What you 'should' be eating...



  • RavenHershey0107
    I have been in a similar situation on this site. I chose to lose weight and become healthier through moderation and portion control but some people seem to think this is the wrong approach. I have actually had members sends me studies and research on why their way was better. Lol I had to giggle because they just wasted their time. Last time I checked I was the one going to work to make money to buy groceries therefore I am the only one responsible for what I buy and consume. If I want advice I will ask for it but until then it isn't anyone elses business. Unless they want to buy and prepare my food for me I expect them to keep their opinions to themselves.

    I had a snicker bar for lunch today:O (I know some of you just fainted). Usually I am able to go home for lunch and have a nutritious meal but thanks to an employee laying out I had to skip my lunch all together and I had to eat something.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I think we are all on this site for our own reasons, so why criticize someone else. We all have our own goals and it is our own responsiblity to meet those goals. In the end you alone are responsible for the calories you put in your mouth, so why criticize someone else, instead congratulate them on meeting their goals. Life is crazy enough, why bring drama to MFP!


    Here here!!

    Losing weight and getting healthy is hard enough without the peanut gallery.

    I'm very defensive about the way I eat because it's working for the first time in my life and I'm not doing something insane and unattainable. I have never thought to myself 'Oh geez I can't wait to lose this 33kg so I can eat like a fatty again' because that wont work for ME. I can see myself eating this way forever. I get the food I like and I really enjoy the choices I'm making. Sure, I'd smash a can of pringles right now but I'd feel really ill and I would make it up for the rest of the week.
    But, if someone wants to eat differently to me that's fine. If they can see this as a lifestyle change and sticking to it forever then hooray. I'd support them all the way.

    I guess your eating habits are like that religious quote... 'It's fine to have a big wang. It's fine to talk about your big wang and be proud of it. It's NOT fine to shove it down everyone's throats and expect them to like it'

    But still goes, if anyone does that to me I'll be deleting them.
    I'm so honest with my diary that I've started a picture diary from the 15/10 to the 15/11 on instagram and link these photos to facebook. I'm putting dates, meal and calorie details on there. For my entire world to see. Everything that goes into my mouth is on instagram and facebook. That works for me, being honest and open. The more people who see the more I feel like I am accountable for it. I want to be a good role model for others losing weight. I'd love to be a positive inspiration. Mostly, I want to show people in my life they don't need to resort to drastic measures to be healthy.

    and ps a mars bar for lunch every now and then IS a treat. I'd rather just have that and fit it into my day rather than having it on top, feeling full and sick and having to make up for it during the week. I'd really like to enjoy that mars bar... it might even take me an hour to eat it! Just to savour the flavour. :laugh:
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Preach on sister! I want to change my life not just a quick fix. There are some foods I really don't want to cut out so I've made them work within moderation. Never have an oreo or a french fry again? F*@% that! I do try to eat well 90% of the time and I've gotten much more in tune with my body as to what foods I just do not like as far as how they make me feel. I

    There are some foods that I totally avoid now that I'm working on getting healthier. I totally avoid McDs now. Even though I could work it into my calorie budget it makes me feel so terrible. Even the tea makes me feel odd. Your body truly knows what is best for it!

    A candy bar here or there isn't going to break you.

    To each his own and what works for one person truly may not work for another! Keep on eating those big breakfasts after a jog if you want! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member

    I guess your eating habits are like that religious quote... 'It's fine to have a big wang. It's fine to talk about your big wang and be proud of it. It's NOT fine to shove it down everyone's throats and expect them to like it'

    That is PERFECT!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm not on a diet because diets don't work. This is a lifestyle change.
    That's getting posted on my wall.

    Neat! You can thank my fiance for that one. He pounded that point into my head(not literally of course) until it stuck.
  • anntyson
    anntyson Posts: 23 Member
    i was also critized for some of my meals and my exercise....called me squeaky knees....how does she know if my knees are squeaky or not !!! She was always critizing me in all my posts....so i deleted her as my friend....We are here to support one another and not be critizing anyone or anything we do....i almost deleted myself from this site but decided not to because i love reading and getting new ideas from other people...
  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    This is why I love mfp, so many lovely peeps!!

    The fact is no matter how you do it, overall it's that you do it, get to a healthy weight and stick to it long term. I'm not obsessed with food. I know what's good for my body and what's good for my soul. I'm balanced with my choices and I'm at peace with that.

    My point was that sometimes people can become overly obsessed with all this and unless I actually ask for your opinion it's just a unnecessary criticism. (The people who hand them out might want to ask themselves why they find it necessary to try and tear strips off people anyway) The person messaged me to congratulate my weight loss and requested to be friends as I'd inspired them. Then they belittled my food diary and criticised my choices... Unfriended.

    Four pages of fab people all saying 'go for it' 'well done' that's what helps people. I've never felt so encouraged.

    To anyone who judges others, shame on you, get on with your own life and stop trying to push others back or your views down their throat. It's called a difference of opinion because funnily enough... We're different people.

    (I'm going to eat 100,000,000 mars bars right now!!! :oD )

    Fin x
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    This is why I love mfp, so many lovely peeps!!

    The fact is no matter how you do it, overall it's that you do it, get to a healthy weight and stick to it long term. I'm not obsessed with food. I know what's good for my body and what's good for my soul. I'm balanced with my choices and I'm at peace with that.

    My point was that sometimes people can become overly obsessed with all this and unless I actually ask for your opinion it's just a unnecessary criticism. (The people who hand them out might want to ask themselves why they find it necessary to try and tear strips off people anyway) The person messaged me to congratulate my weight loss and requested to be friends as I'd inspired them. Then they belittled my food diary and criticised my choices... Unfriended.

    Four pages of fab people all saying 'go for it' 'well done' that's what helps people. I've never felt so encouraged.

    To anyone who judges others, shame on you, get on with your own life and stop trying to push others back or your views down their throat. It's called a difference of opinion because funnily enough... We're different people.

    (I'm going to eat 100,000,000 mars bars right now!!! :oD )

    Fin x

  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't understand why so defensive. If somebody says something about your diet that you don't agree with, shrug it off. You're eating for yourself, not anybody else. I thought the whole idea of this site was to get feedback.

    My food diary is an open book. Have at it.