Biggest pet peeve at the gym?



  • alyssa_t12
    Woman sitting NAKED on the seats in the dressing room ... I sit there, I set my phone there... BACTERIA people
  • mesau21
    mesau21 Posts: 2 Member
    People who workout in shades. (I don't think the paparazzi will be showing up anytime soon.)
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    People that post topics that have come up a million times before without performing a search.... Oh that's an MFP pet peeve not a gym one.

    Okay, for the gym, people who give way too much of a s*** about what everyone else is doing instead of what they are doing.
  • mesau21
    mesau21 Posts: 2 Member
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    HOW MUCH DO I DISLIKE THE CLASSES AT GOLDS GYM.. well let me tell you.. First I took the Body Pump.. very nice man taught it and explained everything!! Yea, then took spinning class.. night mare, first I could not understand her.. then she would say things like.. now lets do position 3.. but NEVER tell you what position 3 was.. stayed the whole time, but it was awful.. then this morning.. thought.. OK, I will take the Zumba class, fun right, WRONG.. for 7 minutes she did NOT speak just did moves. so of course I had NO idea what I was doing.. then as scarastically as she could she finally speaks.. WELL GUESS WE KNOW WHO ALL THE NEWBIES ARE@!! REALLY .. you see us struggling with what to do... and THAT is your words of encouragment!! I WALKED OUT! Maybe I am just not a people person.. but if you want to movitate others (which is what a teacher should do) YOU MIGHT WANT TO SAY SOMETHING!! ok, now I feel better!!

    I have had the same experiences at Gold's.... I did not like them at ALL!! The teachers were the same way... and the yoga teachers were a joke... they would come in and just get on the mat and expect you to follow them... barely speaking or even looking to see if people were doing the poses right.... way to help us prevent injuries "teacher"
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    The only thing that really annoys me are people that don't wash their hands after having a poo , you know who you are.
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    I realize that there is "Family Swim Time" at the gym, I do not swim on day's/times I know that this is happening because I dislike noisy children in a pool, but for the love of everything that is holy please stop letting your kids run FULL FREAKING TILT through the locker rooms on their quest for the pool. There are people walking around blind corners that your children keep RUNNING into.

    Half the time the floors are wet! Your kids are going to get hurt running through the wet shower room like that.

    Also the sign reads that boys under the age of 4 are allowed to walk through the ladies locker room, I realize they may still be clinging to your skirts but a 9 year old boy has NO Business in the ladies locker room. I was half naked you bumbling twit, and giving ME the stink eye because I was in a towel? Bull, F***ing S***.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    The only thing that really annoys me are people that don't wash their hands after having a poo , you know who you are.

    How do you know they poo'ed? LMAO!!!!!
  • mmelaniewalters
    omg , funny .... bang out of order , but funny ! you right to walk tho !
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    the only one i have is that when people use gym equipment incorrectly and therfore i cant use it because they are trying to kill them selves with the equipment. i NEVER have told anyone that "hey you are doing it wrong" or "there is no point in you doing that" cuz its none of my business but ridiculous exercises on stuff i want to use is the only thing that gets my attention in the gym but i usually go work out somewhere else...

    people who hang on to the cardio machines for dear life its just retarded... just put the incline back to flat i know the machine says ur burning more calories but by hanging on like that ur burning less calories than walking on flat ground.
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    OH. Where do I start???

    - GROSS: The old ladies who go to the bathroom before their water aerobics class and then DO NOT WASH THEIR HANDS before going into the pool.

    - The Sprinkler: This one guy who runs on the treadmill in the smallest amount of clothes possible (teeny running shorts and a tank top..which he tucks in...). He sweats SO MUCH that he looks like a water sprinkler and he manages to full-on baptize the machines on either side of him.

    - Gym bunnies: The little girls who come in with all their makeup on in Juicy sweat pants who do 2.5 mph on the treadmill and keep looking around for the cute guys to come talk to them.

    - Mystery: I don't know what happened in the dry sauna that merited this sign: NO PERSONAL GROOMING IN THE SAUNA.

    - Manners! Not wiping down your machines after you used it. I don't care if you were just on for a five-minute cool down! You are a cruise ship for germs and they all just got left at the Port of Treadmill!

    That is all.

    ; )
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I really only have two that get to me:

    1. People who monopolize the squat rack to use it for anything other than deadlifts and squats.

    2. People who hog a piece of equipment so that you can't work in with them despite the fact that their rests in between sets are long enough for them to take time to socialize.
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I realize that there is "Family Swim Time" at the gym, I do not swim on day's/times I know that this is happening because I dislike noisy children in a pool, but for the love of everything that is holy please stop letting your kids run FULL FREAKING TILT through the locker rooms on their quest for the pool. There are people walking around blind corners that your children keep RUNNING into.

    Half the time the floors are wet! Your kids are going to get hurt running through the wet shower room like that.

    Also the sign reads that boys under the age of 4 are allowed to walk through the ladies locker room, I realize they may still be clinging to your skirts but a 9 year old boy has NO Business in the ladies locker room. I was half naked you bumbling twit, and giving ME the stink eye because I was in a towel? Bull, F***ing S***.

    AMEN, sisterfriend.
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    I never wipe down the machines unless I have broken sweat. I had just walked into the gym and was on my first set of the day (lat pulldowns). I'm done and some old lady approaches me "are you going to wipe that down?" I took a shower before I came to the gym and wasn't even close to sweating. Whats the point of wiping it down?

    Then the old lady (why she is doing lat pulldowns is beyond me) proceeds to do 1 set with 4 reps, then wipe the machine down like she is dusting for fingerprints. She spent about 10 times the amount of time wiping down the machine as she did using it.:mad:

    Seems silly to me.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    people who hang on to the cardio machines for dear life its just retarded... just put the incline back to flat i know the machine says ur burning more calories but by hanging on like that ur burning less calories than walking on flat ground.

    I don't understand those people either, but they don't really bother me, either. I kind of feel sorry for them. <shrug>
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    1. People who monopolize the squat rack to use it for anything other than deadlifts and squats.

    2. People who hog a piece of equipment so that you can't work in with them despite the fact that their rests in between sets are long enough for them to take time to socialize.

    also people who don't re-rack the weights.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    At my gym the TVs are set up specific for the tredmils so people stand on the tredmils or lean on them to watch the games.... or when the people stand on the cardio equipment talking to other people! Or my absolutely favorite there is always this lady talking on the phone and she is moving so slow her program moves in and out of pause then it turns off and she tells her friend on the phone how she is at the gym having such a hard work out!!!

    Haha this happens a lot at my gym and drives me nuts!!
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    The only thing that really annoys me are people that don't wash their hands after having a poo , you know who you are.

    Uuuugh gross!! That goes for people in the office too!! And then they try to hand you files n stuff, eeewwww! I always have hand sanitiser on my desk to use as soon as they leave!!
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Old men leering at your boobs when your on the threadmill or walking behind you and staring (in a very obvious way) at your *kitten*!

    Like Hello, I'm here to work out, get lost haha
  • clew77
    clew77 Posts: 34
    When a group of about 5 boys/men all stand around the one machine and take it in turns to use.