Where does this water drinking myth/fact come from ?

I read it all the time drink plenty of water, 8 glasses a day, drink until your wee is clear and your going to the toilet every 30 mins etc etc.

Whilst I have no dispute that keeping yourself hydrated is a good thing, I cant find any science behind this 8 glasses a day number or that drinking large quantities of water will help fat loss etc.

I can find as many articles stating the drinking water thing is a myth as i can that it works to help use fat loss.

Another thing that annoys me is when people say it must be plain water as if my body is going to tell the difference between water straight from the tap and water that I've added a dose of cordial into. What about if I drink the water then 5 minutes later eat an orange - OH NO the water in my stomach is now mixed with orange juice its no longer plain water !!!


  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I think the fact that thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger explains it. And that after drinking a glass of water, you're less likely to overeat. But I don't believe the water itself has fat-burning qualities. Its just the effect it has can LEAD to fat loss.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I think the fact that thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger explains it. And that after drinking a glass of water, you're less likely to overeat. But I don't believe the water itself has fat-burning qualities. Its just the effect it has can LEAD to fat loss.
    How can one confuse thirst and hunger.
    They are the two most primal urges...I mean, you're thirsty, you drink, aaaahhhh...
    Not thirsty now....ooo, still hungry though.
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Yup Stops you feeling hungry (well what you used to think was hunger) stops you holding on to water, and also, helps your digestion as not so much is 'travelling through' so to speak!

    Sometimes the high sodium days you really need this extra water as you don't have the water from the foods you are eating less off to balance it out.
  • roycruse73
    roycruse73 Posts: 53 Member
    So why does this website promote the 8 glasses thing then if nobody actually thinks its got any science behind it...
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    So why does this website promote the 8 glasses thing then if nobody actually thinks its got any science behind it...

    Basically, like, a hundred years ago, someone said "Maybe we should drink 8 glasses a day" and it went from there.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I read it all the time drink plenty of water, 8 glasses a day, drink until your wee is clear and your going to the toilet every 30 mins etc etc.

    Whilst I have no dispute that keeping yourself hydrated is a good thing, I cant find any science behind this 8 glasses a day number or that drinking large quantities of water will help fat loss etc.

    I can find as many articles stating the drinking water thing is a myth as i can that it works to help use fat loss.

    Another thing that annoys me is when people say it must be plain water as if my body is going to tell the difference between water straight from the tap and water that I've added a dose of cordial into. What about if I drink the water then 5 minutes later eat an orange - OH NO the water in my stomach is now mixed with orange juice its no longer plain water !!!

    There is a programme in the UK called the Food Hospital....they covered this very topic a few weeks ago.

    Watch the video it's only 4mins but well worth it!

  • Because it works? I'm down 45 lbs (20.5 kg) since February as a part of a high fiber and lower carb diet and it seems to be working. Mine is pretty well-balanced all the way around and I get my 3L of water.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    Personally, I only drink when I feel thirsty or when I'm really hungry but know I can't eat for X amount of time, just to stave off my hunger.

    Lately, the air has been very dry so I'm chugging water like crazy, but yeah, normally I don't drink unless I feel I need to.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    You can confuse thirst and hunger because the stomach sensations can be similar. Often you think you feel hungry but it's actually thirst. Try it by drinking a glass of water and see -if the sensation doesn't go away eat. When I drink adequate water I have significantly better days food wise. In other words when I struggle to get the water in I eat more food and it shows in my diary. I for one love lots of water each day.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    In my opinion it's good advice mainly because it may stop people from drinking other stuff like soda, diet soda, kook-aid, etc.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    I don't drink much water at all and have lost 85 pounds.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    It's like everything else, if you don't believe it, don't do it....Your loss. I drink between 10 to 16 CUPS of water everyday. I like it, so I do it.
  • I think the fact that thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger explains it. And that after drinking a glass of water, you're less likely to overeat. But I don't believe the water itself has fat-burning qualities. Its just the effect it has can LEAD to fat loss.
    How can one confuse thirst and hunger.
    They are the two most primal urges...I mean, you're thirsty, you drink, aaaahhhh...
    Not thirsty now....ooo, still hungry though.

    I confuse thirsty with hungry a lot. I find that sometimes my stomach is grumbling for water, what I would normally have associated with hunger.
  • I hardly ever drink plain old water unless I'm at the gym working out. I usually add some kind of water enhancer (Mio) when I'm not at the gym. I've lost plenty of weight and drink mostly flavored water, green tea and energy drinks. :)
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    1) If flushes impurities from your body
    2) Revs your metabolism
    3) Keeps your skin hydrated and flexible

    If you only drink when you are thirsty...you are already dehydrated; so that isn't a good time to "start to drink". Approximately 2/3 of your body is made up of water. You sweat and pee, therefore ridding your body of it's water...you will need to replace what is lost. So if you are working out hard or it's a really hot day...you will need to drink more....

    FACT: most people do not drink near enough water...yes it is possible to drown by drinking TOO much water...but very few people have this issue because they get enough other foods which have enough sugars and salts in them (electrolytes) that this isn't real common.

    Here's a few sites to help you with water:




  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am pretty sure that MFP is not pushing the 8 glasses a day. There is no message if you log less or more than 8. Do whatever you want. There is nothing wrong with adding something to water to flavor it. Is it still water, yes. Is a soda still water? Technically, but obviously it's not as good for you as plain water. A while back there was a thread asking if condensed soup counted as water. Technically yes, but people just need to get the big picture here. Hydration is important. Water is one of the best forms of hydration no matter how you get it in your body.
  • hablondi
    hablondi Posts: 127 Member
    I think the fact that thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger explains it. And that after drinking a glass of water, you're less likely to overeat. But I don't believe the water itself has fat-burning qualities. Its just the effect it has can LEAD to fat loss.
    How can one confuse thirst and hunger.
    They are the two most primal urges...I mean, you're thirsty, you drink, aaaahhhh...
    Not thirsty now....ooo, still hungry though.

    This is something that happens to me all the time. I went so many years with barely drinking anything at all, that I do not recognize thirst. I feel like something is "off", like I am craving something, but whatever I try to eat doesn't take it away. It has only been recently that I have started to realize that I am thirsty.
  • 1) If flushes impurities from your body
    2) Revs your metabolism
    3) Keeps your skin hydrated and flexible

    If you only drink when you are thirsty...you are already dehydrated; so that isn't a good time to "start to drink". Approximately 2/3 of your body is made up of water. You sweat and pee, therefore ridding your body of it's water...you will need to replace what is lost. So if you are working out hard or it's a really hot day...you will need to drink more....

    FACT: most people do not drink near enough water...yes it is possible to drown by drinking TOO much water...but very few people have this issue because they get enough other foods which have enough sugars and salts in them (electrolytes) that this isn't real common.

    Here's a few sites to help you with water:





    Think of it this way.. Your body is in a constant survival mode. When you aren't drinking enough water your body will hold on to the water it has, thus giving you a bloated feeling ("water weight") HOWEVER, if you are drinking plenty of water\ your body will not go in to "survival mode" and you will lose the bloated/ water weight feeling. It also flushes our toxins in your body, makes you feel thinner, and gives your skin elasticity so when you do lose weight you don't have a skin parachute left over.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Peeing every 30 minutes is not normal LOL (unless your an out of control diabetic)

    Use this to calculate how much water YOU personally should drink: http://www.csgnetwork.com/humanh2owater.html