Pills Pills Everywhere aka Miracle weight loss



  • time4changexx
    time4changexx Posts: 103 Member
    I just started taking slim quick razor. I used slim quick cleanse a ways back and lost 15lbs in a month. Now before people start this is not what I am doing to lose weight. I also stick to 1300cal per day and do an hour if cardio daily. But if I can loose a few extra why not? It's not my sole means to weight loss it's my boost ( especially starting out or af a plateau ). Lets face it its not fun when the scale doesn't budge, it helps keep me modivated.

    As far as side effects I'm from a crazy Puerto Rican family where my mom gave me coffee in a bottle as a baby. Add that to the five cans of soda I used to have in a day and I'm pretty caffeine tolerant. Caffeine is one of the prime concerns people seem to have with slim quick, they get the gitters. I rarely do because like I said high tolerance.

    It comes down to how you feel. If It makes you feel like losing weight or like your burning more when you workout then go for it.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I take 10,000 mg of vitamin D as well as fish oil and B complex everyday to help boost my metabolism. Keep it natural. :)

    Not trying to be rude, but do you have any scientific research to back this? I just never heard of this. I highly doubt it's true, just don't want you to be spending your money on things that scam you out of your dollars.
    I guess they boost energy, that's what I've heard, will look into this

    be carefull of taking so much vit D...I took 2000 mg a day and it raised my blood calcium levels up to where I was diagnosed with hypercalcemia....had to stop vit D and calcium for abut 2 months for the levels to come down....
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Nothing does anything except suppress your appetite. You may get a mild thermogenic effect as well, but it won't account for more than 50 calories a day, even if you are taking borderline suicidal doses.

    If you monitor your calories, and eat at the appropriate deficit, that is what will get you results. Appetite is better controlled by switching to lower caloric density foods, which provide higher satiety.

    The one exception is alpha-2 inhibitors, and that is only relevant if you are sub-10% body fat (sub-18% for women), and STILL won't increase rate of weight loss, it will just help lose it from "stubborn" areas more quickly.

    Edit: Re: thermogenic effect, you can get a greater thermogenic effect by drinking very cold beverages, so for anyone who thinks that is significant, but tons of ice in whatever you drink and it will have a substantially greater effect, and not cause you health problems.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Not that I've tried to use it this way, but I notice that my appetite's often cut by a cup of coffee (espresso, or turkish/greek style, with a bit of sugar). On an empty stomach, though, it feels pretty awful, and often means headaches later.
  • changnme
    LOL.. Anal Leakage... Too funny
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I take 10,000 mg of vitamin D as well as fish oil and B complex everyday to help boost my metabolism. Keep it natural. :)

    Not trying to be rude, but do you have any scientific research to back this? I just never heard of this. I highly doubt it's true, just don't want you to be spending your money on things that scam you out of your dollars.

    my doctor reccommended the high dosage of vit D when I complained that I was having a hard time losing weight. I added the other supplements myself when I heard that they also help with metabolism. I do believe that this worked for me because not long after I began taking it I finally started losing weight. that was 66 lbs ago. :)

    Where you losing weight before? For example did you stall out? then stat taking these supplements. Or did you start taking this when you started working out and eating better?

    I was only losing about a pound a week before I started taking the supplements.. that was with working out every day & a low caloric daily intake. I assumed it was because of my metabolism because i've lost weight in the past and it came off faster than that, but then I wasn't in my 40's and a womans metabolism slows down at my age. Thats why I went to my doctor to ask for her advice. The same routine plus the supplements and I started losing 10-12 lbs a month. I'm a firm believer now in vitamins ~ before this experience I would have been skeptical as well.
    Your metabolism slows down as you age because you lose lean body mass. Fast weight loss will increase the chances of losing more of that. 1 lb per week is good, especially if you are not morbidly obese. You can enjoy 10 lbs a month but i can bet a lot is muscle. At some point yout body will plateau and it will become even harder to lose weight.