Date Advice - all points of view welcome



  • janey1306
    I really hope the next date goes well, im going to admit that i only skipped through your post, but one thing stood out to me

    "eventually the bill came and she started playing with her necklace and putting chapstick on. Apparently this was a "sign" that I should have gone in for the kiss"

    I dont think this was a sign to go in for the kiss, more a sign of her doing something to avoid going dutch and letting you pay the bill! Unless of course you missed out the bit, "we paid the bill and she then started playing with her necklace and putting chapstick on!"
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    Good luck. Play it cool.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm totally going to call myself out here... but I did this all the time to guys when I was younger.

    I was broke, needed food and I'd get guys to take me out to dinner. I'd tell them my favorite place, they'd ask if I wanted to go there and bam. Dinner on them. I don't think she was giving off the "kiss me" signals with the playing of the necklace and addition of chapstick. No guy wants to eat Chapstick and we're aware of this (as women). And if she was interested in you, she would've been as involved in the conversation as you were with her.

    I have to go with the other poster that said we're all on our very best behavior on our first date. She sounded rude to me, looking at the TV etc. I know, for me, I couldn't go to a place on Monday/Thursday Nights that had TVs because chances are, I'd be watching the game. I don't mean it to be rude, but I'm just preconditioned for football watching :smile: BUT I'm aware of it and would avoid those places for a date.

    I would be very cautious on a second date with her. if she's interested, she'll reciprocate. Most girls nowadays don't really subscribe to the "old fashioned way" of dating. You've made it clear that you're interested in her, let her show you that she's interested.
    I don't think it's a free dinner thing. She mentioned wanting to try this specific dish that is dinner only three times when we were there before. Honestly the necklace and Chapstick thing came after/while I was paying the bill. Maybe I was giving off confusing signals, never really thought about it that way. She could have been nervous and just better at hiding than me, she did describe herself as being nerdier about stuff. I have a feeling she was trying to be reserved.

    All I know is

    1. She responded to my text very fast, I got the feeling of "finally you idiot I've been waiting all week for you to ask me out again" vibe. I just told her I was taking her out. Which night and got a choice of two days. One being Halloween of all days. Not exactly spending Christmas together but it's still a holiday type day.
    2. She used smiley faces and she never really uses smiley faces.

    I got her a little stuffed angry birds bird, as I quote from her " there is always time in the day for angry birds". I plan to go in for a kiss, tell her at the end of the date, dependent on how things go, I have one more thing I want to give her go for it win or lose. Alternatively tell her I have one more thing for her, tell her to close her eyes and hen go for it.

    I don't both sound hokey, now that I've type it out :/
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I wouldn't kiss her............but that's just me........................make her just might to your advantage later............
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,129 Member
    It's off to the island of misfit toys or to overthrow of the tokugawa shogunate to sad music, whatever I'm supposed to do now. heh bonus points if you got that last reference.
    Don't confuse the Edo with the Emo... Now what will I do with these bonus points...
  • janey1306
    update please!
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    This is the same thread, never mind.