What changed for you/about you other than the scale?

So I'm embarking on this weight loss endeavor for the the umpteenth time, but this time it's been different. I'm not doing it for an event or activity rather hopefully to make a lifestyle change. I'm only one month in but so far so good :) That said I'm looking toward the future and I'm curious to know what has changed for people other than the scale. I know that if done properly the scale will change along with clothing sizes, but what other changes did you experience. They say fitter/healthier people tend to be happier, have better skin, hair, sex lives, etc. True/false? What has this journey done for you?


  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    So I'm embarking on this weight loss endeavor for the the umpteenth time, but this time it's been different. I'm not doing it for an event or activity rather hopefully to make a lifestyle change. I'm only one month in but so far so good :) That said I'm looking toward the future and I'm curious to know what has changed for people other than the scale. I know that if done properly the scale will change along with clothing sizes, but what other changes did you experience. They say fitter/healthier people tend to be happier, have better skin, hair, sex lives, etc. True/false? What has this journey done for you?

    I have to say, maybe it comes from increased confidence, but everything you listed was true for me.
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    So I'm embarking on this weight loss endeavor for the the umpteenth time, but this time it's been different. I'm not doing it for an event or activity rather hopefully to make a lifestyle change. I'm only one month in but so far so good :) That said I'm looking toward the future and I'm curious to know what has changed for people other than the scale. I know that if done properly the scale will change along with clothing sizes, but what other changes did you experience. They say fitter/healthier people tend to be happier, have better skin, hair, sex lives, etc. True/false? What has this journey done for you?

    More muscular definition, bones beginning to show, better balance, able to lift heavier things, no fatigue (not necessarily more energy), better focus, not as hungry due to lack of sugar spikes, etc.
  • seedawg23
    seedawg23 Posts: 52 Member
    So I'm embarking on this weight loss endeavor for the the umpteenth time, but this time it's been different. I'm not doing it for an event or activity rather hopefully to make a lifestyle change. I'm only one month in but so far so good :) That said I'm looking toward the future and I'm curious to know what has changed for people other than the scale. I know that if done properly the scale will change along with clothing sizes, but what other changes did you experience. They say fitter/healthier people tend to be happier, have better skin, hair, sex lives, etc. True/false? What has this journey done for you?

    More muscular definition, bones beginning to show, better balance, able to lift heavier things, no fatigue (not necessarily more energy), better focus, not as hungry due to lack of sugar spikes, etc.

    I'm with you on bones beginning to show. When I've slimmed down in the past I've always been happy when my collar bone started to show.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    I can tell the difference between a "good" choice & a "bad" choice ...... love to exercise now (cardio, weights, Zumba, yoga) ...... have much more confidence ...... and I can really shake 'em down !
  • torrini
    torrini Posts: 78 Member
    Even though I haven't lost that much yet, I've already begun to feel more confident and people have started to see me differently (in a positive way, being called beautiful is so exciting!).
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    I don't feel like I HAVE to finish every single thing on my plate. I used to eat like I was never going to be fed again.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I can go out in public and not worry that I'll either not fit or get stuck in a chair.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Wow. This is been a year of a lot of personal change and outlook on life for me. I have started evaluating every thing I own and why I keep it ( family and dogs excluded, there are here to stay).

    With the weight gone, it's like I realized the other excesses in my life whether it be tupperware containers or shoes.

    Physically, I have a lot more good days. Energy is much better!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    happier and more outgoing. before i would only leave the house when i HAD to, and never to anywhere different.
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    Mine has been a huge differnce. Confidence level for sure. I am single and have been attracting differnt type of guys. Which is a very good thing :) I can see more bones. I feel sexy. The last couple of months my friends have been asking me if i have been ok? Pulling me a side and asking me whats wrong? Nothing is wrong. I have been feeling great. I have been focusing on me. Not depressed they said I dont talk as much and I am not as crazy and hyper as I used to be at get togethers. Maybe because I was so insecure before that I was always fighting for attention. Not really sure. I just feel a tons better about myself. I look in the mirror and see the person I have always wanted to be. I see a beautiful person. I have about 50lbs to go and cant even imagine what that person will even look like becaue how I feel now.
  • happier and more outgoing. before i would only leave the house when i HAD to, and never to anywhere different.

    That's been me for the past few years now and I can't wait until i'm back to my old outgoing and happy self :)
  • seedawg23
    seedawg23 Posts: 52 Member
    Mine has been a huge differnce. Confidence level for sure. I am single and have been attracting differnt type of guys. Which is a very good thing :) I can see more bones. I feel sexy. The last couple of months my friends have been asking me if i have been ok? Pulling me a side and asking me whats wrong? Nothing is wrong. I have been feeling great. I have been focusing on me. Not depressed they said I dont talk as much and I am not as crazy and hyper as I used to be at get togethers. Maybe because I was so insecure before that I was always fighting for attention. Not really sure. I just feel a tons better about myself. I look in the mirror and see the person I have always wanted to be. I see a beautiful person. I have about 50lbs to go and cant even imagine what that person will even look like becaue how I feel now.

    How awesome!! I am newly single so I look forward to seeing how getting healthier is going to impact dating. Congratulations on your success and good luck getting to your goal.
  • seedawg23
    seedawg23 Posts: 52 Member
    I don't feel like I HAVE to finish every single thing on my plate. I used to eat like I was never going to be fed again.

    Lol. Been there and done that. That's basically how we all ate in my family. Make a big plate and eat it ALL. Now I'm just trying to find the balance.
  • seedawg23
    seedawg23 Posts: 52 Member
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I can look in the mirror naked and not want to run and hide...:noway:

    I have a new sense of strength (mind and body) and accomplishment that I did something I never thought I could.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have been told that I look younger!
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    It's all true. Also Lower Blood Pressure, less joint pain, higher endurance for everyday activity(get the house clean in one day), stronger (physically and mentally).
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    I feel much prettier now that I've shed the weight. I genetically have a FULL face and added weight does NOT do it justice, so with my new slimmer face I feel like I can see the real me. Also sex is great too! lol I'm no longer self conscious about my body, I have more endurance, and Shaun T's really groin stretches really come in handy!.....lol

    Downside: I have a horrible habit of looking at myself in the mirror :-/ I can't get ready in the morning without constantly checking for changes and progress.....really annoying...
  • nicosland
    nicosland Posts: 85 Member
    I get excited about cooking vegetables. Before, I rarely ate vegetables and even then I wasn't fussy on most of them. I think I've acquired a better taste for them plus I also get excited researching new recipes. It's nice to crave something healthy for a change :)
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    Lots of changes in my body but, strangely, the one that fascinates my the most is the development of my erector spinae muscles (those rope-like muscles that run along either side of your spin on your lower back). I love those!