Rant on people at the gym



  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym.

  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    Too much complaining, not enough lifting.
  • StarIsMoving
    Tell us what this is REALLY about. Did Dad not play catch with you? Mom didn't hug you enough? C'mon, what is it?

    Someone had flashbacks to getting picked last in gym class?

    Social phobia? If they look at your machine they are too close to you?

    Seriously though... I understand being annoyed... but at the same time, if you are motivating them, isn't that a good thing? If they are not infringing on your personal space, is it really worth getting annoyed with?

    On a side note: I have not gone to a gym since I lived in Maine, and when I did, we all pretty much did our business, said hey to one another, and let the sweat roll. Now I do my workouts in my home, or in nature (then the whole world is a gym). Hoping they haven't all gone to this level of drama though
  • kramalicious
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym.


    Hey I saw this pic- exactly what is this? I mean it in all sincerity. Have never seen this before. I want to know...
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    Im gonna go out on a limb and say the two ladies ... are coming in close to closing time HOPING among all hope that no one else (or few) will even be there because they are nervous and scared.

    How do I know this?

    BECAUSE when I started a few weeks ago....I went at what I thought would be a strategic time for this SAME REASON.

    I was afraid of what other people would say behind my back...

    But now that Im into it...I could really care less because I found that no one in my gym is judgemental...

    A few may not pay attention and sit on the machines chatting when they are next in my rotation, but at least they are not watching me and judging me on if they think Im working hard enough.

  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym.


    Hey I saw this pic- exactly what is this? I mean it in all sincerity. Have never seen this before. I want to know...

    Looks like she is just resting between sets of assisted pull ups, using the dip bars to support her weight so that she doesn't have to climb off the machine to rest.

    If you don't understand how the machine works, the platform below her is counterweighted so that it supports some of your bodyweight when using the machine for either pull ups or dips (hence there are two sets of bars, the ones she is holding, and the ones she is sitting on)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    You probably burn a lot of extra calories just being angry. If you don't look at their machines how do you know what speeds or inclines they're using?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I haven't been in awhile (no jokes please), but when I did go, it was a little annoying waiting for the thigh machines. One lady would sit at the adductor machine chatting with another lady at the abductor machine. Now I use the Wii, and my kids are right there with me. No waiting, no muss, no fuss.

    thats when you hip check them out the way and say "SHUT THE F UP and work out"!
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    I CANNOT HANDLE this mother and daughter that come in to the gym HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE GYM CLOSES to WALK on the treadmill at the SLOWEST speed for 10 minutes, then go on the ergo for 5 mins, and then STRETCH and drink water for 15 minutes...


    There I am, sweating it out on the treadmill, having an awesome workout which I started at least an hour and a half before the gym closes, and they come in with 30 mins to go - walking at the pace of a snail....

    AND the daughter seriously needs to lose weight.. She needs to actually WORK OUT and SWEAT and challenge herself.. not have a lovely stroll at the gym
    AND they both act so exhausted at the end when they're stretching.. whilst I'm drenched in sweat and red all over my face
    soooooo annooooyyyinggggg

    hahahaha, I feel better. And I guess its kinda motivating for me... But still, haha.

    To each their own, I applaud the two of them, it is a start, especially if the daughter really needs to lose weight as you say. I don't join a gym because of things just like that. I do not want the added pressure of feeling judged by those that see my 10-15 mins of easy walking an insult or inconvenience to their superior progress . My issue I do admit but when I read posts like this it just reinforces my phobia. We all start somewhere and as long as they are doing something then who are any of us to judge.

    I can't get my wife to go to the gym for the same reason. She is very self conscious and feels like everyone is judging her. I would imagine these people go close to closing time because that is when the fewest people would likely be there. Sometimes when someone is starting an exercise program they have to start slow and perhaps the mother is going slow with her daughter to encourage her and to help her on the journey she has started. Perhaps there is some physical issue that prevents her from walking fast. I have had a lot of damage to both of my legs and I certainly can not run or work out as hard as a lot of people can, my Dr. will not allow me to do anything that is not low impact and I am not allowed to do weight training with my legs with anything more than very light weights. I know the looks I would get in the past when doing leg curls with 15 pounds of weight. Does great things for strengthening my damaged muscles and I ignore the looks from those that look at me like I am not going hard and think I should go home.

    I wish people would quit thinking only healthy very physically fit should be allowed in a gym. Hopefully they keep trying to get healthy and don't just go home and give up.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Too much complaining, not enough lifting.

    I'm with this guy.

    If you were focused on your own workout, you wouldn't even notice that person across the room checking your ****.

    Less crying and more pulling will make your workouts that much more productive.
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    When I do go to the gym (I normally work out at home) I actually love racing with the person next to me. :) Haha. But I will usually ask the person next to me if they want to race and see how far we can get. I love the motivation actually. I'm also an extrovert and live in Austin, TX where I've been lucky to meet some really nice and awesome people at the gym.

    If I'm ever in a bad mood though and just want to focus on myself I'll get my iPod and just focus on a part of a wall or the blank screen on top of the treadmill and zone in. I use that time to just get rid of every negative thought from the day.
  • ashumeow
    ashumeow Posts: 151 Member
    I used to goto gym during my college days (2011)... When i do workouts, i get totally get annoyed by few men who look at me in a strange way... Don't those men have mothers or sisters or daughters?... :( But I managed to avoid them and after my gym membership got expired, then i stopped going to gym. Now i am a SELF-TRAINER :) And i am loving it.
  • StephDuffney
    StephDuffney Posts: 51 Member
    (3. SHUT UP! No one wants to hear you going on and on about what you ate all day yesterday or what your political views are. We're trying to concentrate over here so please be polite and shut it! Talking about reps? Fine. Next routine or muscle groups? Sure. If you want to have a long blab session take it to a coffee shop! Also, congrats you barely broke a sweat. If you can chat the whole time, you're getting nothing accomplished! )

    I so agree, if i can hear them talking over my head phones, make me upset. Sorry I do not need to know the every last detail of you love life and so on.

    Talk to me be for my work out or after. The only person who should be talking to me when i am working out is my trainer or DH co trainer. that is it. pretty much just get a dirty look if you bug me in the middle of a work out.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    If you are next to me on the treadmill, then yes, we are racing ;)
    And it's a gym, not a library....people are going to talk.
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    There are some things that people do at the gym that just make me want to scream and I just wanted to post a public F-U to people doing this in the world! Stop doing this stuff, you're making other people miserable:

    1. Keep your eyes on your own machine! I see you looking over at my machine to see how long I've been on it or what level I'm working at or whatever- stop it! Mind your freakin business!

    2. Yes you're going super fast. I notice that every time I start picking up the pace, you start trying to out-run me. The difference is that your resistance is at 0!!! Of course you can run fast with it at 0 or 2 or 5! My resistance is close to maxing out so stop gloating! You're not 45 and out-running a 20-year-old! You're not 30 pounds overweight and in way better shape than everyone else! Again- mind your freakin business!

    3. SHUT UP! No one wants to hear you going on and on about what you ate all day yesterday or what your political views are. We're trying to concentrate over here so please be polite and shut it! Talking about reps? Fine. Next routine or muscle groups? Sure. If you want to have a long blab session take it to a coffee shop! Also, congrats you barely broke a sweat. If you can chat the whole time, you're getting nothing accomplished!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Better. Sorry for the rant, but couldn't take it anymore! Anyone else have gym horror stories?? Let's talk etiquette.

    get an iPod...maybe anger management help...listen to books on tape...ignore folks if they are pushing your irritant :wink: buttons...Smile, you are dong something good for yourself
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    I CANNOT HANDLE this mother and daughter that come in to the gym HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE GYM CLOSES to WALK on the treadmill at the SLOWEST speed for 10 minutes, then go on the ergo for 5 mins, and then STRETCH and drink water for 15 minutes...


    There I am, sweating it out on the treadmill, having an awesome workout which I started at least an hour and a half before the gym closes, and they come in with 30 mins to go - walking at the pace of a snail....

    AND the daughter seriously needs to lose weight.. She needs to actually WORK OUT and SWEAT and challenge herself.. not have a lovely stroll at the gym
    AND they both act so exhausted at the end when they're stretching.. whilst I'm drenched in sweat and red all over my face
    soooooo annooooyyyinggggg

    hahahaha, I feel better. And I guess its kinda motivating for me... But still, haha.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    Wow. I am never going to a gym. Go hard or go home? Really? That's rude as hell. How about you pay for your gym membership and work out how you want and I'll do the same.
    Except I won't because I won't go to a gym because I am scared of the a**holes thinking I am doing it wrong.

    I got a treadmill on Craigslist for $100 (the owner sold it because her cat pee'd in it but I know I am working out hard when it starts to smell like catpiss in the room), a free bike from a gym that was closing down and a bunch of cheap DVD's. And there is this thing called outside that I use too (although you have to be careful because people use outside for different things and they may think I am using it unwisely).

    Seriously. Open your own gym and make your own rules. "Go hard or go home" to a mother and daughter who may have medical issues, are new to this, are scared of embarrassing themselves, are just have a social activity that doesn't involve sitting on their butts for 30 minutes a day? Where is your heart? (It has to be strong with all that cardio you do so use it!)

    I understand the wiping down machines thing, people being generally RUDE or whatever. But my goodness. Why do any of you go to the gym when there is a post about how much you hate it every other day.

    Edited to add - Go hard or go home is a wonderful motivation. SELF motivation. Or motivation for someone you are training with. Not for complete strangers that you are being bitter toward.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Wow. I am never going to a gym. Go hard or go home? Really? That's rude as hell. How about you pay for your gym membership and work out how you want and I'll do the same.
    Except I won't because I won't go to a gym because I am scared of the a**holes thinking I am doing it wrong.

    You're really never going to a gym becasue you're worried about what people think?
