Diet Pepsi Not Helping



  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Diet soda and artificial sweeteners cause our brains to crave sugar, so we eat more. Artificial sweeteners are one of the main reasons we are all FAT!!

    Where do you get this information from?? What is your proof source for this?

    Articifical sweeteners in drinks can cause us to crave sugary foods. (whether you eat that food or not, it up to you, but it is sabatogory)
    Paragraph 7
    Q #4
    paragraph 3

    But more importantly. Soda rots your teeth.

    **Edited because I used wrong word.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I would agree that it is probably water retention from the sodium in the restaurant food. I much prefer to cook at home and make lower sodium alternatives to traditional recipes.

    An MFP friend once pointed out how high my sodium intake was. I was more careful after that and the first week dropped 5.8 pounds. I'm sure most of that was water weight since I was getting my sodium under control. The next week my weight evened out and I lost nothing then was back to my regular 1#-ish per week weight loss after that.

    I try to look at online nutritional information ahead of time if I know I'm going to a particular restaurant so I can make a more informed decision.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    i quit drinking Diet Coke in March and have never felt better. It was the most addictive substance I've ever been involved with and I don't want to disclose more than that. I have dieted with and without stopping Diet Coke and I'll tell you what, my binge-ing has almost completely stopped. I was a major binge eater for years. I've tried everything. It stopped when the Diet Coke stopped. I think that stuff really upsets your body in ways that you can't specifically trace to the substance but are definitely REAL. I also have way more energy and less digestive issues.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Diet soda and artificial sweeteners cause our brains to crave sugar, so we eat more. Artificial sweeteners are one of the main reasons we are all FAT!!

    Where do you get this information from?? What is your proof source for this?

    Articifical sweeteners in drinks can cause us to crave sugary foods. (whether you eat that food or not, it up to you, but it is sabatogory)
    Paragraph 7
    Q #4
    paragraph 3

    But more importantly. Soda rots your teeth.

    **Edited because I used wrong word.

    Seriously? You are posting Livestrong and CNN articles as proof sources?? How about a peer reviewed study maybe??
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I drank a diet coke and ate some corn. The next day, I gained 47 lbs.

  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Diet soda, which tastes sweet even though it isn't, triggers a heightened insulin spike, just like real sugar.

    It actually doesn't cause an insulin spike:

    (I went to verify my understanding because (1) my spouse is a diabetic, and if artificial sweeteners caused an insulin spike that would be problem and (2) I know I react very differently to sugar v. artificial sweeteners (sugar triggers cravings; artificial sweeteners do not))

    soooooo...what are you looking for by posting this?

    I'm big on information accuracy. Artificial sweeteners don't cause an insulin spike - I was pretty sure they didn't, I checked, and provided a discussion which links to several reputable research articles documenting that it doesn't. Just providing accurate information to address a commonly held misconception.
  • stephanie1133
    Artificial sweeteners are one of the main reasons we are all FAT!!

    I never had artificial sweetener until I started losing weight and replacing real sugar (calories) with it. I was always under the impression I was fat because of the crap ton of food I ate coupled with my sedentary lifestyle.

    Not saying artificial sweeteners are the best thing to put in your body, but I DEFINITELY think the assertion that it is one of the main reason "we" are "all" fat, is fairly ridiculous. Plus fear mongering and all that. I have artificial sweetener ALL the time, and I am consistently losing weight! Maybe I'm special though! I like to think so anyway.
  • foxontherun03
    Glad to see everyone is a diatitian. I would say that it is possible for peoples' bodies to respond in different ways.

    Personally when I drink a diet drink I crave more sweets. So, it is best if I can stay away from them.

    We all can figure out what does and doesn't work for our own weight loss. Best of luck!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Diet soda, which tastes sweet even though it isn't, triggers a heightened insulin spike, just like real sugar.

    It actually doesn't cause an insulin spike:

    (I went to verify my understanding because (1) my spouse is a diabetic, and if artificial sweeteners caused an insulin spike that would be problem and (2) I know I react very differently to sugar v. artificial sweeteners (sugar triggers cravings; artificial sweeteners do not))

    Got it. :)

    soooooo...what are you looking for by posting this?

    I'm big on information accuracy. Artificial sweeteners don't cause an insulin spike - I was pretty sure they didn't, I checked, and provided a discussion which links to several reputable research articles documenting that it doesn't. Just providing accurate information to address a commonly held misconception.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I went to a restaurant that had combo meals on Friday...I didn't want to say just give me a water, because I would feel like i wasn't getting my full money's worth for the combo meal...The diet coke still tasted like a gross diet soda, but it was a nice change of pace from water. I think I will be drinking that stuff on days out...but not still tastes like yucky diet soda.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Experiment: see if I stop drinking Diet Pepsi will I lose weight?

    Answer YES

    Avid Diet Pepsi drinker, 1-2 20oz bottles per day. I would feel bad and get grouchy if I did not have my Diet Pepsi. It was bad, plus I had an idea that it could be causing me to gain weight. So it took a few weeks, who am I kidding; it took a month and a half to break the habit.

    I started by exchaning my Diet Pepsi bottle with a water bottle. Each time I replaced Diet Pepsi I would extend the switch for an additional day. Example: off one day, on one day, off two days, on one day, off three days, on one day, off four days, on one day, off five days, on one day and so on. Now I am off Diet Pepsi and if I get to where I need something to boost my tired eyes, I have ice tea.

    So this weekend we were out and about far away from home and we ended up needing to eat out. I thought hum, a diet coke for lunch will not hurt that much. What happened? When I did my daily weigh in first thing in the morning I weighed in 3 pounds heavier then the day before. It takes about two days for the weight to come back off. I'm shocked that my body is so sensitive to diet soda. Who would have thought?

    Has anyone else had these kinds of responses to diet soda?

    Try diet water. Cant go wrong with it. It tastes just like the real thing. :drinker:
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,635 Member
    Never drank diet but I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks when I switched from soda to water :)
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Diet soda and artificial sweeteners cause our brains to crave sugar, so we eat more. Artificial sweeteners are one of the main reasons we are all FAT!!

    Where do you get this information from?? What is your proof source for this?

    I suspect different things cause cravings for different people. For me, sugar (and to a lesser extent fats) cause cravings, but artificial sweeteners don't. I accidentally confirmed this when they cafeteria I was eating at moved the soda around and I drank sugared coke for a couple of days without realizing it. I had wondered why I was having such a hard time with cravings - then I reached in my desk drawer where I'd been keeping the cans for a trip to recycling...

    But the report of the study someone linked to above suggests that artificial sweeteners actually do cause cravings in mice - "Artificial sweeteners could have the effect of triggering appetite but unlike regular sugars they don't deliver something that will squelch the appetite," Sharon Fowler, obesity researcher at UT Health Science Center at San Diego and a co-author on both of these studies, told the Daily Mail. She also said sweeteners could inhibit brain cells that make you feel full."

    Different theory for the same problem (artificial sweetener users often gain weight).
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    MMMM.. I love me some Diet Dr. Pepper! It doesn't effect my weight loss and actually keeps me sane when I cut calories. It is my treat food. My treat food with zero calories! It doesn't make me want more sugar or want to binge. And it's so delicious : )
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Seriously? You are posting Livestrong and CNN articles as proof sources?? How about a peer reviewed study maybe??

    I honestly don't care if you believe them or not. Not here to debate that part. If you want peer reviewed articles, you know where to find them.

    Simply put, that is more important to me,

    It rots your teeth.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    MMMM.. I love me some Diet Dr. Pepper! It doesn't effect my weight loss and actually keeps me sane when I cut calories. It is my treat food. My treat food with zero calories! It doesn't make me want more sugar or want to binge. And it's so delicious : )

    It's also a very acidic soda that really damages your teeth.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    :drinker: i used to be a binge Diet Coke drinker, would easily go through 3 of the largest sizes from gas stations and still have cans when I got home (and this was even when I had lost a good amount).

    I never really saw a huge change in my weight by drinking that much BUT I didn't feel good when I did as i do now. I drink a LOT of water, always have a bottle with me. I find it easier to get through a work out too, because my body can process the water into sweat easier.

    I still have maybe one diet coke a day, and I'm still on track. Don't think I'll ever give it up, don't really see a need.

    I agree with others, I think it was that restaurant that made you retain that much water weight.

    Find what works for you
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    No one has mentioned the ill effects that any soda has on one's bones. The phosphorus (from the carbonation) causes calcium to leach from bone in order to balance the body's minerals and acid/base properties.

    Most sodas do contain sodium.

    I also believe that not everyone reacts to various food/chemicals in the same way. Some bodies are more sensitive to artificial sweetners than others. If you don't tolerate them, don't use them.

    And everyone will be better off, health wise, if soda is completely eliminated. But Dog, I love the carbonation and the taste of cola.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Experiment: see if I stop drinking Diet Pepsi will I lose weight?

    Answer YES

    Avid Diet Pepsi drinker, 1-2 20oz bottles per day. I would feel bad and get grouchy if I did not have my Diet Pepsi. It was bad, plus I had an idea that it could be causing me to gain weight. So it took a few weeks, who am I kidding; it took a month and a half to break the habit.

    I started by exchaning my Diet Pepsi bottle with a water bottle. Each time I replaced Diet Pepsi I would extend the switch for an additional day. Example: off one day, on one day, off two days, on one day, off three days, on one day, off four days, on one day, off five days, on one day and so on. Now I am off Diet Pepsi and if I get to where I need something to boost my tired eyes, I have ice tea.

    So this weekend we were out and about far away from home and we ended up needing to eat out. I thought hum, a diet coke for lunch will not hurt that much. What happened? When I did my daily weigh in first thing in the morning I weighed in 3 pounds heavier then the day before. It takes about two days for the weight to come back off. I'm shocked that my body is so sensitive to diet soda. Who would have thought?

    Has anyone else had these kinds of responses to diet soda?

    Im heading into the kitchen to get a real soda. I dont deal with that diet crap. If I am going to drink a soda it might as well be the real deal.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    No one has mentioned the ill effects that any soda has on one's bones. The phosphorus (from the carbonation) causes calcium to leach from bone in order to balance the body's minerals and acid/base properties.


    I believe artificial sweeteners can do different things to different people. But if you have just soda. No artificial or real sweeteners, with or with out caffiene,

    It's bad for your bones and your teeth.