any ladies at 18-21% body fat with pics?



  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    This thread is full of inspirations! :love:
  • AussieMisfit
    AussieMisfit Posts: 78 Member
    So how did you all get there??

    I've been stuck at 22ish (aiming for 18%) for months! I do a full-body strength session (heavy - for me) 3 times a week and play sport/some sort of cardio another 3. Calorie wise I'm averaging just below TDEE.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    probably around mid/high teens as of my current avatar pic. Maybe 17/15 ish?
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member

    I don’t know if you can tell the difference because I’m clothed in the before pictures. I was about 27 percent body fat in the pictures from before, I don’t know about now but I think it’s closer to maybe 20ish? My before pictures aren’t the best because I hated the camera at 145 pounds lol those after pictures are actually from a couple month ago, my legs are a bit more muscular now I just haven't taken a progress picture in forever

    You can definitely see a difference! Great job! How long did it take you to get to where you are and what was your workout routine? Also how many calories did you eat? Closer to weightloss calories or closer to maintenance calories? Thank you :)

    It took me about 6 months. Ignore my past couple weeks. I have Mono so these have NOT been my typical days.

    As for how long it took about 6 months. I was 140 in those picture, I am 115/118 now. I eat between 1300-1500 calories most rest days and normally eat back a lot of my exercise calories as well, sometimes all. I mostly just stick to running honestly! Normally about 6 miles but I also do shorter 5K runs or longer 8-10 mile runs. But I randomly do lifting maybe once a week

    I'll admit I haven't lifted that much. Mostly I just watch my macro's eat a lot of protein, make sure I'm fueling my body & exercise if I know I'm going out to dinner or something. But there have been days I've gone completely crazy (PMS) normally and eaten like 2000 cals without working out and it didn't really have any major effect!

    I cut out alcohol and red meat and a lot of snack-foods. When I do eat snacks I make them low cal to save more calories for me meals. I do high carb low fat naturally eating mostly vegetarian. I'd say for me it's been 85 percent diet & 15 percent exercise. LOTS of portion control. I allow myself to eat what I want if i can fit it in

    And thank you! I had such a bad day & you made me feel better =)
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    in my profile pic my scale said i was 19% (it was a few years ago, i'm working my way back down)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I'm not sure where I started but after I lost 10lbs I did testing and my BF% was 22% via Bod Pod and I got it down to 17%. I know that's lower than your range but I'm short and a small build; 5'2 112 lbs. I have various pics on my profile. I go back next week to see how I've maintained. :/ I lifted heavy, did HIIT cardio and ate at a cut from my TDEE.

    At 19% 5/12

    At 17% 6/12-Current

    Before Pic at Heaviest 130 lbs 7/11
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    So how did you all get there??

    I've been stuck at 22ish (aiming for 18%) for months! I do a full-body strength session (heavy - for me) 3 times a week and play sport/some sort of cardio another 3. Calorie wise I'm averaging just below TDEE.

    I would also love to know how everyone's gotten there! I'm still a total newbie!
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I'm not sure where I started but after I lost 10lbs I did testing and my BF% was 22% via Bod Pod and I got it down to 17%. I know that's lower than your range but I'm short and a small build; 5'2 112 lbs. I have various pics on my profile. I go back next week to see how I've maintained. :/ I lifted heavy, did HIIT cardio and ate at a cut from my TDEE.

    At 19% 5/12

    At 17% 6/12-Current

    Before Pic at Heaviest 130 lbs 7/11

    Your abs look amazing!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    thanks for sharing everyone! :)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    <--- 19.5% body fat.

    I was at 43% body fat three years ago & I have some pics on my photobucket but couldn't able to put it here as I'm having problems with my computer.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Yes, lifting heavy weights is required. With or without excess fat, your body simply will not look healthy and fit without well-trained muscle tissue.

    Read Staci's story in the link. Or just scroll through quickly to see her progress pictures. It should provide all the motivation you need.
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