Your results from the TDEE/BMR method?



  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Ok, well the only reason I didn't set it to moderately active (even though I plan to work out 3-5 days/week) is just in case I for some reason can't fit in a workout for whatever reason. so the 1555 should be correct? And the days I work out, I eat more than that, right?
    The 1555 accounts for light activity - if you exercise beyond what is consider light, then eat back those calories.
  • helenjon752
    helenjon752 Posts: 55 Member
    Can someone help me . I cant seem to figure this out . I have been on the 5 ; 2 fasting diet and lost 10 lbs . Now i just have 8 lbs to lose but I have been stalled for over 2 weeks.
    My BMR is 1136
    my TDEE at sedentary it is 1399
    at lightly active it is 1603

    I am eating 1000 to 1200 cals

    I am going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and walk every day and I dont always eat back the calories
    I think I am not eating enough calories and thats why I am stalled

    Can someone point me in the right direction ?
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Can someone help me . I cant seem to figure this out . I have been on the 5 ; 2 fasting diet and lost 10 lbs . Now i just have 8 lbs to lose but I have been stalled for over 2 weeks.
    My BMR is 1136
    my TDEE at sedentary it is 1399
    at lightly active it is 1603

    I am eating 1000 to 1200 cals

    I am going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and walk every day and I dont always eat back the calories
    I think I am not eating enough calories and thats why I am stalled

    Can someone point me in the right direction ?
    Nevermind, I see in another thread you are 120, 5'1 and 62 years old.
    If you are exercising 4 to 5 times per week that is considered moderate activity - which means your TDEE is 1807.
    Since you have so little to lose, you would probably do best with around a 10% deficit from 1807, which would be a TDEG of 1626.

    You should eat around 1626 calories per day and not eat back your exercise calories.
    if you are currently consuming 1000 to 1200 calories per day and then exercising on top of that, you are netting WAY too low.
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    Ok, well the only reason I didn't set it to moderately active (even though I plan to work out 3-5 days/week) is just in case I for some reason can't fit in a workout for whatever reason. so the 1555 should be correct? And the days I work out, I eat more than that, right?
    The 1555 accounts for light activity - if you exercise beyond what is consider light, then eat back those calories.

    Ok, thank you so much!! :O)
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member

    Yes, and you lost me completely.
    Just use an online calculator and call it a day rather than doing all of these mathematical equations.

    are there any subgroups on here dealing with those who suck at math?
  • helenjon752
    helenjon752 Posts: 55 Member
    Can someone help me . I cant seem to figure this out . I have been on the 5 ; 2 fasting diet and lost 10 lbs . Now i just have 8 lbs to lose but I have been stalled for over 2 weeks.
    My BMR is 1136
    my TDEE at sedentary it is 1399
    at lightly active it is 1603

    I am eating 1000 to 1200 cals

    I am going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and walk every day and I dont always eat back the calories
    I think I am not eating enough calories and thats why I am stalled

    Can someone point me in the right direction ?
    Nevermind, I see in another thread you are 120, 5'1 and 62 years old.
    If you are exercising 4 to 5 times per week that is considered moderate activity - which means your TDEE is 1807.
    Since you have so little to lose, you would probably do best with around a 10% deficit from 1807, which would be a TDEG of 1626.

    You should eat around 1626 calories per day and not eat back your exercise calories.
    if you are currently consuming 1000 to 1200 calories per day and then exercising on top of that, you are netting WAY too low.

    Thank you so much . I just cant imagine that i could eat that much and still lose weight !
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Can someone help me . I cant seem to figure this out . I have been on the 5 ; 2 fasting diet and lost 10 lbs . Now i just have 8 lbs to lose but I have been stalled for over 2 weeks.
    My BMR is 1136
    my TDEE at sedentary it is 1399
    at lightly active it is 1603

    I am eating 1000 to 1200 cals

    I am going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and walk every day and I dont always eat back the calories
    I think I am not eating enough calories and thats why I am stalled

    Can someone point me in the right direction ?
    Nevermind, I see in another thread you are 120, 5'1 and 62 years old.
    If you are exercising 4 to 5 times per week that is considered moderate activity - which means your TDEE is 1807.
    Since you have so little to lose, you would probably do best with around a 10% deficit from 1807, which would be a TDEG of 1626.

    You should eat around 1626 calories per day and not eat back your exercise calories.
    if you are currently consuming 1000 to 1200 calories per day and then exercising on top of that, you are netting WAY too low.

    Thank you so much . I just cant imagine that i could eat that much and still lose weight !

    I can totally relate - I used to feel exactly the same way. I was eating around 1200 and losing weight at a pretty good rate. I couldn't imagine eating 1500 calories and still losing weight. I was terrified that I would gain all 40 lbs back.
    But after a 3 month plateau, I was desperate and I'm so glad I trusted everyone and just tried it. I immediately broke the plateau and have lost another 2.8 lbs in the last 3 weeks and counting.

    Plus, realize, if you are truly burning x amount of calories per day, and you consume less than that, then you WILL lose weight. You can't gain in the long run if you are eating under maintenance.
  • ashleymcn01
    ashleymcn01 Posts: 108 Member
    After reading each and every reply on this post, I've decided to up my calories. I've been stuck at 141.4 for exactly 1 month, and only have 6lbs. left to reach goal. I've been eating at 1400 calories for a little over a month, not eating back exercise calories. I have definitely built muscle and definition over the past month, but the scale number just isn't budging.

    BMR: 1372
    TDEE at Moderate Exercise: 2127
    TDEE - 20% = 1701.6
    My goal is to loose fat, gain muscle (Scooby's calculations)

    I eat 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat

    I'm 5'4, 41 years old, and work out at home to the AMAZING Fitness Blender videos roughly 4 days/week, on average 45 minutes per session alternating full body toning, cardio, and weight training.

    Based on all of the great post I have read, I think I'm going to pull the trigger and up the calories to 1700 per day. Like so many others, I'm scared as hell, but since my goal is just arms reach away, what will it hurt?

    Thoughts? My diary is open for comments.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I think it's a great plan. It work(s) for me...Just remember to recalculate after every 5 lbs lost...
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member

    Really interested in answers. I have been eating between bmr and tdee - 20%. have been loosing half pound a week, which is goof for me since i dont have much to loose.

    I am 5.2, my bmr y around 1300, my tdee for lightly active is 1800, i have been eating around 1350 - 1450 a day
    Wow, you just about described me to a T! Yes, same here, except I've been doing TDEE - 10% and losing about a quarter to a half a pound a week with a sedentary job. My FitBit is really helping to keep my dietary information in check as well!
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    TDEE -20% & -30% both worked wonders for me at first. I love being able to eat and still lose fat. BUT... I hit a wall in JAN/FEB.

    I have been at a complete stand still. I keep fluctuating between the same 4-5 lbs for like 15 WEEKS!!! I workout 4-5 days a week and eat 40/40/20 for my macros. I lost 30 lbs this way.

    I just started trying to Zig Zag/calorie cycle my days in hopes that I will finally break through. I still don't go below my BMR on my low cal days though, and keeping my high cal days for my workouts.

    Fingers crossed :smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    I do TDEE -20% and lift heavy 3days per week (still kind of a beginner at the lifting part).

    Initially, I actually gained back the 5 pounds that I had lost when I was at 1300 calories and just running, and I panicked, but my body still looked better so I kept going. It took several weeks, but now it's all come back off, plus some!


    Edited to add picture.
  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
    Oh yeah - I switched to an all plant based lifestyle in early Feb for mostly health reasons and in tandem signed up to MFP and foolishly did the 1200 a day, many days LESS..............initially I lost 10 lbs fast - inflammation I think - a few weeks later - STALLED - nothing, no matter what I did and took it harshly.

    I researched this and did my BMR and TDEE - my TDEE today (after a 21 lb weight loss now) is 2100 something - BMR is low 1500's....................with every 5 lbs or so I recalculate these.

    So I eat 20% less then TDEE around 1650 a day right now - this keeps me above BMR (which is why bodies stall if you eat under BMR - stupid 1200) but less then TDEE of 2100 which would have me maintaining..........

    Within 3 weeks of the scale not moving, boom, it dropped 2-3 lbs and I have not looked back - last weigh in was a 5 lb loss after a 2 week prior weigh in.......................and I am 21 lbs down and still going down...............

    I learned and am still learning that the scale is crap - my clothes fit better and different despite any # on that thing - the chemistry in my body has changed and continues to change by giving it what it needs.............with that TOM and end of day weigh in's, forget it - now I weigh MAYBE twice a month and strategic to when TOM is over and always in the AM..............I go more by fit in clothes and seeing my shape change..........

    Eating more to weigh less absolutely works!
  • suezydereuzy
    suezydereuzy Posts: 13 Member
    I am hoping for confirmation that I am doing this correctly -

    My BMR is 1545
    My TDEE (according to is 1852 with little to no exercise. I am planning on eating back my exercise calories.
    If I subtract 20% (370) from my TDEE my calorie goal is 1482.

    Should this be lower than my BMR???

    SOOO confused....
  • suezydereuzy
    suezydereuzy Posts: 13 Member
    My light activity level TDEE is 2122 - would I be better subtracting 20% from this and NOT eat back the exercise calories?
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    i'm glad i found this... i've only just started with this method a few days ago, but would love to see/ hear more results???? :)

    3 weeks ago i began eatting a heck of a lot better the ever before, cutting saturated fats, and basically watching cals... i know it was only two weeks into it at 1300 cals but i thought something would have happened since it was such a DRAMATIC diet change.. but nothing did..
    one of my fellow MFP told me about this method... its only been a few days but i'm hoping for some good results, especially when i hear the results you have gotten!!! :) all the best guys!!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My light activity level TDEE is 2122 - would I be better subtracting 20% from this and NOT eat back the exercise calories?

    I personally find that it's better for me at this point. In the beginning my exercise was so sporadic that I didn't feel confident going to the TDEE method, but now I exercise regularly and I like the simplicity.

    From what you've written I can't tell whether you did or not, but remember that when you figure your TDEE you should include exercise if you're not going to eat back exercise calories.
  • coffee4me57
    coffee4me57 Posts: 195
  • aprilslusher
    aprilslusher Posts: 127 Member