Clean eating cereal other than oatmeal?



  • bonitacubana
    I eat Holy crap cereal the dragons blend ... I mix it with yogurt and let it sit for a few minutes and it is yummy. They say to let it sit in bowl of water in the fridge then just take out a 1/4 cup at a time and pour almond milk over.... going to try it this weekend. It has chia seeds that plump up when immersed in water.
    Wow I never even heard of this one!
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    I like organic granola. its like my replacement for cheerios.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    the bagged plain puffed wheat and puffed rice are usually clean
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member

    HOT D_MN! :devil: serious FOOD PORN!:embarassed:
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I eat spelt flakes, or cream of brown rice cereal or Ruth's chia goodness cereal. All of those are great. I also eat Ezekiel cereals with almond milk. That's very "clean" in my opinion.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    yes because one bowl of "non-clean" cereal will completely derail all your weight loss/getting healthy efforts....
  • crystelnicole
    Any suggestions for a good clean breakfast cold cereal? I thought Cheerios was possibly a good one until I saw all of the ingredients :ohwell:

    I still eat my cornflakes. Can't always be 110% clean eaters!
  • naner61
    naner61 Posts: 85
    Options for anyone looking more info.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    The problem with cereal that is good for you is the amount is so small. One serving is like a pinch of it in a bowl. It's ridiculous. I'd much rather eat 6 egg whites with fresh spinach, and whole grain toast, plain. Much more food and I feel satisfied.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Honestly I don't know how 'clean' it is (I'm not 100% clean though I do my best), but I love the Kashi cereals. I also indulge with Raisin Bran or (plain) Cheerios occasionally. Right now I'm on a raisin bran kick. I haven't had Kashi for awhile.

    Edit: Forgot that I also have grits sometimes. Although I'm not sure you would count that as an oatmeal or cereal replacement.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm having some Kashi Mountain Medley right now; so goooooooooood. Unfortunately it's calorie dense, so I only have 1/4 cup as a topping for yogurt and fruit.

    I love muesli, too. There are low-fat, low-sugar versions that I hunt down.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You can make your own cereal!

    Easy to make your own CLEAN granola. Plenty of recipes out there. Here's one:

    If you dont like cinnamon, then use vanilla or whatever you like. Then add things like nuts, fruit, unsweetened coconut, dried goji berries, ground flaxseed or whole chia seeds, etc. (possibilities are endless!) I like to use unsweetened vanilla almond milk with my homemade cereals to add some flavor. In the bulk cereal section of whole foods, I found some toasted quinoa (I think that's what it was called. It was just quinoa that had been toasted, nothing added) and I throw some of that in my granola cereal too.

    You can premix your cereal portions on Sundays and have them bagged and ready to use during the week.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Go forage for some berries in the forest.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    Any suggestions for a good clean breakfast cold cereal? I thought Cheerios was possibly a good one until I saw all of the ingredients :ohwell:

    Which ingredient were you concerned about?

    Sugar, salt, corn starch & some things I can't pronounce lol!

    So the relative cleanliness of a food item is positively correlated with my ability to pronounce scientific terms?


    The main ingredients in Cheerios include whole grain oats, sugar, oat fiber and salt. I would bet that the ingredients that you can't pronounce are called vitamins.

    There is nothing "unclean" about Cheerios, in my opinion. The only thing wrong with it is you have to dump extra sugar in it. Honey Nut Cheerios is much yummier.

    they are probably not considered "clean" if you are referring to the eat clean diet, which i think thats what she is talking about. specifically because of the corn starch though perhaps.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Muesli. That combined with yogurt (or liquid yogurt) will keep you going for hours (I've eating it before a half day of hiking plenty of times)
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    yes because one bowl of "non-clean" cereal will completely derail all your weight loss/getting healthy efforts....

    no, but every little bit helps. if she is strict about it, then good for her!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    people have said that anything coming out of a box isn't really 'clean eating' and i'd pretty much agree with that.

    but they do have cherrios made from splet and some other cerial made from chia seeds (yes chia like chia pet). there both ancient grains that haven't been selectively bread for 1000s of years to make a more refined product... and somehow that means its got a lower glycemic index lol. there's probably still perservatives and what not in it though.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Go forage for some berries in the forest.

    And make me some Jelly!!!!! :angry:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Go with Wheaties or Raisin Bran. But the regular Cheerios are fine from a weight loss perspective. I prefer the Raisin Bran for the combo of fiber and flavor.