For the ladies, what do you do about creepers at the gym?



  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    can I say just because I talk to a woman at the gym doesn't mean I'm trying to get her in the sack, the gym does not have to be a hostile.

    I don't think that is what she is suggest or is bothered by. His behavior is harrasing. Insisting she smile, not taking obvious social cues. I have women friends at the gym where we say hi and stuff but there is a big difference. If I greet someone and they are not welcoming in return, I can take a hint. There is a big difference between taking and being friendly and harrasing.

    My point exactly, I can handle a simple Hi & I will say Hi as well & continue on my way. But, bugging me about not smiling & stuff like that will just really piss me off.

    I totally get it! You're a grown woman. You know the difference between friendly and harrassing! Unfortunately with this knucklehead you may have to be rude and/ or report him to the gym management. All the best on this. As a husband and a father of daughters, it causes me to feel like I'd like to kick some butt on your behalf. I wouldn't appreciate it if any of the women in my family were dealing with this.

    Thank you :smile:
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member

    What happened?
  • Side note:

    I was at the gym yesterday doing cardio....I noticed a trainer working with a middle aged woman. The trainer kept looking in my direction and then I realized that he was watching the woman's exercise behind me. The trainer spent at least 2 mins staring at the women and ignoring his client!

    I actually went to the gym manager, because I don't think the woman realized she was not getting the trainer's full attention!