June Starters: January 18 weigh-in week



  • shannahrenee
    Ugh I had a tough weekend emotionally and I ate accordingly :sad:

    Also, I just ate 4 snack size milky way bars and 3 snack sized peppermint patties totalling 480 calories! :sad:

    I thought I would confess this so I would not eat anymore. I still have 619 calories so i didn't screw up my whole day but I hate that I do this.

    Congrats to everyone who's lost! Good work Amanda! And congrats Kandy, you will be in the 180s in 5 weeks, I believe you can do it! :heart:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Shanna - Don't beat yourself up! You are doign great to actually count the cals of what you ate...I usually just let that send me into a downward spiral! So good for you! Sorry you had a rough weekend:flowerforyou:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Yolie- yay for that sweet baby. Be sure to come back and tell us what the sex is! And you know we'll be here waiting when you want to lose your baby weight :wink:

    Shanna and busymom- I have had similar experiences this weekend. It was like all I wanted to do was eat little terrible things...a few chips here, followed by a few bites of ice cream, and it goes on and on. I thought about just eating dinner at 3:30 b/c I couldn't stop the snacking. Ughhhh stress! If you were prego from that 0.1% that would be so crazy...it must be really meant to be if you are! :smile:

    Kandy- isn't it awesome to see a new set of "10s" when you push that green button? Love it and that is amazing for you! Pretty soon you will click it and it will say your goal weight on it...now that's exciting!!! :bigsmile:

    On my end I took my pharmacology exam today that I had been studying for 2 weeks for. I don't think it went so well :frown: I almost had a panic attack during it and I had to get up and go do a mantra out in the hall. It was so hard!! It was 94 questions and each question required so much thought. I wanted to get an A in this class but it's doubtful now :cry: Maybe a miracle will occur and I will get a B. UGH! Well, enough ranting, I'm off to eat lunch and start studying again for my other exam next Monday :sick:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ditto what mamakat said.... You still have the rest of the day... Make good decisions... And tomorrow is a brand new day! :drinker:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    It's practically impossible for me to be prego. lol and yea, it would REALLY be meant to be if I was. (but can it be "meant to be for someone else please. lol I'm not even close to ready to having another.)

    I really think I'm just stressing out about my daughter. She's having some issues. I'm taking her to the Dr. today and everytime I think about it my tummy squirms.

    Shannah, you're doing great! As long as you have the cals for it, go for it!! :bigsmile:

    Courtney, I'll bet you surprise yourself and get an A in the class anyway. :flowerforyou:

    Kj, I LOVE :love: the "if everyday were like today" button!!! It's so motivating. Even when I go over cals it still says a loss on 5 weeks most of the time. A loss is a loss!! lol I'll take it!! :glasses:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    It's practically impossible for me to be prego. lol and yea, it would REALLY be meant to be if I was. (but can it be "meant to be for someone else please. lol I'm not even close to ready to having another.)

    I really think I'm just stressing out about my daughter. She's having some issues. I'm taking her to the Dr. today and everytime I think about it my tummy squirms.

    Shannah, you're doing great! As long as you have the cals for it, go for it!! :bigsmile:

    Courtney, I'll bet you surprise yourself and get an A in the class anyway. :flowerforyou:

    Kj, I LOVE :love: the "if everyday were like today" button!!! It's so motivating. Even when I go over cals it still says a loss on 5 weeks most of the time. A loss is a loss!! lol I'll take it!! :glasses:

    I hope everything with your daughter works out ok......
  • shannahrenee
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I decided to do do a short pilates workout after my run tonight to help make up for some of the damage of today. :flowerforyou:

    You girls are so great! I don't know what I'd do without you!!!

    Courtney, I'm sorry your you felt your test didn't go so well. Try not to worry about it and kick butt on the next one! :heart:
  • amandadaisylotus
    This is why this group is so awesome. We can support each other about everything, not just weight loss.

    Shannah - That's the attitude! No need to wait for the next morning to catch up to the wagon! :)

    Busymom - I hope everything with your daughter turns out okay. I'm not a mom but I am a nanny and I freak out at the littlest thing with him and he's not even mine. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a mother and have to constantly worry about the health of your little one. You both are in my prayers.

    Courtney - You sound like me. "OMG I CAN'T GET A B." We both have to realize that many other people are struggling to get a C much less a B. Take it in stride and hey, you might surprise yourself. I sure did last semester. I was POSITIVE I was going to get like A A B B B. Instead I got A A A- A B+. :) Slightly disappointed about the B, but it was a difficult class and I worked my butt off. Just like weight loss, we can't let little set backs get us down too much.

    KandyJo - I love that button. I just have to keep myself from rolling my eyes and going, "Yeah right." :tongue: Because it IS possible.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    This is why this group is so awesome. We can support each other about everything, not just weight loss.

    Shannah - That's the attitude! No need to wait for the next morning to catch up to the wagon! :)

    Busymom - I hope everything with your daughter turns out okay. I'm not a mom but I am a nanny and I freak out at the littlest thing with him and he's not even mine. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a mother and have to constantly worry about the health of your little one. You both are in my prayers.

    Courtney - You sound like me. "OMG I CAN'T GET A B." We both have to realize that many other people are struggling to get a C much less a B. Take it in stride and hey, you might surprise yourself. I sure did last semester. I was POSITIVE I was going to get like A A B B B. Instead I got A A A- A B+. :) Slightly disappointed about the B, but it was a difficult class and I worked my butt off. Just like weight loss, we can't let little set backs get us down too much.

    KandyJo - I love that button. I just have to keep myself from rolling my eyes and going, "Yeah right." :tongue: Because it IS possible.

    Amanda, it is possible and we are sooooo going to do it... It is exciting when you look at it that way, isn't it!!!! If I can bring back this feeling when discouragement hits I'll do fine :laugh:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well good news this morning. I may finally be back on track...

    LW 153
    TW 151
    GW 135

    Congrats to the losers and maintainers! Keep your chin up to those of you who gained a little. This is the most frustrating thing you will ever do most likely but it is pretty amazing and totally worth it when you see results.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Hello!! I didn't weigh in this morning. If the meds don't work for my daughter she'll need surgery. I turned to my old comfortable friend, food last night and I need a couple days to make it go away. I'm SURE the meds will work. I'm SURE she won't need surgery but I'm scared all the same. UGH!

    Sorry to be a downer. I'll chirp right up soon I promise.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    What's wrong with your daughter?? Hopefully nothing too serious...hopefully the meds work! Food is not your friend here...resist! :)

    I was surprised when I weighed this morning...like completely surprised. It really is impossible to predict what the human body will do :tongue: I haven't been working out this week though I have been pretty good on food (bad on sodium though). Crazyyyyy I am even hesitant to record this weight because I feel like it isn't accurate. Oh well, I'll take it! :happy:

    LW: 150.5
    CW: 148.5
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Busymom - I'll be praying for your daughter that the meds work. Courtney is right...food is NOT your frined and it will actually make you feel worse!

    Great job this week everyone!

    SW 176.5
    LW 142.6
    CW 141.6
    *I had a HORRIBLE night last night so it's not the REALLY nice number I saw Tuesday morning...but I'll take it!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Great weigh ins!!!

    I had my moment of weekness with food and now I'm back on track and kickin butt. (hopefully.)

    My daughter has been having trouble going potty and now we know why. She may need re-constructive surgery to move things. :sad: :indifferent: :frown: :embarassed: :sad: :brokenheart: I know it'll be fine and people out there have worse problems but it's my baby... and it's not fair.

    Anyways!!! Hopefully you're all having a better week than I am. :wink:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Great weigh ins!!!

    I had my moment of weekness with food and now I'm back on track and kickin butt. (hopefully.)

    My daughter has been having trouble going potty and now we know why. She may need re-constructive surgery to move things. :sad: :indifferent: :frown: :embarassed: :sad: :brokenheart: I know it'll be fine and people out there have worse problems but it's my baby... and it's not fair.

    Anyways!!! Hopefully you're all having a better week than I am. :wink:
    I'm sooo sorry, my BFF's little girl has problems too but they have never found a medical reason...She will lay on the floor and scream (she lives in another state but I hear her on the phone and it breaks my heart). I so hope they can get it all fixed with medication. My son had surgery at 4 months and no matter how minor the surgery it's STILL your baby!!!! Best of luck! Thought & prayers are with you! Way to get back on track already!!!:flowerforyou:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Great weigh ins!!!

    I had my moment of weekness with food and now I'm back on track and kickin butt. (hopefully.)

    My daughter has been having trouble going potty and now we know why. She may need re-constructive surgery to move things. :sad: :indifferent: :frown: :embarassed: :sad: :brokenheart: I know it'll be fine and people out there have worse problems but it's my baby... and it's not fair.

    Anyways!!! Hopefully you're all having a better week than I am. :wink:

    Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hopefully everything works out with the medication. Don't stress out too much about what "could" happen and have faith that everything will be fine. Remember food will not change anything, don't give yourself the go ahead just because of a problem. If you find yourself reaching for snacks and realize it is about this, try going on line and doing research or even just killing time.

    Glad to hear you are back on track. The prouder you are of yourself the more you will be able to cope with the serious life stuff.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Thanks everyone! I never really thought my nerves were attached to food so much. Prob because I (thankfully) haven't had anything scare me in the last 6 months.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    busymom, your daughter (and your family) is in my prayers!!

    My weigh-in .... Not the BIG number I wanted, but it is a loss!!! :drinker:

    SW 230
    LW 210
    TW 209.4
    GW 135 ish
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    What is it about a good number that makes it feel okay to go overboard (until a minute after you did it). Oh well not a good night. I think I would sell a kidney for a cigarette so probably better that I ate the crackers and egg salad, a 100 calorie pack of cookies and fruit gummy things too- all after dinner of course. On second thought maybe I should have gone and bought some cigarettes probably just as damaging in the long run. :ohwell:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I can never decide if it's easier to quit food or cigarette's....:ohwell: Hope your night gets better. Remember tomorrow is a new day:flowerforyou: