Do thin people think about food as much as I do?



  • arifrancesca
    Also, you probably do need more calories. 1200 is very low, so you may want to look at that. It is very hard to stay on an eating plan and lose wait consistently when you are starving.

    Yes I ate 1400 today and feel a lot better. I am going to see my doctor to talk about how many calories I should be eating each day. Congrats to your Mom, I am looking forward to the day I can say I lost 100 pounds. I guess no matter how much I weigh I will think about food because the bottom line is I really like to eat!! I am starting to realize though that I can still enjoy food without stuffing my face.
    PHLLLY Posts: 160 Member
    I think about food 24/7. Ask my coworkers. I work in the food industry as a cook so I'm constantly around food all day and mostly everyday. From the moment I wake up and the moment I go to sleep I'm always thinking what I'm going to eat next. If I finally eat something I think of what workouts I gotta do and what my next meal is gonna be. It's so consuming my obsessive personality can't almost handle it sometimes. LOL But I take enough vacations to not give a damn what I eat so I don't suffer too bad.
  • Copaiba
    Copaiba Posts: 75 Member
    Can you afford to talk to a nutritionist? Maybe your local hospital has a free program that could set you up?
    I think about food all the time because if I want healthy food, I have to cook it. And if I want my healthy food to taste halfway decent, I have to read recipes (
    You've done GREAT on your own!
    I agree that you could probably up your calories. You might be doing some damage to your body by being so strict. Even if you just went up to 1500.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks all for the different points of view. I wonder if I am not eating enough calories each day? I am eating a balanced diet with whole grains, fruit, veg, and protein but about 1200 calories per day. I am 5'7" and 302 pounds. I have had a headache for 48 hours so I wonder if need more daily calories? All I have been drinking is water and plain tea, then again maybe the headache is form the caffiene?

    I think you could for sure. I'm 5'6" currently at 196 pounds and I eat around 1700 per day. I had the constant headache/food obsession (along with feeling generally weak, tired, and irritable) when I dropped to net 1300 for only about 3 days. Could be a coincidence, but it definitely went away when I got back up to normal.
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    on the plan I am following it said I should eat 1200 a day for 2 weeks and then up it to 1400 calories a day.

    I thought if I ate more than that I wouldn't lose weight.

    Unless you are 5'0", 110lbs and completely, forever sedentary you should *ALWAYS* eat more than 1200 calories. Barring some catastrophic medical issue that is being closely supervised by one or more specialised doctors, you *NEED* food to fuel your body. You are not losing FAT when you are eating this little... you're losing yourself. You're losing your lean body mass - muscle and connective tissues etc. The average, mid-sized female should have between 1700 - 2000 calories a day *minimum*. Please, please, please learn about your BMR, TDEE and if possible invest in some body composition scales and get your body fat%. You want to be losing body FAT not just body weight.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I go through phases.

    Right now I think about food constantly and it gets annoying. I used to smoke and I liken it to that (for me anyway). Just waiting for the next meal.

    Other times it doesn't really bother me. I eat, I'm good, and then it dawns on me that I probably should eat something.

    I think there is a natural ebb and flow especially when you first start, have to readjust your goals, start a new routine, or build muscle.

    The beauty of it all is that you don't have to be perfect. Some days you'll eat more and some days you'll eat less. If you keep pushing forward and keep working at some deficit you will lose weight.