Single, 24, No Kids - Looking for similar



  • Hello! I'm single, no kids ( unless you count my babies at work, there are 4 in my class), 23. I work full time, soon to return to school in January, so excited! Currently doing Insanity, my real fitness passion is yoga though.

    Running is on my list of things to learn to love, but I have to take a little more weight off first to keep my joints in tact lol. Where are you going to school?
  • Hey! I am 30, and have no kids, except my baby Chihuahua. I am single, so my life is very different from people with a husband and children. I am still not sure how to add friends, so if you know how, feel free to add me. I am a member of a gym, and often do the eliptical and weight machines. I enjoy hiking and yoga, and would like to start some easy bike trails, come spring. I always loved to ride my bike as a kid, and got away from that as I grew up. Good luck and hope to hear from you soon!:smile:
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    you look awesome...congrats
  • My goals are a heck of a lot different but I'm 24, single, with no kids and work and go to school full time as well so feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • newme1850
    newme1850 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 27, working full-time, part-time MBA. No kids, single.

    SW: 212
    CW: 194
    GW: 145

    Your weight loss pic is impressive! Feel free to add me :)
  • Guess I am totally different from everyone on this post...

    30... Married... No Kids(Look one thing in common yay)

    Hate running.. did enough of that in the military...

    like to swim when I can...
    Take pictures... (Have a photography business with my wife called Fidelis Turtles Photography)
    Love playing video games...
    Have a hard time staying on task but do my best...

    Currently 208lbs would like to get to 190lbs...

    Also work full time... as tech engineer
    Also go to school full time....
    Also do photography part time...
    And part of the Big Brother program....
  • rms180
    rms180 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm married with kids, work full time and love exercise. Unfortunately I also love food, so I'm here to lose 15 or 20lbs.
  • Hi all!

    I'm not single, but I am 23 with no kids! I'm a teacher and I just finished grad school last May. I'd love some new friends to help me stay on track through the coming holiday season.

    Current: 135
    Goal: 120
    Calories: 1200-1400 depending on the exercise I do
    Interests: Just started running six months ago! I also enjoy circuit training and I'm trying to do more strength training
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm only 20 and I'm not single, but we have really similar stats! I'm about 143 right now and my goal is around 120! I'm also a full time student!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    full time work/ full time school.
    nursing pre-req student
    cal goal 1400
    cw 112 .
    gw 110. feel free to add me
    trying to up the cardio but i really do hate running
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    *yells to group of old pervy creep friends*

    C'MON IN GUYS!...the water's warrrrrrm!
    and full of single chicks with no kids

    LMAO @ this^^
  • melissafun
    melissafun Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also single, 24, and no kids. I work part time and am in grad school to become a librarian. Feel free to friend me, everyone.

  • I am 26 but I have kids and i am married. cw 148 gw 130. i lift wieghts, yoga, running, basket ball, and turbo fire
  • 22. full time nursing student. part time job.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • katisabanana
    katisabanana Posts: 185 Member
    i'm 20, single, def no babies! add me!
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    I'm 25, single, childfree.

    I find it amazing how difficult it is to find peers who don't have kids. I feel like even the 18-21s are all mothers. I can't relate.

    Feel free to add me, and feel free to not. XD This goes for anyone on the thread. I'm kind of a weird case, so proceed with caution if you choose to add.
  • 25, married, no kids, PhD candidate in genetics. No time to work out... *sigh*.... Ever since I started grad school my butt's been getting bigger and bigger.