Starting weight, or starting weight since joining MFP?

I have had several people ask how much weight i have lost.....

Well, My ticker says what I have lost since joining MFP, but when i have told a larger number than that... I was told I am a lier....

No, i dont care at ALL what people think of me, but damn, ya know?

So I guess my question is.. When people (who obviously cant see my MFP ticker.. ) ask How much i have lost.. do i tell them from my heaviest weight? or from when i *truly* started trying to lose weight?

Thoughts? :smile:


  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    Tell them the truth. Your journey started before you came to MFP, but that doesn't mean the weight you lost before joining simply doesn't matter. It totally matters. It's part of your overall success. If they call you a liar, well, they're entitled to their opinion. You know what you've accomplished and that's all that really matters :)
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    I tell my highest weight as that really is where I started from...
  • nicholettebell
    Mine is from my heaviest. It's where I came from. But since joining MFP, I've lost about 25.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Tell the truth and you never have to remember what you said. For those calling you a "liar"...whatever. If they don't believe you that is THEIR problem. If they can see your ticker, they shouldn't need to ask anyhow.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I backdated an entry to put in my weight from when I started in January, even though I wasn't on this site at the time.
  • shoby68
    shoby68 Posts: 30
    Seems like a no brainer to me. You tell them what you have lost from the beginning.
    I went from 250 lbs to 185 lbs on my own, and have lost 3 lbs on MFP. If you ask me I figure I would be a lying if I said I had only lost 3 lbs, when in fact I have lost a much larger amount!

    And to be honest, your ticker has on it 27 lb lost, which in my opinion, is an awesome amout all on it's own!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    that's strange that they would call you a liar. i had never heard of mfp when i started losing weight. i'd think that a lot of people would fall into that category. i tell them what i lost from my highest weight and when i started losing weight.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I think it depends on how long you've known the person and how long you've been on your weight loss journey. For instance, 4 years ago, I was 10 pounds heavier than I was when I started losing weight this year, which was my highest weight. I lost 20 pounds that year. During the next 3 years I gained about 10 of it back. When I got serious about losing weight again this year, I was 10 pounds lighter than before. Truth be told, since 2008, I've lost 42 pounds, but I tell people 32 because I don't count those 3 years, if that makes sense. And, most of the people asking are people that I've known less than 4 years, so they never saw me at my heaviest.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Tell the truth, and keep losing until you're satisfied with the results.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I'll tell someone my total if they ask, I've actually lost 106 pounds, but my ticker reflects what I've lost since I joined MFP.
  • Bess_74
    Bess_74 Posts: 68
    I let people know that it took two months to lose almost 10, but have lost 11 more in less than a month since joining MFP for a total weight loss of 21 lbs in a little less than 3 months. I rarely admit to my starting weight or current weight in real life. I do have an open profile, but it just feels safer here. Either way, no one shoudl be judging you, regardless of how you word it. You lost the weight and you worked hard to do it...that's what counts the most!
  • Bess_74
    Bess_74 Posts: 68
    I backdated an entry to put in my weight from when I started in January, even though I wasn't on this site at the time.
    Great idea!!!
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    I have had several people ask how much weight i have lost.....

    Well, My ticker says what I have lost since joining MFP, but when i have told a larger number than that... I was told I am a lier....

    No, i dont care at ALL what people think of me, but damn, ya know?

    So I guess my question is.. When people (who obviously cant see my MFP ticker.. ) ask How much i have lost.. do i tell them from my heaviest weight? or from when i *truly* started trying to lose weight?

    Thoughts? :smile:

    I'm in the same boat as you. When I first started losing weight a year and a half ago I was 165 and got down to 133. I've put some back on due to thyroid, but am working to fix that and start losing again. I don't feel right claiming I've lost all this weight this time when I'm starting again in my mind.

    Maybe I'm doing it because I feel like I'm cheating myself on new goals and accomplishments. I don't want to live on past success. I want to thrive on new ones
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    I would (and did) start with my heaviest. Backdating with the original amount sounds like a great idea. Then your ticker would match your total weight loss too!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I backdated an entry to put in my weight from when I started in January, even though I wasn't on this site at the time.

    I did the same thing, and backdated to june.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have had several people ask how much weight i have lost.....

    Well, My ticker says what I have lost since joining MFP, but when i have told a larger number than that... I was told I am a lier....

    No, i dont care at ALL what people think of me, but damn, ya know?

    So I guess my question is.. When people (who obviously cant see my MFP ticker.. ) ask How much i have lost.. do i tell them from my heaviest weight? or from when i *truly* started trying to lose weight?

    Thoughts? :smile:

    I'm in the same boat as you. When I first started losing weight a year and a half ago I was 165 and got down to 133. I've put some back on due to thyroid, but am working to fix that and start losing again. I don't feel right claiming I've lost all this weight this time when I'm starting again in my mind.

    Maybe I'm doing it because I feel like I'm cheating myself on new goals and accomplishments. I don't want to live on past success. I want to thrive on new ones

    ^^ THIS!! I didnt think like this before.. because i kind of "teeter tottered" with those first 20 pounds.. but see, i didnt "start" fat. I was a skinny girl, and always was.. it wasnt until i had two strokes and was bedridden and had health issues that i became overweight.. not that that matters.. i was still FAT. but, what im getting at is that exactly how she feels.. why claim a success.. when you failed? when you put the weight back on? I want to be able to say.. I LOST IT AND KEPT IT OFF! I dont want to say.. well, i lost 10 pounds, and then put on 12.. and 4 years later i lost 18 pounds.. but 6 years later i found myself at 244.. then 3 years later.............. ya follow?

    I guess maybe i just found my answer.. LOL! I want.. and i need to be able to say.. While i might have been my heaviest at 246 pounds, i didnt try to lose weight until June 28, 2012 and i weighed 233 when i stepped on that scale. From that day, i dedicated my life to losing weight and getting healthy, and I DID NOT FAIL MYSELF. Because of that, i am now, at this day.. 205 pounds and have gone from a tight size 20 to a size 14!! in Just over 90 days!! (of course, i hope my numbers are much lower.. thats just where they are now! lol)

    Thanks guys =) Sometimes just some out-loud thinkin is all ya need!! <3 You guys rock!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    My highest was 115kg but I started MFP at around 113kg. I still put my ticker as 115 as that was my starting weight.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    That is a huuuge pet peeve of mine. People wanting to hear the exact number I have lost!! . They sit and wait for it and then I feel like I have to go into a lengthy explanation. I mean how stupid?? I don't know how much I lost the last time I saw them specifically?? So I tell them a lot and leave it at that and often they say "you mean you don't know the exact number". I just tell them I am a work in progress. It is so rude asking particulars in my opinion, low class. Why can't people just say, "wow you look great" and leave it at that!!!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I also hate it when people who know you have lost, say they can see you have lost more every time they see you even when you haven't. It makes me feel judged and I hate that feeling.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I also hate it when people who know you have lost, say they can see you have lost more every time they see you even when you haven't. It makes me feel judged and I hate that feeling.

    aint that the truth!! I had a friend, who apparently at this point and time was more self concious about my weight that i was.. she was about 90 pounds pregnant... and i was probably 250... when she saw me taking out the trash.. in sweats, VERY oversized t-shirt, hair pulled up in a knot on top of my head, no makeup, lookin like hell... she would make a point to come out in her teeny tiny shorts and tank, hair perfect and tanned legs, makeup and baby on her hip and say...

    "good grief woman, how much weight you lost?" and i would always say some crazy something like.. "oh about 30 pounds!" and she would reply something worse like.. "you can sure tell it! I hardly recognized you!" which simply made me walk into the house and shove food into my face. Boy that helped...........

    People dont realize that being a friend... sometimes it means brutal honesty and other times it just means not lying....

    Why cant you say.. "hey why dont you come over for lunch today & we will catch up?!" then have a fruit salad, some lean meats and cook a low calorie dessert. if the "invited" loves it and asks for the recipe, hand it over.. no need to point out its low cal.. they will find that out on its own. if they refuse it saying "i cant, or i shouldnt" hand them the recipe card and say.. oh honey, yes you can!" and drop it.

    People are SUCH *kitten* sometimes, and they dont even realize it. I am SO with you... why cant they just be happy for you?