OK-- Seiously -- What really works?



  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    go keto!

    set your macros to 55% fat 35% protein and 5% carbs (that should put you around 20g a day) and you will start losing ounds like mad! I lose between 4-6 pounds a week with no exercise. Im never hungry and eat tons of bacon, cheese, steak, burgers (but without buns) etc.

    Basically it comes down to cutting all sugars and starches out of your diet. In a nutshell: NO pasta NO potatoes NO bread NO rice NO sugar NO candy

    After my daughter had to roll me into recovery position after a nice faceplant faint into the turf from cutting carbs too low I wouldn't suggest that to everyone. Apparently I need a minimum 35-40% carbs to stoke the fires of my fast metabolism according to my doc or I will find this a recurrent event. Not everyone can cut the carbs so drastically and function. And no, I am not diabetic or insulin resistant. And yes, I was eating very well and at my calorie count, I had just jiggled my carbs down and protein up as had been suggested by friends who I stupidly listened to.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    15 pounds at your weight is unlikely so I also suggest you measure yourself as you may lose inches that will help you look better than just losing weight alone. Do a workout dvd that includes strength training and lots of cardio. Drink plenty of water, fruits and vegies, lean proteins, whole grains, NO processed/boxed/fast food, NO treats and eat your BMR.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    calorie deficit and exercise. /thread
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    It's called cardio and strenght taining.

    Oh yeah and eating right.

    There is no secret you know.
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    Amputation of one of your limbs. That's the only "surefire" approach I can think of.

    Otherwise, you could do what others have already said: eat less, move more...

    ...but my personal recommendation is not to set arbitrary deadlines on your results and instead implement a reasonable approach to healthy eating and healthy exercise. What, exactly, that is for you will need to be determined over time.

    Good luck.

    "Cracking me up!"
  • greeneyedmama81
    greeneyedmama81 Posts: 78 Member
    It's very simple. Eat less, move more.

    And unwrap your head from the number on the scale. It's only a small representation of everything going on with your body. It represents your relationship with gravity. That's it.
  • RPerkins726
    Jillian Michael's work outs are amazing. Even if you are advanced, just add weights to the move (like punches during the cardio circuit) or increase the weight used in the strength moves. And of course, count every calorie--stick to that 1200 calorie limit and drink plenty if water. You'll start losing weight for sure. Good luck!
  • sarah0926
    sarah0926 Posts: 2 Member
    15 pounds at your weight is unlikely so I also suggest you measure yourself as you may lose inches that will help you look better than just losing weight alone. Do a workout dvd that includes strength training and lots of cardio. Drink plenty of water, fruits and vegies, lean proteins, whole grains, NO processed/boxed/fast food, NO treats and eat your BMR.

    I am in the same boat you are. I think this is the best idea too. It's mostly about eating healthier. Yes, do strength training and cardio too! You can do it!!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm very frustrated because there was a period of time that I thought I was doing everything right...but didn't see results.

    I want to lose 15 lbs by December 8th, my 40th Bday.

    What is a surefire diet/exercise routine that I can do to make it happen...

    I'm really, really discouraged...

    Can you give me your best advice?

    eat at a deficit that's no more than 20% off your TDEE, pick your exercise to perform at least 4 days a week for at least 45 minutes a day. relax and be consistent.

    this isnt rocket science but people overcomplicate it when they try to take shortcuts.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Well, what have you been doing? I see you aren't logging anything so how are you monitoring things? Depending on the calorie intake, you may not be eating enough! Good luck! I turned 40 today!
  • hlp7164
    hlp7164 Posts: 16
    im was thinking about getting the insanity... mmmmmm
  • VoiceOfTrenton
    VoiceOfTrenton Posts: 17 Member
    I've been struggling with the last 15 pounds (you can see me gripe about it in my profile), so when I point you to this article, I hope you'll take in what they're trying to tell you: that how much you can lose depends a lot on how overweight you are and how much of what you're using will be fat:


    I'm 43, 5'11" and have been athletic since 19 (and fat before then)...although my weight tends to waver from 178 - 210, my doctor wants me at 175 and the health chart on the wall (put there by the insurance companies, mind you) says I need to weigh 164.

    I think of the 'secret' to success as a fairly obvious tripod: diet, exercise, plenty of sleep. Kick any one leg out from under the tripod and the whole thing falls. I've seen it happen to me--sleep badly but cut calories? No benefit. Don't exercise? Sleeping and eating right aren't going to really do me much good.

    What stuck with me in that article was the bit where it tells you those last few pounds can take the longest. If you're not needing to lose much fat, then it's going to take you longer. When I took up exercise I went from 212 and zero muscle, to 168...and then when I went back up to 180 it was actually a good thing because I was stacking on muscle. So keep that in mind: do what keeps you healthy (like eating healthy), let your metabolism get a boost from a good night's sleep (instead of stimulants, diuretics, and energy drinks that are both), and then take in more protein on the days you exercise so your body burns muscle instead of fat.

    Your goal's *date* may not be reasonable for your body, but that doesn't mean the goal itself isn't good. Celebrate your successes, because every pound lost is a success. And best of luck to you. :)
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    the one thing that has worked for me - hard work, discipline and determination.
  • BetterThanExpected
    BetterThanExpected Posts: 104 Member
    Intermittent fasting works for me. I've lost 17lbs so far. And kept it off, so don't let people tell you it doesn't work.
  • fitnhealthy21
    I think anything will work as long as you are consistent. Turbo Jam is what really motivated me to stick with it in the beginning. Sometimes you just need something "fun" =P
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Itworks body wraps. It's in the name so it has to work. Seems to be the real deal .

    HAHA I posted about this exact product just the other day. It definitely looks legit....but make sure you follow the diet and exercise plan they advertise with it, otherwise all your hard earned money will be wasted! (but it really is the $99 body wraps that work ;) )
  • beccannes
    Insanity! it is one of the most intense workouts. along w/ eating a super clean diet. Diet is well over 50% of the battle
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It depends what your goal is... is your only goal to lose weight by your birthday and you don't care what you have to do to get there?
    If so, just about any fad diet will do it. Eat little and workout like a mad person. Chances are you'll lose a fair bit by mid December.

    Or, do you want to set up good habits that are going to enable you to stay thinner and healthier for the long term?
    In that case, set yourself up with a moderate deficit, exercise regularly but not excessively and focus on changing habits rather than "dieting".

    It's your call, but I recommend the second approach. You might not lose "15 pounds by your birthday" but you will be starting the next decade with a great plan to get and stay healthy.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Run the numbers and eat at a calorie deficit of about 15-20 percent.