How often do you weigh?

Just curious on how often everyone weighs themselves.... Daily? Weekly? Monthly?

Since I just started, I was thinking about weighing daily for the first few weeks, then moving to weekly.

If you weigh weekly... what day do you do it on and is there a reason for it?

Just trying to find my place. :)


  • tikidu
    tikidu Posts: 4 Member
    i bought a digital scale and I am addicted to weighing myself everyday. The day after I've eaten too much salt it's best to avoid it cause the number can be disheartening.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Monthly. I get too discouraged otherwise
  • JenParenti
    When I did weight watchers they tell you to weigh weekly because your weight can fluctuate so much within 24 hours. You can drive yourself crazy if you weigh yourself daily and don't see the number going down. They also said to try to weigh yourself around the same time every time you do. You'll get more consistent results. Just my two cents. Hope it helps.
  • cncrafton
    cncrafton Posts: 82 Member
    I weigh every morning. I try (TRY) to not let the number get me down. I find it mostly useful because I can see trends in my weight fluctuation.
  • Fatphuckwinsgold
    If, and only if, the volume of deification is worth the re-weigh.
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    I now do it daily, for me it helps keep me on track, victories and set backs keep me focused. I do not get down on myself which can be a potential problem.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Every two weeks. Really works because even if you might've done a little bad one week you still aren't discouraged. It's been helping me a lot, and I just try to fight myself wanting to weigh-in.
  • djtulppo
    djtulppo Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh in every Friday. I am in a Biggest Loser Competition and that is the day everyone picked for it. Its Nice though and I look forward to weigh in every week.
  • tgcitw
    tgcitw Posts: 19
    Every morning, except sundays. I need to monitor myself.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Daily, but officially, every Sunday!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Daily because if I don't then I get off track.
  • chrissy_1
    chrissy_1 Posts: 3 Member
    I usually weight myself twice a week, on a Tuesday and Friday. The reason I do that is so if I had more salt intake over the weekend (eat best during the week, and worse on weekends), then I have one good day before I have to see the number. I weigh on the Friday so I can see the progress during the week before the weekend so it would give me more ambition not to mess up so much on the weekend. But...that's just me :)
  • domcom08
    I will start weighing weekly and since I started my actual diet and exercise Sunday, that will be the day I weigh each week
  • rclcolumbus
    Same time every Saturday morning before you eat anything and of course after "toilet time!"
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Daily to get an idea of hydration levels and the like. Plus, I find it interesting to see the 2-3 pound weight fluctuations. They bother/discourage some people, but I feel that it gives me a better idea of my body's 'habits'.

    I don't have that little voice saying 'give up' though, as I gathered all of the voices in my head up and summarily executed them years ago. For those that still have those, daily might not be a good idea. ;)
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    used to weigh once a week, since I started lifting I refuse to weigh myself anymore. I now use a measuring tape whenever I feel I have made some progress. It keeps the crazies away.
  • katienaas
    katienaas Posts: 4 Member
    Sometimes I weigh myself every day, other times I do it every few days. I asked this question today with my app friends and one said you're supposed to do it weekly, not daily.
  • lillady93
    I try to do weekly but if I know I had a bad week I'll skip it and do super good the next week so I don't get discouraged. It might not be the best idea but that's how I do it.
  • indychick1977
    indychick1977 Posts: 4 Member
    I do every morning, but then i notice that i fluctuate daily, so I am going to try for weekly instead and see how I do. I have heard to weigh when you wake after, your first pee and naked is best to get the most accurate results
  • justmecece
    I weigh myself every Thursday morning at 9am.