Are exercise DVD's a fast track to yo-yo dieting?

What do you reckon? I've just done day one of 30 Day shred and woah it worked me out! However, I know that I can't commit to 20 mins workout every day for the rest of my life, so what happens when I finish 30 days?

Surely my body will be expecting the same level of exercise and begin gaining the weight back when it doesn't get it- the beginnings of yo-yoing. It's not a case of picking up a new daily programme straight afterwards, simply a matter of work and life getting in the way and to be honest I don't want to do that intense workout every single day for ever!

Personally, I can commit to this sort of workout once or twice a week so is it worth doing it over 30 weeks instead of 30 days then picking up a new DVD? That would be more realistic for me to change the habits of a lazy life not going crazy for 30 days then slowing down.

What are all of your experiences with it?


  • why can't you commit? you want to lose weight and be healthy right? so make it happen!
  • It's just not something I want to do every day for my entire life, I enjoy exercise and want to do it but working a 15 hour shift and working out before or after just doesn't appeal to me. I play basketball at least once a week and just wanted to add in something else.

    I'm aiming for changes I know I can stick to, trying to be realistic to myself and how I want to accomplish what I want to accomplish.

    Each to their own, just wanted to know other peoples experiences with it.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    I think you have an answer then, if you can't commit to the time every day for the rest of your life, what can you do? Can you adjust your diet accordingly ? Can you commit to 30 mins of walking each day? The answer is a life style change.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I think it represents a great way for people to get on the right track... Shows the way TO get fit. A lot of people are intimidated by going to the gym, so learning a routine in the comfort of their own home can be a great way to start. I'm not sure setting the expectation of working out every day is realisitic.... you have to make it work for you!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Workout DVDs have actually pulled me away from Yo-yo dieting because they have changed my mindset. I have gone from struggling through two Yoga sessions per week because I love yoga but then binge eating on between days and wishing I had kept the weight off next Yoga class and now I attend each Yoga class a little bit lighter and feeling a little bit better about myself.

    You may think you wouldn't want to keep exercising for 20 minutes each day - or for thirty minutes maybe three days of the week - for the rest of your life - now - but as you enter into this changed way of thinking you will actually feel you are missing out on the days when you don't get to exercise.

    You just have to take the step to allow the change to take place. The next step is yours. I'm ever glad I did.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    You don't have to work out every day. Lift weights 2-3x per week with a full body routine comprised mostly of compound exercises and eat an amount of calories that keeps you at the same weight.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    If you can't commit, it has absolutely nothing to do with exercise dvd's...Then you might as well say that gym's running shoes and eating healthy are all a fast track to yo-yo dieting.....
    It's a lifestyle change, not a quick fix....If you cannot commit to that, then YOU are setting yourself on a fast track to yo-yo dieting...Personally, I find it easier to do the lifestyle change (find something you CAN commit to) than to keep starting and failing over and over again......
  • For people like me, I'm going to have to work out at the very least 5 days a week for the rest of my life. It's just how my body is made. Any slight alteration in food or exercise makes me gain weight instantly. I also pick workouts that I enjoy doing and that make me feel good. Some people can workout for 60 minutes (or more) every day. I can't do that. I have, at best, 20 minutes that I can eek out at 5 am. So I do a workout in that time frame. I have a TON of different things to choose from (I have a bunch of beachbody workouts that I use), and they work for me. By not "committing" to one thing in particular I not only don't get bored but I get all areas of my body worked out.

    I should also add that I'm a stay at home mom, so I can pretty much make my own schedule. My husband works a lot, and for him, he loses weight just by moving more and eating better. We switch his junk food for better versions and he drops lbs. My best advice for your lifestyle would be to add in another basketball game during the week and do some sort of hiking or trail walking on one of your off days. That way you're being active at the very least 3 days a week. Or go for a bike ride. If you add in something that you enjoy, you're more likely to stick with it.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    It's just not something I want to do every day for my entire life, I enjoy exercise and want to do it but working a 15 hour shift and working out before or after just doesn't appeal to me. I play basketball at least once a week and just wanted to add in something else.

    I'm aiming for changes I know I can stick to, trying to be realistic to myself and how I want to accomplish what I want to accomplish.

    Each to their own, just wanted to know other peoples experiences with it.

    Exercise SHOULD be fun! The gods of exercise will not strike you dead if you don't do JM30DS everyday for the next 30 days. In fact Jillian herself has said that is not the intention...there should be rest days!! Mix your work outs up make them fun! I have about 30 exercise DVD's, I belong to a gym and a nice yoga studio, own a bike and have access to a nice bike/ jogging path. Get out there and do what feels good and fun!!!!
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    When you first start working out, you reason with yourself all the time why you shouldn't have to do this.. kind of like when you had to get up for school.
    But, once you start doing it for 4 + months.. you kind of fall into a routine of exercising. It has become part of your daily life and you wont resist it so much anymore.
    Buy some new colorful pretty work out clothes.. then look forward to wearing them each time you exercise.
    With time, if you keep up your willpower, you mind will soon work less against you, and more for you.
    Be WARDEN of your own body!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't know that it's a fast track to yo-yo dieting - but I do think you're very smart in wanting to find something sutainable that you can do for the rest of your life. That's the exact reason I'm not on a "diet" - for me it's a lifestyle change that Ican keep up the rest of my life. Granted, now I'm exercising more and eating less becasue I want to lose weight, but I'm also experimenting with a lot of different things to find some things I enjoy doing.

    Good for you!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I used it as a warm up. It proved to me that I could stick to something for several weeks (I did 25 workouts, then got sick, then went on vacation). Now I'm working out for about 40min each day (Monday - Friday) at the gym near my work. It also gave me the opportunity to have my pathetic initial exercise moments at home (almost puking because I ate too much pre-workout, almost passing out because I ate too little, falling over in a most ungraceful way when I tried to jump to switch legs on the lunges, etc). It is what you make of it.
  • I dunno about anyone else but, I LOVE my DVD workouts! AND, they have gotten me to totally change my way of thinking. Admittingly, I used to think the same way. What happens when this workout is done? What happens when I get to where I want? What if this and what if that?!?!

    LIfe changes and so do people. As of right now, i am working toward a HEALTHY way of living, not just dieting for the RIGHT NOW and THAT is what it takes, I.M.O. A lifestyle change is the ONLY way to stay FIT and HEALTHY for life. BUT, you cant expect ANYONE to think they are going to keep the same "routine" the rest of their lives. I have a child...I know when she gets older and gets more involved in things she likes, things arent going to be as "easy" as they are now so, by then, my way of doing things will probably have to change. But, I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

    AGAIN, LIFE CHANGES, you have to change with it...whether it be working out or not. ;-)

    GOOD LUCK on your journey!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My experience with it.....

    I always hated exercise, if the purpose was to exercise. If it was just something fun I wanted to do and it was not called exercise, then fine. So to do a workout DVD for the purpose of, you know, exercise, was completely not what I ever wanted to do.

    I started 30 DS. It was hard. I didn't do it every day, but I was doing at least 3 to 5 days a week. I was doing it because I was going on vacation and I didn't want to look like a total blob. I went on vacation, and it was good and when I got back I didn't really have much motivation to keep at it.

    So, April, May, June, July..... didn't do much exercise and all the progress I made before was gone. I can't get away with not exercising any more. At my age, I'm not going to magically start looking like I did 20 years ago, no matter how much I watch what I eat. I recommitted to exercising, and I started adding in other DVDs, and I at least walk for 30 minutes every day if I don't do the DVD. And now, 2.5 months later, I am really starting to see my body changing. And I feel great. I have never felt so good before in my life, just general mood, feeling better in my skin, feeling better about myself overall. And now I WANT to exercise every day.

    The DVD did not cause me to Yo-Yo on my diet, I was still logging every day even when I was not exercising. But to get the results I want, I do need the exercise, and in committing to doing it, that made me want to do it.

    Nobody can make you do it. You have to get to a point yourself where you feel the necessity and do it.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    It's just not something I want to do every day for my entire life, I enjoy exercise and want to do it but working a 15 hour shift and working out before or after just doesn't appeal to me. I play basketball at least once a week and just wanted to add in something else.

    I'm aiming for changes I know I can stick to, trying to be realistic to myself and how I want to accomplish what I want to accomplish.

    Each to their own, just wanted to know other peoples experiences with it.

    Exercise SHOULD be fun! The gods of exercise will not strike you dead if you don't do JM30DS everyday for the next 30 days. In fact Jillian herself has said that is not the intention...there should be rest days!! Mix your work outs up make them fun! I have about 30 exercise DVD's, I belong to a gym and a nice yoga studio, own a bike and have access to a nice bike/ jogging path. Get out there and do what feels good and fun!!!!

    Exactly. I am following P90X but doing it only every other day since I am running 3-4 days a week. And sometimes I just don't feel like working out so I take a day off.

    And I still have my gym membership for days when it's not ideal to workout outside or at home.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It's just a name for a DVD, Jillian Michaels has been quoted saying that. First, you don't have to do it for 30 days straight. Do it 3 to 5 times a week. Second, as long as you are doing some kind of physical activity or exercise that you like AND eating the proper amount of calories for the rest of your life you will not yo-yo diet. You have to change your fitness and eating habits for the rest of your life, you can never "go back to normal."
  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    product of JAZZERCISE DVDs.

    No "yo-yo" dieting here. It's a lifestyle change you have to make. and the DVDs let me workout whenever I wanted :smile:
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    Do you think gym memberships are a fast track to yo-yo dieting? I dont. I workout to dvd's and you shouldnt do the same workout for more thatn a month so you get more dvd's. I try to buy a new workout every other week to keep my routine changing and adding variety.

    I work, have a very active teen and family. I commit to working out in the morning and have a schedule for the month to make it easier in myself.

    Yo-yo dieting is not a result of dvd's or gym memberships. You start to yo-yo when you start thinking that just because you did a program that says 30,60,90 days that you are done. This is a LIFE journey yo have to commit to something everyday. You will never find the time you have to make the time.
  • laurapariseau
    laurapariseau Posts: 9 Member
    I am in a similar situation as you are. Love exercise, but sometimes it's not realistic to fit in a full work out. Recently I discovered that when I am slammed with a busy day with no time to do my usual hour work out I can at least do 5 minutes at a time a few times during the day. Five minutes of high intensity seems to give me many of the benefits of a full work out including shutting down my appetite and uplifting my mood. A 5 minute workout might mean a couple of sets of jumping jacks or jogging in place anything that will get my heart rate up. I work at home so it's easy for me to get on the treadmill for 5 minutes, but for others jumping jacks or something like that might be better. I noticed that by doing this I still burned quite a number of calories during the day as with a full work out and I didn't end up feeling guilty about missing something.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    If you tell yourself you have to do ANYTHING - a particular exercise routine, eat a particular food - for the rest of your life, THAT could lead to yo-yo dieting.

    Exercise is meant to be fun, find something enjoy. You CAN stick with that one thing you love, or you can mix it up to fit your goals, increasing fitness and your mood.

    And despite what the cover of 30DS says, you don't have to - indeed shouldn't, Jillian herself has confirmed - do it every day. During one or two rest days a week your body recovers, muscles grow and heart and lungs become stronger.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    The problem here is that you see exercise and diet as a means to an end. And that is what leads to yo-yo dieting.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't want to have to spend 30-60 minutes every day on exercise. I also don't want to spend my money on boring things like electricity or a mortgage payment.

    Being responsible sucks. If I want to be strong, fit and healthy, I have to make sacrifices. If I had the kind of lifestyle people had 50 years or more ago, it might not be necessary to do formal exercise. But if I'm going to accept the luxuries of microwaves, cars, washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, fresh groceries available year 'round at the grocery store, etc.... I have to accept that I'm going to have to work for the body I want.

    I don't farm my own produce. I don't hunt or raise livestock for food. I don't scrub my clothes against a washboard. I don't take my rugs outside to beat the dust out of them. I don't need to walk anywhere. I don't need to chop firewood. My life is pretty damn cushy.

    So I'm not going to ***** about having to exercise a little. I certainly waste more time each day watching tv or reading FB or MFP than I spend exercising.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Yo-yo dieting is a function of a persons psychology, not a round shiny disk.....

    ....people have to find exercise that works for them - as in they can stick to it because they enjoy it. The more exercise you do and the more variety of exercise you do makes you more educated and sophisticated in how and how much you need to work out, eat, rest, etc. And like in all things, your taste in exercise can change as time goes by.

    At the end of the day there's no magic involved..... just time, patience and hard-work. If you can't muster up these three things, then you'll ultimately end up living on your sofa, eating a family sized bag of crisps, watching crappy tv and *****ing about how you're not happy with yourself.

    Whether you pop in a dvd, lace up a pair of running shoes or go to the gym and hit the weights is irrelevant. Only your attitude is relevant to whether you'll fail or not.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Why cant you commit 20 min a day? you already have, so its obviously possible.

    i started with workout dvds like insanity and p90x. when i got done, i wanted more-not less.

    yes, you will gain every pound back if you think 30 days of working out is the cure all. you have to maintain or increase your nutrition savvy or workouts. There is no program on earth that gets you permanently fit after only x number of days.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    No, I don't think DVDs of any kind set you up for yo-yoing. The name "30-day Shred" simply implies that if you do the routine for 30 days straight, you should be able to see some sort of result. Marketing folks named it so that consumers would see it and say to themselves, "Oh! Here's what I can do to look like Jillian Michaels in a month!" and buy it. Like they say, actual results may vary. :laugh:

    Anyway, I agree with what the bulk of the responders here have said: You need to find a rhythm for your workouts that meshes with your life. For me, I committed nine months ago to doing SOMETHING every day, whether it's walking for half an hour or hiking for half a day. I've got as busy a life as the next person, but I owe it to myself to give ME the time I require to keep healthy. Throwing in a DVD workout here and there works well when I want a quick, hard burn without leaving the house. Doing that only periodically doesn't cause me to yo-yo any more than a 10-mile hike once every few months would. For me (I'm 49), I find that regular, steady workouts (30-60 minutes daily) keep me both slim and happy. Since you're so young, you'll likely require less. And basketball? -- whoa! -- that's one KILLA game! If you're playing ball a few times a week, you're good to go, girlfriend.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    So why can't you try a new Dvd once that one is done? There are so many work out dvds and videos that you will never do all of them in your entire lifetime.

    Sounds like an excuse to me.

    So the answer is yes, you will have to do this for the rest of your life or be fat or unhealthy. That's your choice. You are obviously not one of those super healthy individuals who can eat candy all day long and look great (I know someone like but that's the way life goes).

    Good luck!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    The problem here is that you see exercise and diet as a means to an end. And that is what leads to yo-yo dieting.

    This is very true. It was the way I always saw dieting and exercise. I hated them both and therefore never kept the weight off. I'm talking MANY attempts. Some pretty good losses too sometimes up to 40 odd pounds. Just to decide it was too hard and gain it all back and then some.

    Not anymore. I am eating at a cal level that I can sustain for the rest of my life if need be. I don't really restrict what I eat, but have found that as I get healthier, I don't want junk anymore.

    And exercise??? Never even barely tolerated it. Now, I have gone from doing nothing, to kickboxing, strength training and now lifting heavy. It's awesome. I LOVE doing these things and can't imagine not doing them even when I reach goal.

    Find something you LOVE and do it. :)
  • Woah! I was just asking for opinions on a statement not a loads of people telling me I'm lazy! I'm doing well with what I'm doing right now and I'm being realistic with my goals for my personal self and it's working for me so less of the judgment please! And i've found exercise I love, been playing basketball for 11 years now so I don't need excuses to not commit to exercise when I already have.

    Anyways, I agree with the people that say yo-yoing is a mind set, but I do think for some people the DVD's set people up for yo-yoing. The celebrities that bring them out -for example tend to be the ones that yo-yo diet.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    in my opinion, something like 30 day shred should be something that gets your started and motivated. once you get results and see the difference in your endurance from doing the video, you should be more motivated to get out there and begin taking initiative of your own health and fitness.

    its all about being realistic with yourself. if you start small, you will not feel overwhelmed and you won't quit. =)