Eating Disorder Recovery



  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    When I first joined mfp a few years ago I was in recovery but my weight goal was really low too(I was already severely underweight). I have lost friends on mfp along the way because I was relapsing. I have anorexia, I purge too, I have had anorexia from the age of six so I do find it hard to imagine a life without it as it's all I've ever known but I'm trying so hard to get better. It has taken me years to be able to get to the point I am at, I have a long road ahead of me but I try every single day whether people realise it or not.
    People are ignorant, alot of people don't even see eating disorders as illnesses but a choice, why would anyone choose this? All you can really do is ignore them, focus on your health and wellbeing. Keep fighting hun, one day we will get there xxx
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    It gets easier when you can add other things in your life. Look for new hobbies to interest you rather than just food and calories. Try yoga! It requires tons of concentration. Try tennis. It takes time and focus to get good. Learn to play the guitar. Learn Spanish. Food will always be on your mind, but really try to see what else is in the world. You will be amazed once your eyes open. And get some pictures of yourself. Yes, Demi Lovato is amazing, BUT you are too. You need to see yourself in pictures with other people. Good luck sister. I'm cheering for you.
  • I don't see my weight as healthy. 140 might be good for you but not to me

    BMI doesn't really matter since people's body structures are different
  • Ya know I've never had someone take a dump in my cereal two days in a row before but it really must suck. I feel bad for you msvalorie I think I would be mad too. But it's sad that you still don't understand

    The goal range is low. Yes
    My goal is higher than before. Yes
    My goal is a range. Yes

    It's a mental disorder not a choice

    So don't get your panties in a twist because there are 40 other numbers between 80 and 120

    I might stop at 118 for all you know
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I myself have always struggled with binge eating but I never really recognized it as a true disorder until I lost weight (fat people can't possibly have ED's, right?) and now I fluctuate 10lbs up and down depending on if I have a good week or a few bad binge days. My weight loss has stalled because my binges have become more frequent. I will eat and eat and eat 2-8,000+calories some days and force food into my body until I am in pain and very depressed and angry with myself. It isn't even about "cheating" one day, it's like I feel empty and desperately am trying to fill that emptiness. I switch into an eating machine and it doesn't matter what I am eating b/c I don't even taste the food when I am in that mindset. That sucks even worse because I eat tons of unhealthy food and don't even enjoy the tastes that I crave so badly.

    People need to realize that underweight or overweight, if we are here, we are all in one way, shape, or form dealing with disordered eating. There is something to be said for people that do not realize that calling the kettle black from the opposite end of the spectrum is not going to be beneficial or encouraging.

    Overweight people have struggles to keep their intake low. Underweight people have struggles to keep their intake up to healthy levels.

    We all need support, it doesn't matter what condition or label we put on it.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I don't see my weight as healthy. 140 might be good for you but not to me

    BMI doesn't really matter since people's body structures are different

    I meant it's in the range of healthy. It's healthy. It might not be ideal, but it's healthy. I started at 140 too and agreed that it's not ideal. That's why I decided to lose weight. My point was to have a goal from a healthy (but not necessarily ideal) weight to an unhealthy weight doesn't make sense.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I don't see my weight as healthy. 140 might be good for you but not to me

    BMI doesn't really matter since people's body structures are different

    BMI matters to an extent in that I don't envision anyone who would be healthy at 80 pounds and 5'4".
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    Its good that you are getting better! Good for you! I too have suffered through eating disorders. I was shown a lot of hate in the beginning, as well. But I stopped allowing those cruel people in my life. I only friended those who are going to be supportive and help me through this. I am currently recovering from Bulimia and BED. I still slip up, but I get better each day. take care and please dont let those people get to you. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou: stay safe
  • swarovski75
    swarovski75 Posts: 195 Member
    Aw honey, I'm sorry some people suck. My older sister was bulimic, at times anorexic, and hospitalized a few times. I, on the other hand, am a total comfort eater, especially when I am sad, depressed, anxious, tired, whatever... Disordered eating is disordered eating, whether too much or too little. If you are involved with a therapist, and they know what you are doing, you are still working on the mental health piece, and that's what matters. 80 does sound low to me, but higher than woohoo! Progress. :-) And I feel most comfortable at 170-175 for my 5'6" frame, which is above my recommended BMI, but I'm a big boned girl, and its where I feel beautiful and sexy. I look boyish much thinner, so a bit curvier (but fit) is where I wanna be.

    BTW - you are GORGEOUS. :-)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Its kind of sad how insensitive people are about eating disorders. I just joined yesterday and have already recieved hate. I am recovering from an eating disorder and my weight loss goal is still low, but higher than it was before. My goal weight before was 62 pounds, now its 80-120. Most people with eating disorders have unrealistic goals or they just dont care what happens to them. Its hard to recover very hard. It takes a while for the person to move away from there unhealthy habits.

    Its very understandable if your mad because there are so many young girls on this site that starve themselves, its heartbreaking(doesnt mean be a jackask). I was one of those girls at 13 (not on this site) and at 9 years old I purged for the first time. Im 18 now Ive been recovering for 2 years and havent made alot of progress. Im still trying becuase I believe that I have control not the bad thoughts that used to consume me.

    I think everyone should be supportive of the girls and guys that are trying to recover from unhealthy habits. Not hated upon

    Dont go around calling a guy disgusting for logging his 4500 calorie binge eating, hes trying to get better.
    Dont say youre deleting a girl that is recovering from anorexia because she messes up one day
    Dont tell the guy thats recovering from bulimia that hes a failure because he binged and purge

    This doesnt mean be pro-eating disorders and encourage them to mess up or fail again. Encourage them to get better or remind them that they can get through this

    There are a lot of mean people on this forum. Just gather some good friends and rely on them in your profile.

    Some people can handle a deeper calorie deficit than others. Some people have emotional eating disorders and it comes into play. Even a small deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones and such and everyone is different. What works for one person may not work for another. Small people eat less and need less calories especially to have a calorie deficit and people say they have eating disorders when they don't. Comparing how many calories one person eats to your own is just plain stupid, we all have different RMR and how much we need is based on that. Small (hint short) people have lower RMR's than taller/bigger people. People tell others to eat more or eat less when they don't even know the persons height or whether they are a person who happens to be able to handle a bigger calorie deficit and does not happen to have an eating disorder, and just might be small/short.

    There is way to much judgement of others on here and rude nasty people who have nothing better to do than to attack others.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Ya know I've never had someone take a dump in my cereal two days in a row before but it really must suck. I feel bad for you msvalorie I think I would be mad too. But it's sad that you still don't understand

    The goal range is low. Yes
    My goal is higher than before. Yes
    My goal is a range. Yes

    It's a mental disorder not a choice

    So don't get your panties in a twist because there are 40 other numbers between 80 and 120

    I might stop at 118 for all you know

    do what you want. i thought your range was idiotic though. it's certainly a choice to post on your profile what your goal weight is.
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I don't see my weight as healthy. 140 might be good for you but not to me

    BMI doesn't really matter since people's body structures are different

    I meant it's in the range of healthy. It's healthy. It might not be ideal, but it's healthy. I started at 140 too and agreed that it's not ideal. That's why I decided to lose weight. My point was to have a goal from a healthy (but not necessarily ideal) weight to an unhealthy weight doesn't make sense.

    It "doesn't make sense" to YOU because you are not HER, and you are not dealing with an eating disorder like she is. If it made sense and everything in her brain was working perfect, it would not be a DISORDER.
  • VeganBunny
    VeganBunny Posts: 9 Member
    A lot of people struggle to understand that EDs are mental disorders and not a superficial desire to look like a model. Yet if you ask an overweight person why they can't just eat less the response is always "easier said than done".

    Some people are simply predisposed to EDs and were going to develop it at some point in their life regardless of their surroundings. I developed mine before I was 10. No one that age chooses to be that way and I certainly didn't want to still be battling over 16 years later. What's sad about MPF is because others are so judgmental those with EDs stick together and that can be very triggering for some - seeing each others' food diaries etc.

    I hope recovery goes well for you and you find the support you need.