Mikes Daily Rant 10/19/2012 "Forget" the Fruit



  • LesleyGillan
    I admit it, I would have had some of each!

    Oh btw, stop apologising for the "long read" it wasn't that long ( or maybe I just read quick?)
    I'm glad you put that much detail into your rants, it makes them interesting. Also it usually explains why you do what you do and shows that at least 50% of your " jerkishness " is justified. The other 50% being just for laughs maybe?
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    They brought in junk food all the time so you showed them by buying them fresh krispy kreme doughnuts? I'm not sure who the real winner is here to be honest

    Yeeeeeah. Seems like an awful lot of energy for "revenge". The best revenge you can get on naysayers is living the healthy life you want to lead.

    Edit: I also agree that someone probably figured out pretty early that the donuts were NOT a month old. Eating one donut is not going to devastate someone's weight loss plans. Personally, I would have grabbed a donut and some fruit, and I would not have regretted it for a second, but I might have wondered why you were mislabeling boxes.
  • ybft
    ybft Posts: 26 Member
    oh my goddess, this made me LAUGH!!!!!

    I love the GPS Krispy Kreme detector in your car!!!!

    Even in my donut eating days, month olds would be an ewwww for me!!!!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    awesome read!!! i go through the same crap at work and at home, with family and friends. noticed lately, since im down to the last few pounds i want to lose that people can be such jealous jerks!
    "oh, is eating that tomato gonna make u gain weight"
    "have a donut, it wont kill you"
    "youre getting so thin, are you anorexic, bulimic, do you ever eat?"

    i love to reply with, "youre overweight and i dont constantly rag on you about the 3 donuts, 1/2 pizza, and 12 pk of soda you ingested to day, so lay off"

    its amusing how rude and disrespectful people are!

    i So wanna try this trick you pulled...sad part is, i dont think i'd get a thank you...and i know it would be a waste of time buying the fruit for work!

    Yeah sadly people dont know that they are offending when they say crap like that. It was an utter waste of time but oh so fun.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    hmmmmmmmmmmm, that sounds a LOT like the original 'donut theory'....was that intentional? Regardless...that was a funny joke to play on co-workers....
    It is just NOT cool when co-workers are not supportive. For the record......I would have eaten lunch with ya buddy! AND we would have eaten fruit! LOL

    Please explain?
  • MikeDaMotivator
    love this post - thanks for making me smile!

  • MikeDaMotivator
    Another great and successful rant :-)

    Thanks glad you liked it.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    They brought in junk food all the time so you showed them by buying them fresh krispy kreme doughnuts? I'm not sure who the real winner is here to be honest

    This was them on their health kick. I didnt do it to win or lose. I guess we all lost in the end. Well not when it comes to weight.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    <Sighs> I think I may be in love.:love:

    In love? really? LOL
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I am a fan! Can't wait to hear about your reunion!!!

    Be sure to check back a little later. Im to tired to type about it tonight.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Haha love this!!!!!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    First of all, your co-workers are some A-hol...I mean, jerks, for betting on you. There's always a few haters in the bunch,no matter what. Smh. Congrats on proving them wrong! Secondly, this story had me rolling..its a shame that folks will pass up fresh fruit for a box of "stale" donuts. Looking forward to the next rant lol

    Appreciate the kind words. Stay tuned its coming.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Why am I not friends with you yet? You're seriously funny!

    At my work, absolutely everything would be gone. If you leave food out here, people assume that someone left it there because they don't want it and they take it. Seriously. Even if they don't want it/like it. I have to keep my food in the mini-fridge in the conference room so no one eats it because it wouldn't last more than an hour in the break room refrigerator.

    No Bueno!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    That's hilaroious! I work with 35 women at any given time everyone of them is trying to get healthy. Regardless every time any one brings "junk" food to share they are like vultures! If someone puts out a page that there is food in the staff break room its gone imediately unless you litterally run to get some. If one person runs to mcds for lunch she must ask around if anyone else wants some or be shuned the rest of the day by jealous hungry women, But bring in some fruit, they will eat it, grumble about how some bagels would have been better and there is still some there at the end of the day. lol

  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    You're an evil, evil person.

    I like that.
  • MikeDaMotivator

    There's little more annoying that people who either try to convince you that they're also on a diet/doing well etc when they're clearly bull****ting- those who assume you're the same as they are... and worst of all colleagues that try to derail you! My old job was worse "You're skinny, have a cake!" (The reason i'm skinny is that I don't eat much cake)....

    Well said.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    The most beautifully executed evil plan! Also, didn't the movie The Five-Year Engagement have a psychological experiment with stale donuts and that eating them is correlated to feeling ****ty about yourself and not going anywhere in life? lol CLASSIC

    OMG I believe it did! I loved that movie. I never even thought about that and the correlation. However, these were fresh doughnuts that were labeled stale. Could it be the same in a sense?
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Thanks for the laugh this morning. In a way it's sad that people can be so pathetic!

    My best revenge is going to be the day I reach my goal weight when some said I wouldnt last a week. They've already lost money cause I celebrated my one year anniversary yesterday!

    Huge congrats to you! Looking great!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I admit it, I would have had some of each!

    Oh btw, stop apologising for the "long read" it wasn't that long ( or maybe I just read quick?)
    I'm glad you put that much detail into your rants, it makes them interesting. Also it usually explains why you do what you do and shows that at least 50% of your " jerkishness " is justified. The other 50% being just for laughs maybe?

    Good point. I wont apologize anymore. The choice is up to the reader.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    oh my goddess, this made me LAUGH!!!!!

    I love the GPS Krispy Kreme detector in your car!!!!

    Even in my donut eating days, month olds would be an ewwww for me!!!!

    The GPS is so wild and crazy!!