Diatomaceous Earth



  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    Have used it as a natural bug killer.

    Also tried it as a supplement for awhile. No ill effects, but didn't get the "results" that some claim, like improved hair, skin, etc. Stopped using it as a supplement - also no ill effects from stopping. MFP, exercise, and eating well has done far more for me than food-grade DE did. :glasses:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Has anyone heard of diatomaceous earth? My daughter told me about this supplement and I looked it up. It looks too good to be true, but I wondered if anyone on here ever heard of it or used it and what, if anything, it did?

    Good to see your BS detector is in good working order.

    I tend to get incredibly skeptical when I can only find:

    1) anecdotal evidence of the so-called "benefits"
    2) information extolling the virtues of a product exclusively on web sites selling whatever the product is (and even then the benefits are vague and tend to be couched with language "may be beneficial" which translates into "we're not aware of it killing anyone yet")
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    As a supplement? No.

    As a filter for fish tanks? Yes.

    This person obviously isn't reading along...

    Get with the program...there's TWO DIFFERENT KINDS OF DE...one is FOOD GRADE (translation: perfectly safe for human/animal consumption!) The second is used for filters etc and is NOT safe for human/animal consumption.

  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    As a supplement? No.

    As a filter for fish tanks? Yes.

    This person obviously isn't reading along...

    Get with the program...there's TWO DIFFERENT KINDS OF DE...one is FOOD GRADE (translation: perfectly safe for human/animal consumption!) The second is used for filters etc and is NOT safe for human/animal consumption.

    Reading along just fine thanks. Just answering the question as asked: Has anyone heard of diatomaceous earth? Maybe try dialling it back a notch?
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    Get Rid of Fleas Using Diatomaceous Earth

    Food grade Diatomaceous Earth is a completely safe and non-toxic substance that dehydrates and damages fleas as well as their larva and eggs, without harming pets or pet owners. And it can be used anywhere. We recommend using the food grade variety as it is finer and works far better. Pool filter grades are often treated with chemicals as well.

    Let's get rid of those fleas!
    1. Simply sprinkle and gently rub handfuls of Diatomaceous Earth onto and into your pet's fur, gently opening and shaking the fur as you go as well to settle the Diatomaceous Earth onto the skin. Keep the material away from the eyes and nose as it can cause sneezing or slight irritation if inhaled, however the material is fully safe for eating and even takes care of internal parasites like worms and other health problems when ingested!

    2. Be sure to sprinkle a fine layer wherever your pet roams or sleeps, anywhere in cracks and crevices as well as any carpets or large cloths, furniture, etc.

    3. You'll want to vacuum up and dust every 2 to 3 days and reapply around the house until the problem has disappeared - which should be very quickly. Also, if your pet continues to have trouble, continue to reapply the Diatomaceous Earth every few days until the problem clears up. The entire home will be flea free in no time!

    Works on ant troubles, roaches as well.
  • yummy_
    yummy_ Posts: 248 Member
    i strongly suggest that you eat real food and make time to exercise.
    be patient, make progress and stop seeking some magic solution. it doesn't exist.
    just do the work.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    As a supplement? No.

    As a filter for fish tanks? Yes.

    This person obviously isn't reading along...

    Get with the program...there's TWO DIFFERENT KINDS OF DE...one is FOOD GRADE (translation: perfectly safe for human/animal consumption!) The second is used for filters etc and is NOT safe for human/animal consumption.


    Nothing about that post indicates that the author doesn't know that there are different kinds of DE. They are simply saying it's a bull**** supplement. It doesn't matter if it's safe for consumption, that doesn't mean it does jack for you.
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    I used it for a while mixed in with Crystal Light. Didn't really do much for me except a little constipation. :grumble:
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Has anyone heard of diatomaceous earth? My daughter told me about this supplement and I looked it up. It looks too good to be true, but I wondered if anyone on here ever heard of it or used it and what, if anything, it did?

    Works great to lining our swimming pool filter. But seriously, nothing works as good as old fashioned healthy diet and exercise.

    Never heard of it since we used it in our swimming pool filter years ago. Are you sure there is a food quallity diatomaceous earth??? I've got to go google this...
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. There are no shortcuts.
    I really wasn't thinking about this for losing weight. The information I read said it could help with some forms of pain (I have been experiencing hip pain after walking on my treadmill), and for detox purposes (I have been having problems with constipation).

    Detox is bull****. You don't have any toxins your body can't normally handle unless you have defective liver or kidneys.

    Plus, a quick google search suggests that DE is going to _increase_ your constipation, not relieve it. Not surprising really, if it works by absorbing liquid (making your stools even firmer and harder to pass). Eat moar fiber!

    I have no idea on what mechanism DE would work through to decrease pain - other than the placebo effect.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I used it for a while mixed in with Crystal Light. Didn't really do much for me except a little constipation. :grumble:

    Did you log that as water?
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My coworker has taken food-grade diatomaceous earth for years to help her arthritis. She swears by it!
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    Just because you have never heard of it doesn't mean it's BS. I personally have taken it for over 6 months. I take it in the morning before eating or taking my daily vitamins. I follow with lots of water. It has helped my joint pain especially when I first started exercising. I haven't seen all the other things claim happen but it definitely has helped with aches & pains. Of course I made sure I found reputable source and that it was indeed food grade.

    Most of us take some sort of supplements whether it's vitamins or other things for energy or bulking or whatever. Why do you have slam someone asking a simple question in the interest of learning?
  • donnantx
    I SWEAR by Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth having used it for several issues:

    1. Ants/bugs (hubby and I travel in RV and we use it in campgrounds/parks that have bug problems)

    2. Red Mange on my new puppy: Vet wanted to keep her on meds for 6 months with no guarantee of killing the mites, however I was in a Trade Center (flea market) and ran across DE, bought some and researched this before using. It cured her Red Mange within a few weeks and she hasnt had it since (she is 2 years old now)

    3. In the garden as a pest eliminator and a parasite eliminator in animals

    4. As a supplement to help with chronic digestive issues, Tablespoon is a liquid 2 times per day helped me move things along if you know what I mean. I did not lose any weight with it.

    5. I forgot about the benefits of relieving joint/inflammation pain...will have to start taking it again.

    I tell all my friends about this stuff, not expensive at less than $15 for 10 pounds, if you live in a smaller/farming town that has a feed store you can probably get it there. It won't hurt you and it might just help so get some from your daughter and use it for awhile and see if it helps....FOOD GRADE only

    PS...all of my friends/family think I am a nut case because I love this stuff so much...but my husband has seen what it can do for our dogs...
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    I use it to worm my dogs :bigsmile:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member

    "Chronic Effects on Humans:
    CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified 1 (Proven for human.) by IARC, 1 (Clear evidence.) by NTP, + (Proven.) by OSHA,
    + (Proven.) by NIOSH [Cristobalite]. Classified A2 (Suspected for human.) by ACGIH [Cristobalite]. Classified 1 (Proven
    for human.) by IARC, 1 (Clear evidence.) by NTP, + (Proven.) by OSHA, + (Proven.) by NIOSH [Quartz]. Classified A2
    (Suspected for human.) by ACGIH [Quartz]. May cause damage to the following organs: lungs, upper respiratory tract."

    careful not to breathe it in.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...careful not to breathe it in.
    I always wore a dust mask when applying it to my swimming pool filters for that reason - it can be very damaging to the respiratory tract. Out here in the desert, we sprinkle it around the outside of the house to kill scorpions - the sharp particles cut into their exoskeleton and dry them out. I know that food-grade DE exists, but it's never occurred to me to use it as a dietary supplement.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    If you're going to eat some dirt, pharmaceutical grade bentonite/montmorillonite would be my choice.

    It's certainly not a cure all, but it has been shown in numerous studies to adsorb some toxins in your GI tract such as aflatoxin(corn and peanuts) and fumonisin. It has also been shown to aid symptoms of diarrhea.

    If you're going to eat dirt at least eat something backed by peer research.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    It looks too good to be true

    Repeat that to yourself over and over until it sinks in. :bigsmile:
