Skinny Mini 5-day detox program



  • natbeach
    Day five down! One drink to go and im done with the detox!

    No changes today, had to work hard to resist snacks because i was bored at work.

    Feeling pretty good... The proof will be in the pudding tomorrow morning! When i weigh and measure.

    All in all it hasnt been as hard as i thought to be absolutely perfect on this thing. Its definately good for staying under cals with more whole foods. The challenge would be diversifying my lunches and dinners and things. I would consider doing this again even if its just to be super strict for five days with a boost. Likely though i wouldnt need the powder drinks.

    Am looking forward to my celebration boost juice in the morning post weigh!

    Exercise - 60mins cycling

    Have a good night folks! Ill let you know how it goes!
  • natbeach
    Bust 92
    Waist 78
    Butt /hips 104

    Weight 69.4

    So there you have it folks! Down 3kg in five days with the help of skinny mini.. bye bye holiday bloat! I have effectively reset myself after that awful weekend and am back under 70 which is what i hoped to achieve!

    They say expect 1-4kg lost.. But i think if i started not full of beer and nachoes i wouldnt have seen such results.

    All in all i enjoyed my five days and am feeling awesome after the clean eating. Now back to normal logging. Thanks all!

    As far as a 'detox' goes... Maybe it is maybe it isnt but for me it was a great kickstart, without swappig out meals or beig ridiculous.


    Later skaters :)