Exercise & Weight Loss



  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member

    you need to eat more - take a look at the link and
    find your BMR - don't eat below that number.
    find your TDEE - eat around 20% less than this

    This will give you a single daily target number that includes both your planed deficit and you exercise burn. You do not need to chase after exercise calories. As counter-intuitive as it may sound "Less is not More" when it comes to weight loss. You need to fuel the loss. Once you finde your TDEE and your 20% deficit - increase your daily calories by 100 a week until you get there. You can not build muscle with too large a deficit and you hormones will cause you to hoard energy when you deficit is too large for too long. That is why the initial loss has slowed and reversed even though you intake has not changed.

    I am not sure how to even figure this out. I have tried and I fail.

    Read the "Road map..." link that someone provide in this thread. Then if you have any specific questions we can help. (you might want to start another thread)

    Here you go. Everything in one spot.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member

    you need to eat more - take a look at the link and
    find your BMR - don't eat below that number.
    find your TDEE - eat around 20% less than this

  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    You're really low on protein and pretty high on carbs. I would double or triple your protein and cut your carbs in half. And are you sure you're logging correctly? Are you weighing and measuring everything?
  • ashumeow
    ashumeow Posts: 151 Member
    Make sure that your carb in-take should be less than 130... =)

    If u have a habit of walking, then make sure that u walk for 45 to 60 mins per day.