Race etiquette



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    line up in the back if it's your first race, or if you consider yourself a bit slower than average.
    pass on the left.
    stay to the right of the course, especially if you are doing run/walk intervals--stopping short in the middle can cause pileups (literally!)
    most races allow headphones but be courteous and don't play your music so loud that you are unaware of your environment.
    at water stations, throw your cups in the trash. don't be a litterbug. also throwing cups on the sidewalk can cause others to trip and fall on them.

    Talk to people, smile, make new friends!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Thank all the volunteers along the way!

    this too!
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    at water stations, throw your cups in the trash. don't be a litterbug. also throwing cups on the sidewalk can cause others to trip and fall on them.

    I'm sorry but WHAT? This is not race etiquette at all. You throw to the side to avoid people stepping on them but there is no requirement for throwing them in the trashcan. That can actually be more problematic if you are jumping around, stopping, and darting over to the side. I don't think I have ever been in a race that didn't have a clean up crew at each water stop.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If this is your first race I would ditch the iPod, even if it is allowed. For your own sake, there will be enough "first real race" adrenaline that you won't need music to keep you going. But being aware of a ton of other runners around you is really important too, and I see a lot of iPod users at races 10k and under who are a little too oblivious to the fact that there are other people running.

    Be courteous to those around, and especially behind, you. If you need to stop to walk or slow down, go near the side of the road or even off the road entirely.

    I have to second staying near the back unless you are confident that you are FAST.

    And always high five the little kids. You will make their day.

    Other than that it will be really hard to piss people off. Have fun :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm sorry but WHAT? This is not race etiquette at all. You throw to the side to avoid people stepping on them but there is no requirement for throwing them in the trashcan. That can actually be more problematic if you are jumping around, stopping, and darting over to the side. I don't think I have ever been in a race that didn't have a clean up crew at each water stop.

    To be quite honest, I don't think I've ever been in a race that had trash cans near the water stops at all, people just throw cups on the ground and the volunteers clean them up.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Only fart if you are in last place. That is all.

    LOL yes this is much appreciated
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    at water stations, throw your cups in the trash. don't be a litterbug. also throwing cups on the sidewalk can cause others to trip and fall on them.

    I'm sorry but WHAT? This is not race etiquette at all. You throw to the side to avoid people stepping on them but there is no requirement for throwing them in the trashcan. That can actually be more problematic if you are jumping around, stopping, and darting over to the side. I don't think I have ever been in a race that didn't have a clean up crew at each water stop.

    Lol yeah there happen to be squirrels running a marathon then they might be at risk of tripping over my paper cup lol. Really??
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    I've worn headphones in every one of the 60+ races I've run in the past two years. I keep the volume such that I can hear it, but I can still hear everything around me. I've never wandered into a ditch, a car, another runner, a wall, or any other imagined safety hazard, the majority of which are only created by people acting stupidly.........unless the race organizers make a specific point of it, wear them and use common sense about the volume.

    Other points also include glancing behind you before spitting or blowing snot rockets to make sure you aren't about to spray anyone else; and don't suddenly dart between other runners to get to open space. Take a glance or two behind you and make it obvious that you intend to come over, and 99% of other runners will make sure you have space to get through. I can't stand when people are weaving in and out all over the place and I have to suddenly adjust my pace to avoid crashing into them.

    Thank the water people, in particular. They don't hear it often enough and I've seen some rather rude runners splash them/knock the cups out of their hands because the runner refuses to slow down to get it, etc. They are keeping you from keeling over. Be nice to them!

    Final pet peeve: Line up at the start in an appropriate position. If you are fast and intend to run fast, by all means, start at the front. If they have "corrals" based on your intended/possible pace, go start in the appropriate one. Not much more irritating than being stuck in a crowd of people who over-estimated their ability and started much farther forward than they should have. Don't mean that to sound arrogant--two years ago when I got into being serious about running, I started in the back of nearly every race!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    most of what everyone else has said. but sometimes a fart slips out, wherever you are in the race. manners depict that you deny any knowledge, even if it was really loud and clearly you.
    i'm a really, really slow runner and i start at the very back with the walkers. i am not ashamed- that's the perfect place for me to start. i like it because as the race goes on, i pass people who have fried themselves too soon.
    wave at the kids, and thank people who direct you and give you water.
    and i listen to my ipod. in busy places i'll remove an ear. but there are a lot of quiet spots, and as i'm always near the back there's not much danger of me getting in anyone's way.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    First...Brandyk77 - why can't you wear the race shirt during the race?

    If the iPod is allowed and you are used to it, wear it. I forgot mine for my second Half and just listening to myself breathe in the spots between "entertainment" was mind numbing. I don't listen to it so loud that I can't hear someone behind me telling me that they are passing me.

    Definitely stay to the right if you are slower and don't walk 3 or 4 people abreast. I do intervals when doing my races, so I always look behind me before I slow down to make sure I'm not about to be in someone's way.

    Have Fun!!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It's not rude, but it is prohibited in some races, just try to find out beforehand so you don't have to stuff it and your earphones anywhere during the race!
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Have fun and enjoy yourself!

    Your goal should be to cross the finish line upright and smiling!

    As for headphones, check the race rules. I train with music but run races without.

  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    I've never wandered into a ditch, a car, another runner, a wall, or any other imagined safety hazard, the majority of which are only created by people acting stupidly.........unless the race organizers make a specific point of it, wear them and use common sense about the volume.

    In the 80+ races I've run in, I can't even begin to count how many times someone with headphones created a hazardous situation. Granted it's not the headphones per se, but putting them on the head of someone who already doesn't pay attention to their surroundings is a recipe for disaster.

    Most of the time it's just an annoyance... especially in a race where the faster traffic comes around to loop slower ones, and calling out "On your left" becomes a waste of breath.

    ETA: My point was just to make sure you are aware of your surroundings if you choose to wear them. That's all.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I always wear my headphones but I don't listen to music, it's just for the prompts from MapMyRun.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    First...Brandyk77 - why can't you wear the race shirt during the race?

    It's just one of those things runners do. Unless it's a fun run for a charity wearing your race shirt shouts Newbie to the veteran racers.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    My "purist" side has come to accept ipods in races. Personally it's not for me, but particularly in shorter races (5k-10k) I'm trying to run right on the hairy edge and there is more than enough with monitoring how I'm running to keep my mind occupied. People with headphones no longer phase me as long as they can hear what is going on around them.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    First...Brandyk77 - why can't you wear the race shirt during the race?

    It's just one of those things runners do. Unless it's a fun run for a charity wearing your race shirt shouts Newbie to the veteran racers.

    It's like wearing the shirt of the band you're seeing. Don't be that guy.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    First...Brandyk77 - why can't you wear the race shirt during the race?

    It's just one of those things runners do. Unless it's a fun run for a charity wearing your race shirt shouts Newbie to the veteran racers.

    With more races giving technical t-shirts, i'm seeing more and more racers wearing the race shirt - even front of the pack. The real issue with race shirts in the past was they were cotton and that is not a favorite material of runners. And regardless, it's all good. If someone wants to wear the race shirt, do so. They won't be alone!
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    My first race is tomorrow. These are all wonderful tips.
    Thank you ccbarbeau for this post. I've read some wonderful tips. I was sort of dreading the race. I am way behind where I hoped I would be in my training. Now I am kind of excited again. :happy:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    personally i would leave it at home. unless you really need it then i fourth/fifth/sixth only have 1 earbud in. my last race i did without my friends and i thought i'm going to be bored or not motivated enough to continue without them and you know what it never happened. the crowd the other runners the overall excitement is enough to keep you going. good luck, have fun, cheer on everyone around you and don't forget to update us afterwards.