**Question's Only**



  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Did his crack make you happy?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    An impressive crack isn't it?
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    Should I be jealous that his has automobiles?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Does yours only have gerbils?

  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Are you saying you would like automobiles in your crack?
  • willisda
    willisda Posts: 2,251 Member
    Does yours only have gerbils?


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Wasn't that just the quote of the day?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    G-Sizzle is his super-confident women can't resist me ego? and Pirate well, I am not sure, but would you know that this is what I learned to call him?

    Is Pirate feom the jolly roger that I usually fly and/or the Pirate tattoo on my shoulder in my pic?
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    Does yours only have gerbils?

    Hahahaha... Have I told you lately how much I love.. hating you?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Do you guys know I would be super interersted in which personality Traits that Dawn and GC posses? Can I make a prediction that much like myself GC is ESTJ? Briggs Meyers personality test for anyone that wants to take it
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Don't feel badly about church, Aren't I at hockey?
    Does every kid in Canada play ahh-key?

    Does every kid in America play baseball....or more recently beisbol?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Does yours only have gerbils?

    Hahahaha... Have I told you lately how much I love.. hating you?

    Have I told you lately how hot that pic is?
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Can a mom ever be sick and not be needed for something?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Do you guys know I would be super interersted in which personality Traits that Dawn and GC posses? Can I make a prediction that much like myself GC is ESTJ? Briggs Meyers personality test for anyone that wants to take it

    Are you saying I have multiple personalities?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    G-Sizzle is his super-confident women can't resist me ego? and Pirate well, I am not sure, but would you know that this is what I learned to call him?

    Is Pirate feom the jolly roger that I usually fly and/or the Pirate tattoo on my shoulder in my pic?

    Can I say that for me it was the Jolly Roger?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Do you guys know I would be super interersted in which personality Traits that Dawn and GC posses? Can I make a prediction that much like myself GC is ESTJ? Briggs Meyers personality test for anyone that wants to take it

    Are you saying I have multiple personalities?

    Have you never taken a Personality test....it is fun and tells you about yerself... Do you think I have multiple personalities...ie...Greg G-Sizzle and Pirate?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Can a mom ever be sick and not be needed for something?

    That depends....How much did you help with snow removal?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    G-Sizzle is his super-confident women can't resist me ego? and Pirate well, I am not sure, but would you know that this is what I learned to call him?

    Is Pirate feom the jolly roger that I usually fly and/or the Pirate tattoo on my shoulder in my pic?

    Can I say that for me it was the Jolly Roger?

    Really did you not think I was an actual Pirate from 1685 since you are always calling me old? What ime and what channel is your show on tonight?...You enthrall me
  • Stacyplus5
    Can a mom ever be sick and not be needed for something?
    If you ever experience this will you let me know the secret?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Why are there 2 Q'sO threads?
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Can a mom ever be sick and not be needed for something?

    That depends....How much did you help with snow removal?

    Did I not walk across the street and ask my neighbor to plow us out?