red meat addict



  • First of all let me say I love beef - a lot. I often crave it. We had grilled NY strip steaks for dinner last night. Yumm.

    I had no idea this would turn into a vegetarian vs meat eater post. I have tried vegetarian. It did nothing for me. I have actually tried it twice, once to see if I would feel better. The second time just to see if it would help again. Then a friend had me watch forks over knives and I almost went vegan
    until I researched the science they used and found it completely lacking. All data skewed to fit their agenda, leaving out important facts. So while I still limit my meat consumption it is because of personal preference, no other reason.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Our bodies tend to crave what we need, so you may be a bit low on iron. And cows may be cute, but they are stupid. Take it from someone who owns about 60 of them. No guilt there, believe me.
    ETA: Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.

    Is there really a need to say something so horrible? :huh: Since when does stupidity equate to a life form being deserving of murder? I know a lot of very stupid people, but sure wouldn't eat them. What a dumb-*kitten* comment to make.

    I find it hard to believe anyone could walk through a chicken farm and see the way that they are treated,and the disgusting filth that they live in and still want to eat the bucket of chicken they were carrying.

    As far as our bodies craving what we need, does this mean that when we are craving cookies, our body needs them?????

    Animals and people are not the same at all. Talk about a dumb-*kitten* comment. Killing animals is in no way shape or form, murder. I eat meat because its good. I dont care if they are cute or how bad it makes some people feel. I will walk through a chicken farm eating a bucket of KFC.