Mean and Spiteful People



  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    STOP! Take a step back from the situation.

    1. You where emotional and mentally abused by your husband.

    2. You did what you had to. You had to protect your kids.

    3. He passed away by his own hand.

    HOW is any of that your fault? It's not.

    Girl it's time to move on. Stop letting your ex husband emotional and mentally abuse you. He has no power over you. He never did and never will.

    His mother needs to back off. Either she thinks the world of him or she is the nut case. I don't care if it is a small tone. The family knew what happened. They did nothing to help you.

    Shame. on. them.

    How could she even LET him hurt you? I have no clue. Yet, it's time to heal yourself from the deep wounds he left you.

    Personally, I wouldn't bother to talk to any of the family. They are still trying to hurt you

    His mother needs to back off. Either she thinks the world of him or she is the nut case. I don't care if it is a small tone. The family knew what happened. They did nothing to help you.

    Shame. on. them.

    How could she even LET him hurt you? I have no clue. Yet, it's time to heal yourself from the deep wounds he left you.

    Personally, I wouldn't bother to talk to any of the family. They are still trying to hurt you. So get away from them. They sound mental and not in the good way.

    If they won't take the kids to spend time than its their loss. Don't worry about it.

    You are more important. Work on you.