Your results from the TDEE/BMR method?

This is the 6th week I've been doing MFP. I'm 22 years old, 143 lbs, 5'4. I started out at 150 and lost 7 pounds using MFP's recommended 1200 calories while eating back the burned calories. But then the past 2-3 weeks I've been stuck between 144-142 lbs. So I decided it's time for a change and researched more about the TDEE/BMR method..

My TDEE is 2276
My BMR is 1468.
My TDEE includes 3-5 exercise days (I run, strength train, and do aerobics videos)

So yes I understand the 1200 calories I was eating on rest days was too low. I have set my new calorie goal to 1616.

So then my husband decided since I've been losing, he wants to diet also. So I figured out his TDEE and BMR and its extremely high. He is 5'7 and 250 lbs. I understand that for bigger sized people it takes more energy/fuel to do daily activities and will go down as he loses, but when I told him how many calories he should be doing, he got very confused.

My question for you guys is, is there anyone out there that is willing to share their story about using the TDEE/BMR method and how much did you lose in what amount of period? I understand "slow and steady wins the race, this is a lifestyle not a fad, etc." Should I watch out for weight gain the first few weeks or will I start losing the first week? I just want your experiences and what to expect. I don't want to lose muscle that I've been gaining with running and weight lifting, so I think this might work for me.


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    This is the 6th week I've been doing MFP. I'm 22 years old, 143 lbs, 5'4. I started out at 150 and lost 7 pounds using MFP's recommended 1200 calories while eating back the burned calories. But then the past 2-3 weeks I've been stuck between 144-142 lbs. So I decided it's time for a change and researched more about the TDEE/BMR method..

    My TDEE is 2276
    My BMR is 1468.
    My TDEE includes 3-5 exercise days (I run, strength train, and do aerobics videos)

    So yes I understand the 1200 calories I was eating on rest days was too low. I have set my new calorie goal to 1616.

    So then my husband decided since I've been losing, he wants to diet also. So I figured out his TDEE and BMR and its extremely high. He is 5'7 and 250 lbs. I understand that for bigger sized people it takes more energy/fuel to do daily activities and will go down as he loses, but when I told him how many calories he should be doing, he got very confused.

    My question for you guys is, is there anyone out there that is willing to share their story about using the TDEE/BMR method and how much did you lose in what amount of period? I understand "slow and steady wins the race, this is a lifestyle not a fad, etc." Should I watch out for weight gain the first few weeks or will I start losing the first week? I just want your experiences and what to expect. I don't want to lose muscle that I've been gaining with running and weight lifting, so I think this might work for me.

    A 15% cut puts you at 1934.6

    Just eat that everyday and you should lose. You may have to make small adjustments up or down to get it right.
  • krae84
    krae84 Posts: 17 Member
    i use the 20% subtraction. I've been doing it for 4 weeks. I was only eating 1200 cal before and my calculation is 1630. I expected to have a gain in the first few weeks and was mentally preparing for it lol. To my surprise i LOSTTTTT yea! 2.5 the first week and a solid pound every week after that. This method has really been the key for me. My dietitian also recommened it. I also eat 4 servings of veggies, 3 or fruit, 2 meat, 2 dairy and 6 grain. I didn't think it would matter too much as long as i ate healthy. BUTTTT boy was i wrong, between following the TDEE and that food guide i've really been seeing results. I'm thrilled. Add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I went by the MFP recommendations for a while and I did lose but it had me at 1750 calories a day, and then eating back exercise calories. I lost weight for a while but like you I stalled out. I am male, 6 foot and 235 pounds, 36 years old. I decided to switch things up so I figured my TDEE did the math etc.. I re-set my MFP goals to 2500 calories a day. I dont eat back any exercise calories doing it this way I just eat the 2500 a day every day. I have started to lose again. I think MFP is very low for a lot of people. 1700 calories a day for a 250 pound guy isnt going to work well for very long. Eventually your energy levels drop and your workouts suffer. My guess is that your husband will be much better off setting his goals from his TDEE and not doing to eating back calories thing. It will also probably be easier for him to stick to.
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks guys! Yesterday was my first day trying to go from 1200 to 1616 and I felt weird, like I was eating too much, especially when following the 1200 + exercise cals for 5 weeks. I really hope to see good results this week, but I'm mentally preparing myself to stick with it even if it doesn't work the first few weeks :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    This is the 6th week I've been doing MFP. I'm 22 years old, 143 lbs, 5'4. I started out at 150 and lost 7 pounds using MFP's recommended 1200 calories while eating back the burned calories. But then the past 2-3 weeks I've been stuck between 144-142 lbs. So I decided it's time for a change and researched more about the TDEE/BMR method..

    My TDEE is 2276
    My BMR is 1468.
    My TDEE includes 3-5 exercise days (I run, strength train, and do aerobics videos)

    So yes I understand the 1200 calories I was eating on rest days was too low. I have set my new calorie goal to 1616.

    So then my husband decided since I've been losing, he wants to diet also. So I figured out his TDEE and BMR and its extremely high. He is 5'7 and 250 lbs. I understand that for bigger sized people it takes more energy/fuel to do daily activities and will go down as he loses, but when I told him how many calories he should be doing, he got very confused.

    My question for you guys is, is there anyone out there that is willing to share their story about using the TDEE/BMR method and how much did you lose in what amount of period? I understand "slow and steady wins the race, this is a lifestyle not a fad, etc." Should I watch out for weight gain the first few weeks or will I start losing the first week? I just want your experiences and what to expect. I don't want to lose muscle that I've been gaining with running and weight lifting, so I think this might work for me.

    I cut at 20% under TDEE pretty reliably. TDEE for me is in the neighborhood of 2800 kcals which puts my cutting intake anywhere around 2200-2400kcals daily.

    Last cut cycle put me from roughly 16% to somewhere around the 9-10% mark with the only stalling due to my dietary negligence (by choice -- I allowed myself an excessive amount of time to cut).

    I find this method superior for simplicity and it also allows you to skip the idea of tracking exercise expenditure. As with any method however, you NEED to pay attention to results. TDEE estimations are just that -- estimations. Results/pace will give you a way to fine-tune.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    If I eat 3k calories a day, I lose weight at a pretty decent clip (1-1.5 lbs a week usually).

    It's pretty easy to eat well over 3k calories a day if you aren't careful, especially if you drink alcohol.
  • bump
  • alexapin
    alexapin Posts: 14 Member

    Really interested in answers. I have been eating between bmr and tdee - 20%. have been loosing half pound a week, which is goof for me since i dont have much to loose.

    I am 5.2, my bmr y around 1300, my tdee for lightly active is 1800, i have been eating around 1350 - 1450 a day
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I have used this method pretty much since the beginning and losing a steady two pounds per week. It has been barely over three months and I'm down almost 40 pounds from my starting weight. It's working well for me. I do a 20% cut from TDEE and still eat back some of my exercise calories.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I honestly use TDEE at sedentary and then add in my exercises. This is more accurate than calculating TDEE at different activity levels.

    For me...
    TDEE: 1810
    BMR: 1550
    Calories: 1345 (Before adding back exercise calories)

    That had me losing 1 to 2 pounds a week. Some of that weight being water weight. I ate back HALF my exercise calories. I have stalled though for a while, but think I identified the problem (weeks of lack of sleep) and am trying to repair that to get things going.
  • alexapin
    alexapin Posts: 14 Member
    Anyone else with results ???
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
  • forrolouise
    forrolouise Posts: 31 Member
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    Bmr is right under 1600
    tdee is about 2499
    so i eat 2100 calories a day

    i lost 15 pounds so far

    im very close to my goal weight
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I've lost most of my weight so far doing TDEE -20%

    BMR 1608
    TDEE 2212 (lightly active)
    Fitbit 2200 (average month)
    TDEE -20% 1769

    I'm never hungry, I lose weight pretty much every week when I weigh in and I feel like sometimes I eat more than I did before I started on my journey. Win. Win. Win. In my book :smile:
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm up there with your husbands weight and my TDEE-20% Is 2100 cal...and yes you will experience a gain. I gaine d about 10lbs, it took me about 4 weeks for my body to adjust to the extra cal and to finally start losing the weight slow and steady.....AND ITS NOT GAIN WEIGHT FROM FAT, so tell him not to freak out. I also started heavy weight lifting so my 10lbs were from the extra water weight/ protien intake.
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    I'm only 5'5 but even my numbers are as follows:

    BMR: 1735
    TDEE: 2689
    15% Cut: 2286
    20% Cut: 2151

    That's a few hundred more a day than MFP allows me.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I switched to the TDEE cut method to lose the last 3-4 pounds and begin to start gaining muscle.

    TDEE: 2088
    Cut: 1880 (Moderate exercise with a 10% cut since I was so close to goal weight)
    BMR: 1347.

    Since June, I lost my remaining 4 pounds and am now basically at goal weight and hover between 124-127. I'll be switching to maintenance soon, somewhere between 2000 and 2100 cals/day. Also see a lot more definition in my shoulders, thighs and abs, which is the next goal to tighten up. Definitely worked for me and it's a lifestyle I know I can continue forever.
  • Nana920
    Nana920 Posts: 51 Member
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member