the level whereby if someone was to say on a friday "lets do a triathlon tomorrow" i could do it with no further training and maintain that level, i spent years not beleiving i could do anything remotely off the wall... and now i am so close i can smell the victory....

    weight means nothing to me, i hit my target and then started training hard and generated more weight but lost a further three belt holes haha!!

    looks mean nothing to me, im on the road to looking lean and toned but this is a by product of my goal... if i cared i would change my hair colour haha!!

    "life is defined by action"
  • kerrylee54
    Strength training 3 times a week - and sticking to my daily walks through the coming winter. My ultimate goal is to complete the Grouse Grind this coming spring.

    Wishing you all great success acheiving your fitness goals!
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    honestly my only fitness goal is to inspire someone else that was in my same condition to better themselves...

    i was at the gym one day and a random lady came up to me and told me i was her inspiration she goes "i see you in here all the time and say to myself if you can do it i can do it"... that is a great feeling to have someone tell you that, lets you know that sweating is showing results.

    So cool!!:love:
  • martintanz
    To do a two day, 150 mile charity bike ride.

    Short term Run 2 miles on the treadmill without stopping or walking.
    Medium term: Run 3 miles on the treadmill without stopping or walking.
    slightly long term: Run a 10k.
    longer term: run a half marathon

    Other goals
    50 pushups.
    20 unassisted pullups.

    Continue to exercise 5 days plus per week while avoiding injury to reach these other goals(shoulder, ankle, foot are all weak spots that I have to watch out for)
  • Lake_Po
    Lake_Po Posts: 228 Member
    Be able to live through a mud run in May and Warrior Dash in August
  • HonFoldingBike
    To develop leg, core and punching strength so that if I ever have to I can defend myself.
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    Chicago Marathon 2013!