If you could like one food you hate...



  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Fish. Just can't. Too fishy :frown:
    Bananas. I swear they're in every healthy dessert and breakfast recipe. I just...can't with bananas. The texture, the smell...ugh. I think it's genetic because my mom hates them too.
    Funny, I used to hate bananas too, but since I've gotten healthier, I now crave them!!
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    green veggies. they're "ok" but if I never ate them again I'd be fine with that.
    oddly enough, boneless skinless chicken breasts. I like chicken (leg, thigh, light, dark, whatever) but something about bscb doesn't taste all that great to me. plus, it taste dry.
    bananas. can eat a pb&b sandwich but can rarely eat it by it's self.
    soup. yet to find one I like... liked a particular kind when I was younger but have no idea what kind it was.