Rant on people at the gym



  • jensenta3
    jensenta3 Posts: 179
    When I am at the gym - I focus on me, myself and I - not what everyone else is doing and saying . . . . .
  • Nickstery
    Nickstery Posts: 324 Member
    What I dislike are people on the machines but not using them... instead they are texting or browsing things on their phones.... even having phone convo's while people are waiting to use the machines.... drives me crazy when I need the machine for my supersets!
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    If you are only focused on you and your machine, how do you notice everyone looking at you?
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    What I dislike are people on the machines but not using them... instead they are texting or browsing things on their phones.... even having phone convo's while people are waiting to use the machines.... drives me crazy when I need the machine for my supersets!

    Sometimes I am searching for the best song for my exercise. This means I am in the power cage, but not actively using it.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Hey look! It's this thread...again.

    Hey look! It's this guy...again.

    Just kidding!! :laugh:
  • KenDubya74
    KenDubya74 Posts: 196 Member
    There are some things that people do at the gym that just make me want to scream and I just wanted to post a public F-U to people doing this in the world! Stop doing this stuff, you're making other people miserable:

    1. Keep your eyes on your own machine! I see you looking over at my machine to see how long I've been on it or what level I'm working at or whatever- stop it! Mind your freakin business!

    2. Yes you're going super fast. I notice that every time I start picking up the pace, you start trying to out-run me. The difference is that your resistance is at 0!!! Of course you can run fast with it at 0 or 2 or 5! My resistance is close to maxing out so stop gloating! You're not 45 and out-running a 20-year-old! You're not 30 pounds overweight and in way better shape than everyone else! Again- mind your freakin business!

    3. SHUT UP! No one wants to hear you going on and on about what you ate all day yesterday or what your political views are. We're trying to concentrate over here so please be polite and shut it! Talking about reps? Fine. Next routine or muscle groups? Sure. If you want to have a long blab session take it to a coffee shop! Also, congrats you barely broke a sweat. If you can chat the whole time, you're getting nothing accomplished!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Better. Sorry for the rant, but couldn't take it anymore! Anyone else have gym horror stories?? Let's talk etiquette.

    Either the world revolves around you (going by the first two there) or you're really paranoid. Seriously, chill out... get you some music going or focus on something (not someone) else. It's all in your head, nobody cares how fast you are going or how long you've been on the machine. Even if they did... so what! RELAX...
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    If you know the resistance of the machine next to you, aren't you guilty of the exact same peeking that you accuse others of doing?

    Get over it.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Competition drives me. It's not a bad thing - embrace it.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I CANNOT HANDLE this mother and daughter that come in to the gym HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE GYM CLOSES to WALK on the treadmill at the SLOWEST speed for 10 minutes, then go on the ergo for 5 mins, and then STRETCH and drink water for 15 minutes...


    There I am, sweating it out on the treadmill, having an awesome workout which I started at least an hour and a half before the gym closes, and they come in with 30 mins to go - walking at the pace of a snail....

    AND the daughter seriously needs to lose weight.. She needs to actually WORK OUT and SWEAT and challenge herself.. not have a lovely stroll at the gym
    AND they both act so exhausted at the end when they're stretching.. whilst I'm drenched in sweat and red all over my face
    soooooo annooooyyyinggggg

    hahahaha, I feel better. And I guess its kinda motivating for me... But still, haha.

    no offense, but you don't know their story, what they have accomplished or are overcoming. You don't know if maybe one of them is sick, injured, or any one of a million other things. Maybe they act exhausted because they are. Maybe they show up at that time because it's as soon as they get off of an exhausting job.
    They are there and they are moving. good for them.
    You sound judgemental and it's sad.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    There are some things that people do at the gym that just make me want to scream and I just wanted to post a public F-U to people doing this in the world! Stop doing this stuff, you're making other people miserable:

    1. Keep your eyes on your own machine! I see you looking over at my machine to see how long I've been on it or what level I'm working at or whatever- stop it! Mind your freakin business!

    2. Yes you're going super fast. I notice that every time I start picking up the pace, you start trying to out-run me. The difference is that your resistance is at 0!!! Of course you can run fast with it at 0 or 2 or 5! My resistance is close to maxing out so stop gloating! You're not 45 and out-running a 20-year-old! You're not 30 pounds overweight and in way better shape than everyone else! Again- mind your freakin business!

    3. SHUT UP! No one wants to hear you going on and on about what you ate all day yesterday or what your political views are. We're trying to concentrate over here so please be polite and shut it! Talking about reps? Fine. Next routine or muscle groups? Sure. If you want to have a long blab session take it to a coffee shop! Also, congrats you barely broke a sweat. If you can chat the whole time, you're getting nothing accomplished!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Better. Sorry for the rant, but couldn't take it anymore! Anyone else have gym horror stories?? Let's talk etiquette.

    ^^BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Take a Xanax and chill
  • pinkkeith
    I have a competitive streak myself, so I'm always checking out what someone else is doing, espeically if they appear to be in good shape. I use them as a reference point to get to where they are at and push myself. If someone was peeking at mine I'd take it as a complement.
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    I think you guys all need to take a moment to breath and realize that I'm the best.

    idk I mean... what If I think im the best ... and there can only be ONE "best" O.O... .. what then D: .. dun dun dun..

    Well, your hot so I guess you can be the best today.

    Gasp! O: no i vote you being the Hawt one ^^ soo you can be best forever after today :) muah!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    First off, it's "Rant at", or " rant about" not rant on, English it's not that hard

    I don’t care, really I don’t! I’m focused on my ****, I set my treadmill going and the world could end half way through and I’d notice only if the power went and my music stopped. On weights I care even less, I’m not there for you, or even guy checking out the spandex girls doing planks I’m there for me. Move on or deal with it.
    If you talk to me, and I notice, I’ll smile, and that is it. Deal with it or move.
    If you want to grunt or fart, or swear or beat your chest, I don’t care, you’ve paid the same as I have to go to the gym, and it take me but second to grab a hand full of paper towels, and a baby wipe to wipe off the machines, I’m not scared of sweat even other peoples. Move on or deal with it.
    Rule # 5 Applies in all cases
    Harden the Fu*h up

    I like you. But I don't think you would care anyway. Far too many strange gym rants/competition monkeys/fat phobics on this thread! It's a gym people, just use it, dont't abuse it and leave. What anyone else is doing is beyond my little circle of concern.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    You'd hate my gym then! It's a university gym so it's always full, every machine is being used and everyone is competing with everyone! I love it... i've never felt so motivated in my life! Stare at my machines all you want...

    And sometimes, my goals are to raise my heart rate a little, not become breathless, there's a calculated reason for it, and sometimes, I'll be talking to my next door neighbour whilst that's happening. It's not always about going hard!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hey look! It's this thread...again.

    Hey look! It's this guy...again.

    Just kidding!! :laugh:

    It's true. I thought I'd try something other than "bump to read later".
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    There's this one guy at my gym - he is so annoying. He's always looking at me and then doing these hip thrusty things with a weird cannonball looking thing with a handle. Sometimes he looks at me and I just know he's judging me and thinks I need to be doing more weight. But then other times it's weird because he'll smile at me, almost as if he's proud of me.

    Wait - nevermind. That's just me, because the only gym I go to is my living room.

    :laugh: win.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474

    yeah but you work at the gym
  • kramalicious
    I can't wait till I am well and can go back to the gym again. I like everyone there. I do have a petty annoyance- the guy who tries to bounce the medicine ball on the floor, hard as he can, making jarring noise. Even with my noise cancelling earphones it's disturbing. I won't even object to him bouncing it off the wall and playing catch with himself, but-- slamming it to the floor? Really dude? Maybe you should work out on the punching bag, instead. Or just take it outside to another room where everyone isn't listening to headphones.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member

    I agree with number 3.

    The first two tell me its much more your problem than theirs.

    You dont know them. You dont know their story. You dont that maybe they used to weigh a hundred pounds more than they do now, that theyve been at it ALL ALONE for flippin years, that having you next to her might make her feel a little comraderie. You dont know that she doesnt still feel like a weakling just trying to get stronger, that she doesnt feel like maybe she is still gigantic because its all in her head which hasnt caught up to her weight loss. You dont know that she isnt beating herself up cause she can run but cant handle resistance like you.

    I cant believe people like you are so so soooooooo judgmental in the gym. We're all working on improving ourselves, youd think people would be less critical and less completely intolerant.

    Theres MY flipping rant.