it's kinda hard for me to meet my calorie minimum...



  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    pfft you shouldn't care if your not reaches your calorie minimum, your losing weight aren't you? You're not starving yourself are you? Then it doesn't matter.

    Eating less than 1200 kcal a day is starving. Even if you don't feel hunger it is still called starving. Human body burns certain amount of calories in 24 hrs to just sustain life. You can lay in bed all day long and you will still burn those calories to produce bodyheat and all the physiological functionality your body requires to keep ticking. If you don't nourish your body with at least minimal amount of calories for prolonged periods of time, your body starts a stress response to break down muscle to produce enough fuel (glucose) to maintain the blood sugar levels in the absence of sufficient dietary calories. Also this stress response will eventually wear out thus slowing down the metabolic rate to compensate for what the body perceives as starvation.

    So if you are fine with sacrificing your muscle tissue to lose weight, which will make your body look saggy and unfit, and slowing your metabolism down to a halt, then sure, keep eating under 1200 and feel good about yourself.
  • sfxchris
    You are only 16 years old and a male. Do you want to screw up your metabolism and growth so young ? Get a grip and start eating more.
    right, but I'm not going to shove an extra 1,000 calories down my mouth simply because I don't have the time or desire to. I will take it slow
    I don't think anyone's suggesting you "shove food" into yourself. 2000 calories is not actually a huge target to aim for. 4000, yes, I could see how that would be more difficult, but 2000 is not that much, especially for a young male. You don't have to shovel food in, you can get there with a bit of planning, and accepting that you don't have to eat only "diet" food to lose weight. Some great suggestions have already been made. Basically, eat foods that are still nutritious, but are calorie-dense. Avocados, oily fish, full fat cheese, other dairy products - full fat, lean meats, nuts, nut butters, seeds, oils added to salads and cooking. Drinks like milk, nut milks, smoothies and protein shakes. It's not about eating such a quantity of food that you feel full and uncomfortable. Just like someone has to plan and adjust their diet to make it more low calorie, you can do the same to reach 2000.

    It sounds like you're pretty active. At 16, you're probably still growing too. Give your body the nutrients, and energy, it needs to perform properly and be healthy. You've done a fantastic job so far in losing 41 lbs, but you don't have to drastically under-eat to get to your goal. From comments you've written elsewhere, it sounds like this might be more of a psychological issue, that you just don't want to eat that many calories.
    But that's the thing, if I overeat from what I'm eating now I'll just get that full, tired, bloated feeling. I'm eating a lot, just lower calorie items. And, based on what I'm eating now, 2000 is sort of a tough goal to reach because that's another 3 meals right there on top of what I'm eating, and like I said I really don't have the time to pencil in 3 extra meals AFTER classes that's too much.

    In terms of psychological, it's not a psychological problem. Before school and activities started (during the summer) I was eating 1600-2100 calories a day, eating at 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7PM, and probably 9PM (nothing big). Now it's more like 8 AM, 2:30PM, 5PM, and 8PM. & that's simply because of my schedule...

    Other people suggested random snacks like rice cakes and such, I will try that
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    This is a common theme here; people 'struggling' to reach their calorie goal. The vast majority of those don't appear interested in even trying.

    That's not a fair assumption. I try extremely hard, and sometimes struggle to meet my calorie goal. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm learning about food. I eat a HUGE veggie salad everyday for example, and it's only 150 cals but very filling. So I had to learn how to tweak healthy food to up the cals (adding protein, using full fat cheese or dressing instead of low, etc).

    There's a difference between struggling to find healthy foods that add up to a correct number, and totally disregarding your suggested calorie goal because you think it's "too much" and not trying.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member

    Then I'll finish, work out, which usually burns 300-500 calories depending on the day/duration, and have lunch, which this week has been a 5 oz. burger with lowfat cheese, a cup of broccoli and a cup of hashbrowns and some ketchup.... this ONLY comes out to 375 calories and it fills me up..

    Damn....I must be doing it wrong because there's no way I could add up a 5 oz cheese burger, broccoli, and hashbrowns to 375 cals!
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    This is a common theme here; people 'struggling' to reach their calorie goal. The vast majority of those don't appear interested in even trying.

    That's not a fair assumption. I try extremely hard, and sometimes struggle to meet my calorie goal. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm learning about food. I eat a HUGE veggie salad everyday for example, and it's only 150 cals but very filling. So I had to learn how to tweak healthy food to up the cals (adding protein, using full fat cheese or dressing instead of low, etc).

    There's a difference between struggling to find healthy foods that add up to a correct number, and totally disregarding your suggested calorie goal because you think it's "too much" and not trying.

    How can it be hard to meet the calorie goal??? Take that veggie salad, slap 200g boiled potatoes in it - BAM! extra 250 kcal right there. Chicken. Lean ham. Some pasta. So many things to get the calorie count up.
  • sfxchris
    This is a common theme here; people 'struggling' to reach their calorie goal. The vast majority of those don't appear interested in even trying.

    That's not a fair assumption. I try extremely hard, and sometimes struggle to meet my calorie goal. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm learning about food. I eat a HUGE veggie salad everyday for example, and it's only 150 cals but very filling. So I had to learn how to tweak healthy food to up the cals (adding protein, using full fat cheese or dressing instead of low, etc).

    There's a difference between struggling to find healthy foods that add up to a correct number, and totally disregarding your suggested calorie goal because you think it's "too much" and not trying.

    For example, when school started I started ordering from Freshdirect. They have this insane Southwest Chicken salad, with grilled chicken, tons of greens, corn, peppers, cheese, etc. It was HUGE, and only -- ONLY -- 300 calories. That literally filled me up the entire rest of the day after school, but I had to force myself to eat 2 extra meals because I knew it was not healthy to not eat anymore meals.

    It's a lot harder than people think. Some people can match it other people can't. My stomach shrunk a lot from August, and my schedule is more packed!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Forget about rice cakes as a calorie boosting snack; eat some almonds, cashews, or something with more protein. You will really suffer from not getting what your body needs, and your body needs calories. It's one thing to not make your calorie goal, it's another to not even get halfway there.

    Try Better yet, talk to your doctor about a sensible meal plan.
  • sfxchris
    This is a common theme here; people 'struggling' to reach their calorie goal. The vast majority of those don't appear interested in even trying.

    That's not a fair assumption. I try extremely hard, and sometimes struggle to meet my calorie goal. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm learning about food. I eat a HUGE veggie salad everyday for example, and it's only 150 cals but very filling. So I had to learn how to tweak healthy food to up the cals (adding protein, using full fat cheese or dressing instead of low, etc).

    There's a difference between struggling to find healthy foods that add up to a correct number, and totally disregarding your suggested calorie goal because you think it's "too much" and not trying.

    How can it be hard to meet the calorie goal??? Take that veggie salad, slap 200g boiled potatoes in it - BAM! extra 250 kcal right there. Chicken. Lean ham. Some pasta. So many things to get the calorie count up.
    Some people are taught not to overeat what they're craving/wanting.
    Also, there are a lot of nutritionally dense foods that keep you full without tons of calories.
  • sfxchris
    Forget about rice cakes as a calorie boosting snack; eat some almonds, cashews, or something with more protein. You will really suffer from not getting what your body needs, and your body needs calories. It's one thing to not make your calorie goal, it's another to not even get halfway there.

    Try Better yet, talk to your doctor about a sensible meal plan.
    I went to my doctor about 2 months ago, he said I should be eating around 1400 calories and at that point i was overeating that... then school started and I just ate less naturally. I said I had a lot of almonds around, I will eat those. I also get a lot of protein in what I eat currently.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    1. Eat more than just a protein bar for breakfast. Have a few eggs WITH it plus some toast with peanut butter or jam. Probably add some fruit in there too. :)

    2. Lunch sounds alright, but try adding little things to bump up the cals like cheese and condiments on your burger. Make sure you're eating your burger with a bun! Whole-wheat would be best, but don't go thinking you need to cut out breads, pasta, and other carbs to lose weight. Carbs are fuel.

    3. See above! What are you doing eating veggies plus a salad with dinner? Where are your grains? And more importantly, where is your protein? 330 calories for a entire meal suggests that you're not eating enough of that chicken.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Some people are taught not to overeat what they're craving/wanting.
    Also, there are a lot of nutritionally dense foods that keep you full without tons of calories.

    Yes, but you need calories. Calories aren't a negative side effect of eating, they are a necessary part of keeping your body alive. If you need to, try adding some calories in liquid form--milk or a non-dairy alternative. Get some protein and fat in you.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    Eat more meat at your meals and more calorie dense foods with healthy fats like nuts and avocados. Lettuce is filling but its like 20 calories per cup.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Forget about rice cakes as a calorie boosting snack; eat some almonds, cashews, or something with more protein. You will really suffer from not getting what your body needs, and your body needs calories. It's one thing to not make your calorie goal, it's another to not even get halfway there.

    Try Better yet, talk to your doctor about a sensible meal plan.
    I went to my doctor about 2 months ago, he said I should be eating around 1400 calories and at that point i was overeating that... then school started and I just ate less naturally. I said I had a lot of almonds around, I will eat those. I also get a lot of protein in what I eat currently.

    You said you have them, you didn't say you'd eat them. You said you'd eat rice cakes. That's not going to help your problem.

    It's hard to believe you get enough protein as a 16 year old male in under 1000 calories. If your doctor says 1400, fine, eat that. I'm not your doctor, not going to tell you something different.
  • joshkilborn
    joshkilborn Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I eat around 1500 calories a day and recommended is 2600. I've started eating full fat dairy instead of fat free, eating more fruit throughout the day, healthy fats like peanut butter and avocados. I've been losing weight but I don't want lose lean mass or have my metabolism slow to a halt. I've just recently made this change so we'll see how it goes!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    This is a common theme here; people 'struggling' to reach their calorie goal. The vast majority of those don't appear interested in even trying.

    That's not a fair assumption. I try extremely hard, and sometimes struggle to meet my calorie goal. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm learning about food. I eat a HUGE veggie salad everyday for example, and it's only 150 cals but very filling. So I had to learn how to tweak healthy food to up the cals (adding protein, using full fat cheese or dressing instead of low, etc).

    There's a difference between struggling to find healthy foods that add up to a correct number, and totally disregarding your suggested calorie goal because you think it's "too much" and not trying.

    How can it be hard to meet the calorie goal??? Take that veggie salad, slap 200g boiled potatoes in it - BAM! extra 250 kcal right there. Chicken. Lean ham. Some pasta. So many things to get the calorie count up.

    If you re-read my post, that's basically exactly what I said. :)

    I'm learning how to make foods have more calories, after a couple weeks I can now get to my 2000 cals no problem, I was just saying that when you're starting out, you may not know a lot about healthy eating or calorie counting, but that doesn't mean you're not trying.
  • sfxchris
    I'm in the same situation. I eat around 1500 calories a day and recommended is 2600. I've started eating full fat dairy instead of fat free, eating more fruit throughout the day, healthy fats like peanut butter and avocados. I've been losing weight but I don't want lose lean mass or have my metabolism slow to a halt. I've just recently made this change so we'll see how it goes!
    I'll add you and see how it works for you!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    if you really want to meet your calories goal you just need to make small changes
    - stop eating lowfat cheese and eat the real stuff
    - put some avocado slices and mayo on that burger
    - make sure you're eating full fat yogurt like fage and not some low cal one
    - stop eating low fat dressing
    - eat 6 oz of chicken
    - replace the protein bar with a protein shake made with milk, protein powder and fruit


    Damn....I must be doing it wrong because there's no way I could add up a 5 oz cheese burger, broccoli, and hashbrowns to 375 cals!


    Make sure you're weighing/measuring to get more accurate amounts of the food you're eating. I don't see how the lunch you're eating is only 375 calories. You may be closer to your 2000 than you think.
  • sfxchris
    Forget about rice cakes as a calorie boosting snack; eat some almonds, cashews, or something with more protein. You will really suffer from not getting what your body needs, and your body needs calories. It's one thing to not make your calorie goal, it's another to not even get halfway there.

    Try Better yet, talk to your doctor about a sensible meal plan.
    I went to my doctor about 2 months ago, he said I should be eating around 1400 calories and at that point i was overeating that... then school started and I just ate less naturally. I said I had a lot of almonds around, I will eat those. I also get a lot of protein in what I eat currently.

    You said you have them, you didn't say you'd eat them. You said you'd eat rice cakes. That's not going to help your problem.

    It's hard to believe you get enough protein as a 16 year old male in under 1000 calories. If your doctor says 1400, fine, eat that. I'm not your doctor, not going to tell you something different.
    Well I'm not losing substantial muscle, and I'm almost always matching or close to MFP's recommended grams of protein per day, so I must be going something right. thanks for your input.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Well I'm not losing substantial muscle, and I'm almost always matching or close to MFP's recommended grams of protein per day, so I must be going something right. thanks for your input.

    I'm curious--what does MFP have your protein at?

    Edited because I got snarky and I apologize.
  • sfxchris
    if you really want to meet your calories goal you just need to make small changes
    - stop eating lowfat cheese and eat the real stuff
    - put some avocado slices and mayo on that burger
    - make sure you're eating full fat yogurt like fage and not some low cal one
    - stop eating low fat dressing
    - eat 6 oz of chicken
    - replace the protein bar with a protein shake made with milk, protein powder and fruit


    Damn....I must be doing it wrong because there's no way I could add up a 5 oz cheese burger, broccoli, and hashbrowns to 375 cals!


    Make sure you're weighing/measuring to get more accurate amounts of the food you're eating. I don't see how the lunch you're eating is only 375 calories. You may be closer to your 2000 than you think.

    Will adjust according to the first quote, they seem like passive changes that wouldn't take much time at all in terms of preparation.

    And yeah, but it's:
    1 cup of broccoli - 30 calories
    1 cup of hash browns - 60 calories
    ketchup - 15 calories
    The burger - 250 calories
    the cheese - 25 calories

    that's 380. maybe it's the brands that i'm using that're low on calories, but my plate seems to be full