Crossfit is too expensive.



  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    ever done fight gone bad? :laugh: i cant imagine having to count my own reps while doing that routine especially since you cant stop between exercises to write down your counts.

    :huh: As if its that hard to take 3 seconds to write down a number on a whiteboard then add them up at the end. And yes, i've done fight got bad and didn't forget basic math.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Get a barbell. Lift weights. Do barbell complexes, burpees, pullups, etc. Crossfit is good for people who require a group environment to thrive. But if you want it, you can do it alone at home.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I forget basic math when I'm really exhausted, LOL.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    ever done fight gone bad? :laugh: i cant imagine having to count my own reps while doing that routine especially since you cant stop between exercises to write down your counts.

    :huh: As if its that hard to take 3 seconds to write down a number on a whiteboard then add them up at the end. And yes, i've done fight got bad and didn't forget basic math.
    yeah but 3 seconds i can do a wall ball or set up the rowing machine, or get in the proper poition for the sumo deadlift high pull. i personally would rather focus on the workout and doing AMRAP but hey that's just me.

    and oh yeah, i didnt mention anything about forgetting basic math so how about learning some reading comprehension skills before trying to unleash some ridiculous form of snark?:huh:
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    yeah but 3 seconds i can do a wall ball or set up the rowing machine, or get in the proper poition for the sumo deadlift high piull

    but then whats the point if you can't even measure your progress? How would you know if you did it better the next time? If it was a competition then it would make sense to not count your reps since the judge does it, but everyone at my box counts reps for everything. We even have a burpee penalty if someone is asked their numbers for a wod and they don't know it.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member

    yeah but 3 seconds i can do a wall ball or set up the rowing machine, or get in the proper poition for the sumo deadlift high pull. i personally would rather focus on the workout and doing AMRAP but hey that's just me.

    sure, that's one of many reasons that it's NICE to get to go to a gym with a group if you can, but not the end of the world either if you get one less wall ball rep!
  • maliawarren
    maliawarren Posts: 9 Member
    I know it seems expensive. I do crossfit. I've done a ton of research, because I HATE overpaying for things I can do myself. But how many times do we tell ourselves, "I'll work out at home tonight" or "I'll just have one piece of candy". Crossfit gives you the motivation and stick-to-it attitude you truly need to achieve your long-term fitness goals. Not only do you get a personal trainer (usually $150 to $300 a month for two a week sessions) but you get the community of like-minded people. Because of this awesome community, I can muster up my last ounces of motivation to complete a workout that I NEVER would've been able to do a couple years ago, let alone 6 months ago. Yes, it's more than a traditional gym, but it's NOT a traditional workout :)
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    Then do what works for you. I work it into my budget, because for me, it's worth every penny.