I ate 3 donuts today

What can i say, unbelievable. Going to the gym soon. need support :|


  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. 3 donuts won't kill all the hard work you've put in. You can do this!!
  • smtorti
    smtorti Posts: 10 Member
    I don't know if you will find this to be support - but sometimes you just need a donut! Yes, get out there and work it off. If you can have just one, occationally go for it. I believe if I don't indulge every once it a while I will fall of the wagon on my cushy tushy....but you have to have control and you have to "earn" the reward with hard work and a clean diet otherwise.
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    Maybe next time don't go as long before you allow yourself a little treat. That way you don't over indulge and you stay on track! Good luck!!!
  • littlemissnatalie
    Focus on the present, and what you can do now. The past is over. You can do it!
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Iv done that so many times i cant count lol Just get back on the horse and dont eat 3 donuts again for a very long time if you want to get to your goals... dont beat yourself up about it though.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    Dude, stop eating donuts. You're on a diet.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    thats bc its virtually impossible to eat just one
  • raj83168
    Thank you, This is the first time I am dieting & I am not sure if its supposed to give u a ton of craving. Trying to maintain my calorie count around 1700 with clean calories, but when I see delicious stuff, It drives me crazy.
  • Branok
    Branok Posts: 47 Member
    Dude, stop eating donuts. You're on a diet.

    ANYWAY, to OP:
    It's okay! We all have those days. I mean, today I had cupcakes...but the thing is, I allow myself to have cheat days every now and then. If I didn't, I'd go crazy and wouldn't be able to stay on track. Plus, not much you can do about it now! Tomorrow is a new day, so just take it one grain at a time..and work extra hard at the gym on your next visit :D
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    Stop...take a deep breath....you will be fine.:smile:
  • Anamdalta
    Thank you, This is the first time I am dieting & I am not sure if its supposed to give u a ton of craving. Trying to maintain my calorie count around 1700 with clean calories, but when I see delicious stuff, It drives me crazy.

    Do you eat back any of your exercise calories? If not, maybe you need to, periodically, to give yourself some wiggle room for the occasional donut. For me, it would be ice cream -- normally, i leave it alone, but every so often, it's an ice cream kind of a day. If it doesn't fit in my count for that day, I work out a bit longer the next day. Treats are fine (and keep you sane)... it's when they're the bulk of your calories that you've got to worry.

    Don't beat yourself up. Those donuts are sneaky, being all in your face and delicious ;)
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    What matters is.... Just don't do it tomorrow. Get back on track now. You'll be fine.
  • workingonme2013
    Hay don't sweat it, everyone slips up you will get back on your track, the more you stress the more you will gain so just get up and go again.
  • kingzwoman
    kingzwoman Posts: 10 Member
    LOL! I know what you mean. I just started this 2 days ago and I feel like bc I know I'm on a diet i gt hungry more. I keep telling myself its not a diet, Its a new way of living!
    I believe though you got to treat yourself sometimes! Have a donut or 2 and really enjoy it, as long as it is not an everyday thing.
  • dmcole13
    dmcole13 Posts: 133 Member
    i've been craving a donut for weeks now!! i have lots of trouble with cravings, don't feel so alone. i think i better eat one so i don't eat 6!!!!!!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Throw in some extra cardio to burn off the carbs and sugars. Chances are you're at a deficit and while it may seem like an extreme indulgence, it probably hasn't hurt you in the long run. Just don't let it shred your resolve, don't beat yourself up about it, and don't use it as an excuse to binge. Good luck!
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    I hate donuts but I have to say I have ate 4500 cals box of chocolate before and the next day it kicked my metabolism and I lost 2 pounds the next morning... dont beat yourself up :)
  • raj83168
    They are sneaky indeed, sneaked into my tummy so fast. Its my gym day anyway, so might as well work a lil harder.

    Now, to build a plan of action for those cravings
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I like donuts.