Calling All People With Disabilities


I wanted to make a group for people that have disabilities like I do, I have Tourettes, OCD, Anxiety Disorder (Panic Attacks a lot) Anyways, I wanted to make this so we could work together cause I know what it's like being disabled, and I would love to motivate others and help them too whenever they need to talk, We can start off about yourself if you want, and then about your goals for the next month, or couple months, or whenever! ^^ My current weight right now is 175.9 lbs
I'd like to be 138 lbs, Which is my goal by the summer! :) Cheers!


  • CaptainJim157
    No one? Really? Am I the only one disabled here? :(
    Ah well, I tried at least,.. lol
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    No your not the only one you have company I was in a accident 7 years ago was told I would never walk again but I am I have cronic pain still guess I always will. I take 2 line dance classes a week to help with my balance and memory it helps.:smile:
  • CaptainJim157
    Aww, sorry to hear that! I'm glad that your doing better though! :) I've noticed that my anxiety has improved quite a bit since exercising regularly and eating healthy! I actually took the buses today to quite a few different places! I haven't done that in a long time! :)
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Just baby steps but before long we will be running just have to do a little every day. Glad your anxiety has improved. I will be weighing in again on Friday. Hope I have lost lbs. I will be weighing in on Thursday next week because I am leaving on my cruise. Well if no one wants to join us we can still talk here and work on our goals of loosing weight. I started line dancing a little over a year ago and that helps with mood, memory and balance. Has helped me a lot I have lost my limp and can move my ankle now. :happy: . I have a class in the morning it is from 9:30 to 11:00 but we take 2 breaks to get a drink and visit a minute during class.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hi, im not disabled, but i have a daughter that is. shes 7 and she cant do anything for herself. i do everything for her so i can relate. she cant even hold her head up :cry: she was finally diagnosed recently with atypical retts syndrome. they just found an abnormal gene and say thats whats caused her problems. her brain has never developed, its that of an infant. i also have 3 other kids. it can be alot sometimes and stressfull too. i dont ever get out nor do i have friends so this website is helping so far!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    FOOJA welcome glad to have you here. As you read I was in an accident that is why I'm here. I have a Nephew that I have custody of he has mental problems and severe depression. I feel for you I know it has to be stressfull. Was supose to go to linedance this morning but my right foot is really hurting this morning so just trying to stay off it for the day. By the way you have beautiful children. I have 4children 2 boys 2 girls and a Grandson and Grandaughter. I was lucky all are healthy. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You're not alone. I have Fibromyaliga, chronic pain, as well as depression, anxiety, OCD...I'm a variable cornucopia of issues. lol (no laughing matter, really!). Each one adds an extra burden to trying to lose weight and get healthy.
  • CaptainJim157
    Hi everyone! Glad some people joined! ^^ I had my first WI today (since using the site regularly) I lost 5.6 lbs! I'm now 172.0 lbs! :happy:
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :smile: Welcome Brenda Lee glad to have you here.
    :smile: Hi thesims3dude just going to take a few, for people to join but a few at a time is good. Glad you are having a good day
  • CaptainJim157
    Thank you! Is everyone else having a good day? ^^
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member
    Hello There!
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member
    Oops, hit the wrong button....I'm not exactly disabled but I do have knee & hip issues. I had two total knee replacements a couple years ago and although they are considerably better, they will never be 100% - especially since I'm considerably overweight. The hips are not so great and since I've had a couple knee surgeries already, I am completely dreading a hip replacement - although I know it will eventually come to that. I try to do the treadmill but I'm really lucky if I can do 15 minutes at a time. I do have a recumbent stationery bicycle and I can manage 30 minutes on that. My problem is motivation. I am 65 years old (a young 65), 5'2", and weight about 245. My husband is pretty diligent at doing the recumbent bike daily but I still don't have any support or motivation. I can eat healthfully all day but at dinner time and evening time I seem to fall apart. Help!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    FOOJA welcome glad to have you here. As you read I was in an accident that is why I'm here. I have a Nephew that I have custody of he has mental problems and severe depression. I feel for you I know it has to be stressfull. Was supose to go to linedance this morning but my right foot is really hurting this morning so just trying to stay off it for the day. By the way you have beautiful children. I have 4children 2 boys 2 girls and a Grandson and Grandaughter. I was lucky all are healthy. :smile: :flowerforyou:

    thank you!!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Hi everyone! Glad some people joined! ^^ I had my first WI today (since using the site regularly) I lost 5.6 lbs! I'm now 172.0 lbs! :happy:

    congrats on the loss!!! lol, usually we say sorry for your loss, but not here at mfp!!!
  • CaptainJim157
    Hehe, thanks! ^^ I'm extremely proud of myself! :)
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Hi all and welcome Caralyn glad to have you here.
    Today I didn't go to linedance because my foot was hurting :angry: Hope tomorrow is better it is log in day for me hope I lost some lbs.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all, I'm sarina and i've been cursed my whole life with learning disabilities. My journey has been ****y because i grew up in the chicago public school system and there they decided i was LD because i failed every test and homework assignment. But yet they never refered me to a special doctor, just put me in special classes with behavior kids. AHHH. I was so scared. All i can say is that it takes me forever to learn new things. I was 12 by the time i learned how to tie my shoes and ride a bike without training wheels. This has effected my whole life socially as well because half the time i don't know what anyone is saying. My big word was WHAT. And that made me appear to be a moron to my piers. My family could never afford to get me tested and i have been looking for a long time for goverment assistance. Its ridiculous how long it takes me to learn anything and i can make another person very frustrated very fast. This sucks. Its like my brain is on a different frequency. Job Situation forget it, they think i lie about this. But i do relate with people who have disabilities and i understand the pain it cause. Believe me, i've had a communication crisis my whole life.
  • karins4
    karins4 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi - I have Fibromyalgia too. Also have a heart problem that started after going on some meds for the fibro so now my resting heart rate is usually over 100. Last year I had to leave work on disability for 6 months because the pain was so bad it hurt to walk, sit and basically move and my chronic fatigue was making me sleep 12-17 hours a night.

    I've been going to doctors regularly for 6 years now and are now all saying they don't know what else to do for me. I react badly to all of the meds I've tried and have run out of options in that area. After I was forced back to work I decided to go see a naturopathic doctor that helped my mom and cousin. I can't believe how much she has helped me in just 2 months. Also just started seeing a new cardiologist. Finally someone who wants to help treat the high heart rate instead of "come back in a few months for another round of the same tests".

    I've been sleeping better and am finally starting to be able to wake up in the morning again. I've been in less pain so I'm walking better still hurts after a while...but I can do 15 minutes walking kinda fast on the treadmill now without my back and hip hurting.

  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :happy: Welcome Sarina there are all types of disabilities and all seem to have things in common (frustration).
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Welcome Karin:happy: