

  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Name: Mendy
    Starting Weight at MFP: 273 lbs
    Current Weight: 255 lbs
    Goal Weight: 150ish. Or the healthiest weight I can reach.

    Beginning weigh in with Geezers group 257.5
    Week 1 weigh in (01/22/10): 257
    Week 2 weigh in(01/29/10) : 255
    Week 3 weigh in (02/05/10) : 253

    Well I will say 2 lb weight loss is definitely not due to the last few days. I did work extra hard over the last weekend and ate great!!! Didnt cheat and didnt go over my calories. But 2 days this week I did go over! :grumble: I have had a pretty BLAH :indifferent: week. Just havent felt motivated to work out. Im tired and stressed at work. So I have enrolled in a new thing my employers are offering EXCITED :happy: about it too. They are offering a 15 week "Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less" program. On Thursdays during my lunch they are offering a 30 min nutrition class then on Monday and Wednesday nights we will meet with a trainer at the local fitness center who will give us tips on proper exercise techniques and then we will work out as a group. ITS FREE!!! And if we complete the whole program we will get a half day off with pay. Cant beat that. It starts on Feb. 25th and lasts til June 10th. Im hoping that will be the boost I need to keep me motivated. Good luck to the rest of you today. Hope you all had a good scale day! :flowerforyou:

    That is awesome Mendy!!!! Good for you! Good Luck! You can do it!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    ok. This week I lost 3.5 lbs for a total lost so far of 15.2lbs!!!! I am 3/4 of the way to my first MINI GOAL!!!! So I am pretty excited!!!!! I had a couple of days that I didn't feel good this week. Migraine Tues and after effects on Wednesday. So I missed my cardio DVD workouts but will be right back on it on Monday!!!!!!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    3.5 lbs? Way to go Debi!!! That is fabulous! You are such an inspiration for me! I am so glad you started this thread. I look forward to Fridays and hearing how you guys all did and what you did to get there. We all have good days and bad days and its good to know im not alone in my struggles! Keep it up GIRL!!!!!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Name: Mendy
    Starting Weight at MFP: 273 lbs
    Current Weight: 255 lbs
    Goal Weight: 150ish. Or the healthiest weight I can reach.

    Beginning weigh in with Geezers group 257.5
    Week 1 weigh in (01/22/10): 257
    Week 2 weigh in(01/29/10) : 255
    Week 3 weigh in (02/05/10) : 253
    Week 4 weigh in (02/12/10) : 252.3

    Ok...a 0.7 lb weight loss this week. Im happy with that. :happy: A loss is a loss. :smile: I didnt work out very much this week so thats something I really need to get back on this weekend. I drank my water, and ate close to my calorie allowance each day. This week I had a sinus infection and ear infection and didnt really feel like working out. But I havent given up!!!:bigsmile: Tomorrow is another day and I CAN DO THIS!!! I can already see many changes other than my weight. My clothes fit better, I have more energy and my confidence is improving! Good luck to the rest of you!!! Hope you have a good weigh in!!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Name: Mendy
    Starting Weight at MFP: 273 lbs
    Current Weight: 255 lbs
    Goal Weight: 150ish. Or the healthiest weight I can reach.

    Beginning weigh in with Geezers group 257.5
    Week 1 weigh in (01/22/10): 257
    Week 2 weigh in(01/29/10) : 255
    Week 3 weigh in (02/05/10) : 253
    Week 4 weigh in (02/12/10) : 252.3

    Ok...a 0.7 lb weight loss this week. Im happy with that. :happy: A loss is a loss. :smile: I didnt work out very much this week so thats something I really need to get back on this weekend. I drank my water, and ate close to my calorie allowance each day. This week I had a sinus infection and ear infection and didnt really feel like working out. But I havent given up!!!:bigsmile: Tomorrow is another day and I CAN DO THIS!!! I can already see many changes other than my weight. My clothes fit better, I have more energy and my confidence is improving! Good luck to the rest of you!!! Hope you have a good weigh in!!

  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825

    I lost 2.2lbs this week... That is a total of 17.4 lbs so far!!!!!!!

    Hope everyone had a loss this week no matter what the number may be!!!! Any struggles this week??? Mine was my Husband's birthday was Monday so we pigged out and that rolled into Late night snacking on Monday, and Tuesday..

    Today is our Potluck day at work and so far so good,,,, Only ate 3 triscuits so that is good... Lunch is almost here and thats when we eat but I made low fat baked boneless buffalo wings so i will have those...
  • LuvnAG10
    Ok, I totally need to join this group! Just started the site yesterday. :smile:
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Ok, I totally need to join this group! Just started the site yesterday. :smile:
    welcome Melissa!! We weigh in every Friday and we give an update as to how our week went
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    YEAH ME!!!!!!!! i have officially met my first MINI GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost a total of 20lbs since 1/8/2010!!!!!! Hope everyone else did well too!!!!!!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Name: Mendy
    Starting Weight at MFP: 273 lbs
    Current Weight: 252 lbs
    Goal Weight: 150ish. Or the healthiest weight I can reach.

    Beginning weigh in with Geezers group 257.5
    Week 1 weigh in (01/22/10): 257
    Week 2 weigh in(01/29/10) : 255
    Week 3 weigh in (02/05/10) : 253
    Week 4 weigh in (02/12/10) : 252.3
    Week 5 weigh in (02/19/10) : 252

    Down 0.3 this week. Still chugging along! Ive hit a plateau I think :grumble: Gotta take a look at my food and exercise and change things up a bit this next week. But Im still very happy with my losses so far. This site is amazing and I love all of the friends ive made.

    Way to GO Debi!!! Reaching our goals is what keeps us on track! Very proud of you! And also very glad we have someone else wanting to join our group. We need to add more people for sure! Good luck next week to everyone!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Down 0.3 this week. Still chugging along! Ive hit a plateau I think :grumble: Gotta take a look at my food and exercise and change things up a bit this next week. But Im still very happy with my losses so far. This site is amazing and I love all of the friends ive made.

    WTG Mendy!!!!!!!! You are doing great!!!!!!! Yeah I am very happy that people want to join this group!!!!!!!! Good Luck this week to everyone!!!!!!!!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Gotta say that I did really bad on Sunday with my calories... All my Nutrition info was way over!!!!!!!!!!! I went to the movies with Hubby and we were so hungry that we ate a ton of popcorn!!!!!! But today I am back on track and chugging right along!!!!!!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    OK... I weighed in today because I will be coming into work late tomorrow. I have lost 2.8lbs for a total of 23lbs now!!!!!! yeah!!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I kind of fell of the band wagon last night because I ate an extra piece of pizza and went over my calories, sodium, fat, and sugar... I think its mostly because its TOM time and I am craving and seem hungrier. I started doing my Biggest Loser video again after taking a couple weeks off from it. Only because I was being lazy before. I am back on track now and looking forward to doing good this next week.
    How is everyone doing? Any frustrations or exciting news to share??? Good luck on weigh in tomorrow! I will be thinking skinny thoughts for all of you!!!!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • TaysMum
    Just thought I'd pop in and say hi! Not to join this group but to comment on the cute name lol :tongue:

    I thought I was gonna stumble across a whole load of East-London (UK) Males on this thread! :laugh: Lemme explain...

    In Cockney (English Slang) a 'Geezer' is a term used to mean a Man, therefore 'Geezers' = Men! :laugh:

    Just thought I'd share! :wink:
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Just thought I'd pop in and say hi! Not to join this group but to comment on the cute name lol :tongue:

    I thought I was gonna stumble across a whole load of East-London (UK) Males on this thread! :laugh: Lemme explain...

    In Cockney (English Slang) a 'Geezer' is a term used to mean a Man, therefore 'Geezers' = Men! :laugh:

    Just thought I'd share! :wink:

    That is really funny... In the USA Geezers means Old people (like over 100 years old) and since we are a bunch of people of different ages that started out by needing to lose at least 100 pounds we decided to jokingly call ourselves the Geezers Group.. :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Name: Mendy
    Starting Weight at MFP: 273 lbs
    Current Weight: 252 lbs
    Goal Weight: 150ish. Or the healthiest weight I can reach.

    Beginning weigh in with Geezers group 257.5
    Week 1 weigh in (01/22/10): 257
    Week 2 weigh in(01/29/10) : 255
    Week 3 weigh in (02/05/10) : 253
    Week 4 weigh in (02/12/10) : 252.3
    Week 5 weigh in (02/19/10) : 252
    Week 6 weigh in (02/26/10) : 252

    I maintained this week. :grumble: I wanted a loss but I didnt earn it, thats for sure! I have been a slacker most definitely! Im hoping I can have a rejuvenation this week. I need to get back to what I had when I first started...that drive...that determination! Im working out tonight at the local gym and hopefully that will be the boost I need to get back on the fitness kick! Good luck Debi! Hope you have a good week!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    WELL MENDY! STEADINESS IS BETTER THAN GAIN!!!!! I had a wonderful weekend. How was your weekend?
    Sunday I fell of the wagon and had Del Taco for Lunch and then Cold Stone ice cream for desert. I am back on track today but it was so beautiful out and I wanted that ice cream really bad!!!!

    Hope this is a great week for everyone!!!!!!!!!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Well Mendy!!!!!

    It kind of looks like you and I are the only two left!!!!! Everyone else seem to have left us!!!!!!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Beginning weigh in with Geezers group 257.5
    Week 1 weigh in (01/22/10): 257
    Week 2 weigh in(01/29/10) : 255
    Week 3 weigh in (02/05/10) : 253
    Week 4 weigh in (02/12/10) : 252.3
    Week 5 weigh in (02/19/10) : 252
    Week 6 weigh in (02/26/10) : 252
    Week 7 weigh in (03/05/10) : 251


    It does look like we are the only two left! I had an ok weekend :smile: Went to two classes at the gym Saturday. They were one hour each: zumba and kickboxing. Then yesterday I went for a walk with my son, 1.5 miles and it was mostly uphill. I didnt see a great loss but I am happy with a pound. At least the scale is moving for me again. :bigsmile: Hope you have a wonderful week. We can do surrender!!! :laugh: