Why does breakfast suck?



  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I was never a big egg eater, either, but over the past couple of years I've really warmed up to them. My favorite way to eat them now either for breakfast or lunch is scrambled w/ crumbled bacon (optional), feta or shredded cheddar, baby spinach, salt, pepper, salsa, and light sour cream. SO delicious!!!!!!!!!! Makes eating them very enjoyable!! 2 scrambled eggs with all of these toppings is under 200 calories and is VERY filling!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    First: screw oatmeal. I have many reasons for saying this, but I'll drop a single example: show me one person who is in the 5-7% BF range who eats oatmeal.

    Second: stop thinking 'breakfast foods'. My breakfast a couple of days ago was a quarter of a pound of chicken breast, and 3 oz. of shrimp.

    I'm a chick, so that would be kinda a dangerous range, but I'm at 16.8% bf and I made pumpkin protein pancakes for breakfast and one of the ingredients is oatmeal.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    You can make some wonderfully unhealthy oatmeal.
  • I LOVE my breakfast and this is what I posted for another person. This is what I do for 285-300 calories. Now I do suggest egg whites, but you can sub that for more cereal, a piece of fruit, another slice of bacon, slice of toast with jam...quite a few things for those 50 calories!

    Here's some ideas. First, keep in mind they say protein helps keep you the MOST full. But I like variety and want it ALL! Lol.

    90 calories - cup skim milk
    110 calories - 3/4 cup Honey Nut Cheerios (or whatever cereal, many of which are less. Caramel Cheerios are only 100!)

    50 calories- two servings of egg whites which, if cooked in the microwave, fluff up to a BIG patty!
    45 calories- one slice of REAL bacon, not turkey. Low sodium Sugardale bacon is only about 40 calories

    5 calories - if you like the taste of orange juice, try Crystal Light's Sunrise Classic Orange drink mix. It's DARN close in taste.
    300 calories max (the cereal and the bacon may actually be less depending what ya' pick). So you're getting a full bowl of cereal AND bacon and eggs AND orange-ish juice! Let me know how it goes if you try it. :))))
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I like turkey sandwiches for breakfast. Bread, honey mustard, munster and turkey. Yum.
  • I made pumpkin protein pancakes for breakfast and one of the ingredients is oatmeal.

    Never heard of that! Sounds yummy as all heck! Where do you find that!?
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    peanut butter and banana on toast mmm
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    or make yourself a shake!
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Anything you like eating for lunch or supper is good for breakfast.

    Broth and soup is a big thing in Asia, and to be honest a cup of hot and sour soup in the morning in the winter... mmgh!
    Various hot cereals like millet cooked with fruit or pumpkin, buckwheat with milk or mushrooms, or rice or quinoa cooked with raisins and cinnamon are eastern Eurpenian
    Quark (or ricotta) and baked version of it with some flour involved in forma of patties or crustless quiche or pie will be a good protein load. I'm making steamed galushki this weekend (which is basically quark, egg and some binding starch)
    Popovers. Now, that's a frigging winner over any muffing: milk, egg, flour and salt is all it takes
    Canned or smoked fish on greens and cucs
    nuts. Honestly, 2 oz of macadamia nuts with coffee... what else can one which from life?
    Bake your apple or pear and top with cheese
    Any baked tuber (bake the night before to caramelize natural sugars in sweet potato, beets, carrots or jikama) or a banana, about 1 cup mushed, mushed with 1/2 cup egg whites and micro'd in a souffle topped with spice of choice - still my heart! Top with some Greek yogurt if celebrating the morning....
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    waffles dont have to be bad!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Oh man, eggs and toast, oatmeal are my fave breakfasts! This morning I overslept, so I grabbed one of those Breakfast on the Go things. They are like a granola/nut/dried fruit medley.

    I have a good friend who eats salads for breakfasts. Sounds kinda weird, and she says it took a few days to get used to but she swears by it now.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    Whole-grain toast with a little peanut butter and a sliced up banana. It's yummy, quick, and filling.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I am on a low carb diet. I eat a variety of stuff for breakfast. Sometimes eggs and bacon. I love asparagus with eggs. Sometimes a flax muffin-in-a-minute. Sometimes leftover chicken breast and veggie. This last week I had a piece of low carb, dairy free pumpkin (or squash) pie for breakfast. The muffin-in-a-minute is like having chocolate cake for breakfast. This morning I had scrambled eggs and a beef stick for breakfast.
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Breakfast is the meal I worry the least about, you can pretty much eat Krispy Kremes for breakfast and get away with it by the end of the day. I just make sure I get a protein shake and some fibre in to help reach my Macros.

    Have you been taking acid?

    There's as much calories in a bowl of Cereal as a Donut, get a grip, you have a whole day to be active after.

    I don't eat cereal. It's the notion 'getting away with it' that seems ludicrous to me. If that's the attitude then just eat what you want whenever you want. The time is completely irrelevent.

    I do try to eat what ever I want, it would be strange not to as I'm the one buying the food, I just don't need the sugar pick me up at the end of the day just to sit around.

    But the point is if you are allocating calories for yourself in a day, unless you eat 1500+ Calories in the morning you can do what it takes to stay in your goal, its not like eating cheesecake after eating 3 of your meals and ruining your day, you've still got your day to go.

    So really Breakfast you can eat what ever, within limits.
  • ninick
    ninick Posts: 44 Member
    Here are some of my fav in terms of sweet breakfast items
    - Kashi Go Lean (original, not the crunch) cereal. High protein, high fiber, and low on sugar
    - Kashi Waffles
    - Cold quinoa salad with dried fruit and nuts (good alternative for oatmeal)
    - Protein smoothie with protein powder, fruit or pumpkin and spices

    - Quesadilla with high fiber tortilla and avocado :D
    - Lean pocket (lunch varieties)
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    All calories are equal? Are you kidding me? Have you ever heard of eating clean? The calories of eggs, spinach and a whole wheat wrap will do drastically different things to your body then the calories of a donut. Try a day of "clean" food (chicken breast, lean meats, eggs, fruit, veggies, whole wheat bread. no junk), and you'll see what I mean.
    Breakfast is the meal I worry the least about, you can pretty much eat Krispy Kremes for breakfast and get away with it by the end of the day. I just make sure I get a protein shake and some fibre in to help reach my Macros.

    Have you been taking acid?

    There's as much calories in a bowl of Cereal as a Donut, get a grip, you have a whole day to be active after.
    What? If calories are equal either way, you can eat that donut right before you go to sleep and "get away with it." :huh:

    Ya, no a doughnut is not equal to a sugary cereal. there are still SOME vitamins in cereals. and with the doughnut you will be hungrier faster afterwards. take it from me...you have to give up the doughnuts at least not every day.

    You could eat that donut before bed, but I think I would rather eat something for breakfast!!!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Breakfast is the meal I worry the least about, you can pretty much eat Krispy Kremes for breakfast and get away with it by the end of the day. I just make sure I get a protein shake and some fibre in to help reach my Macros.

    Have you been taking acid?

    There's as much calories in a bowl of Cereal as a Donut, get a grip, you have a whole day to be active after.
    What? If calories are equal either way, you can eat that donut right before you go to sleep and "get away with it." :huh:

    Ya, no a doughnut is not equal to a sugary cereal. there are still SOME vitamins in cereals. and with the doughnut you will be hungrier faster afterwards. take it from me...you have to give up the doughnuts at least not every day.
    All calories are equal? Are you kidding me? Have you ever heard of eating clean? The calories of eggs, spinach and a whole wheat wrap will do drastically different things to your body then the calories of a donut. Try a day of "clean" food (chicken breast, lean meats, eggs, fruit, veggies, whole wheat bread. no junk), and you'll see what I mean.
    Ugh, you're one of "those" people, aren't you? Suckered in by the latest fad. "Clean eating" is an absolutely meaningless term, tossed around by charlatans in the fitness community trying to find suckers to buy their books and magazines. Eat food. Real food. A mix of food, 80% healthy, 20% whatever you want. It's not complicated. As for your assertion that "eating clean" (whatever that even means) is required to be healthy, here's some reading for you.

    http://www.wannabebig.com/diet-and-nutrition/the-dirt-on-clean-eating/# - an essay by Alan Aragon, a well respected personal trainer and nutrition expert, with advanced degrees in human nutrition.

    http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html - an article about Professor Mark Haub, professor of Human Nutrition at Kansas State University, who lost 27 pounds and improved all of his health markers (cholesterol, triglycerides, body fat) considerably, by eating a diet consisting of sugary cereal and sugary snack cakes, as well as convenience store fare like Doritos, potato chips, and the like. Kinda kills your "you must eat clean to be healthy" idea, doesn't it?

    Besides, what makes you think I don't eat meat, eggs, and whole grains? Because I made a comment that if a person wants to eat a donut, the time they choose to eat it is irrelevant? I fail to see how that has anything to do with my specific diet.
  • alschultz33
    alschultz33 Posts: 199 Member
    I had the same problem until I got used to eating my healthier options. Now I love them :)

    I generally have a hard boiled egg, a yogurt (light & fit or fage w/ fruit), and a string cheese. Sometimes I'll replace yogurt with half an Ezekiel english muffin (full of nutrients) with a little butter or jam....or I'll put some peanut butter and bananas on top (yum).

    I'm on the same page with you about eggs. After a while, too much makes me gag.

    I also add in an apple or something to breakfast if I'm not feeling full.

    Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Breakfast sucks because it's in the morning and mornings suck.

    But if you don't like traditional breakfast foods and want to eat something, then eat whatever you want. Have a bowl of soup or some leftovers from last night dinner or a peanut butter sandwich or a salad or a buffalo chicken wrap or whatever you like.