Dear short people -- we don't need to starve ourselves!



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You lost weight because you weighed more and as a result your resting metabolism was higher. Now I don't know how much exercise you've done to help with the weight loss but if you try to lose another 20 - 30 lbs you will have to either lower your calories or increase your activity because 1600 calories will be very close to maintenance once you start going below your current weight.

    consistency > deficit
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    No on person is alike and every body reacts differently.
    two people, 5'2.

    a 23 yr old will have a different metabolism than a 36 yr old.

    A person weighing 250lbs will need more than someone weighing 175lbs, and the pounds will typically come off quicker.

    A person who lifts heavy will have different needs than someone who does minimal exercise/ sedentary or does simple cardio with little strengthening exercises.

    someone with a smaller bone structure will want a different weight than someone with a thicker bone structure.

    everyone is different and the height/weight calculator is just an approximate suggestion based on a chart someone came up with. Very few charts have a more realistic weight goal, but beyond that, there are too many variables to suggest how many calories someone should consume.

    if 4 people speak up and say "oh yeah, I def. need to eat over 1200 cals! doesn't mean each and every person of that height should.

    nor should people who stick with the 1000-1200 diet because it works for them should be told they're wrong.

    what works for you, no matter what your height/weight, so long as it healthily works for you.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Just because two people are the same height does not mean that they process food the same way, share a metabolism, need to eat more than 1200 calories, anything like that.

    Just because (((((I)))))) lose on 1200-1400 calories does not mean I'm hungry, starving, harming my body, anything like that.

    My calories to (((((maintain))))) my weight are about 1550. Someone else looses with that many? Great. I don't.

    And that's ok, really, it's ok.
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    I want to eat more! I'm not overly hungry because I tend to make pretty good choices 95% of the time but it would be nice to have the luxury of eating 1600 calories in one day and not worry about it but here is my story if anyone can make any suggestions or advise me I would welcome that!

    Age: 29
    SW: 130lbs
    CW: 103lbs
    Body fat percentage: 24%
    Height: 5'2"

    So you will automatically think I'm tiny because of my weight but trust me I'm not - obviously with a pretty high body fat percentage. I mainly do cardio and know I should be lifting to gain muscle but the gym isn't a financial option right now. I burn on average about 200 - 300 calories per day, walking/jogging with the dog and 3 - 4 dance classes a week.

    My BMR is 1145 calories
    TDEE at sedentary (office job) is 1375

    I've been trying to maintain for the past month or so and have done sucessfully at setting my MFP calories goal at 1430 calories per day and having a weekly deficit of between 1750 and 2250! So in theory I'm eating on average my BMR and maintaining.

    As I say I'm not overly hungry and I'm not inclined to binge but I would love to be eating more and have the freedom of a few hundred extra calories per day to play with!
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    If you are short with a lot of weight to lose you will still lose weight with higher calories. But if you are not very heavy and are looking to lose those last 20-30 lbs you will either have to lower the food calories or increase activity to lose weight because the resting metabolic rate of a short person is lower than someone who is taller,

    If by "lower your calories' you mean lower them to 1200, that's not always true. I lost 20 pounds (went from 170 to 150) eating 1600 calories or more each day. I've never been terribly overweight and never had much to lose, but when I've wanted to lose weight, i didn't have to drastically lower my calories to do it.

    You lost weight because you weighed more and as a result your resting metabolism was higher. Now I don't know how much exercise you've done to help with the weight loss but if you try to lose another 20 - 30 lbs you will have to either lower your calories or increase your activity because 1600 calories will be very close to maintenance once you start going below your current weight.

    Again, not true. When I hit a plateau during my weight loss last year, I increased my calories rather than lowered them, and started to lose again. I think I was eating 1800 at the time -- and I didn't drastically increase my physical activity, either. Why do you presume to know what my body needs or how it will react when you don't know me?
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    im 5ft.
    i was eatin 1200 calories a day,but, apperantly i wasnt supposed to.

    now i eat 1570 calories and im loosin more weight than i was at 1200! craziness.
    but,im not complaining!