Ruin My Wish...



  • FloridasFinest
    I wish go on a tropical vaca!!!,..just me & the Hubs!

    Done...but then a category 5 hurricane slams into the island while you're there. Total vacation killer.

    I wish...that I had my 17 year old body back...without having to go back to high school. :happy:
  • 02tods
    02tods Posts: 126 Member

    I wish go on a tropical vaca!!!,..just me & the Hubs!

    Done...but you're evacuated on arrival due to an impending severe tropical storm.

    I wish the house would clean itself! :laugh:
  • Dreajewkes
    I wish the house would clean itself! :laugh:

    Done! But the house has kicked you out because you dropped a crumb.

    I wish I had more patience
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    done but now all yur cloths are too big and yur broke....

    I wish go on a tropical vaca!!!,..just me & the Hubs!

    your wish is granted but now your hubby is sick the whole vacation you stuck by your self.

    I wish i was a bird
  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 157 Member
    :i wish i was a bird.

    DONE but you are the flightless kind.

    i wish i had blue hair
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Granted but now you're being harassed by Marge Simpson's stalker.

    I wish that I could run a marathon.
  • hougt
    hougt Posts: 1,088
    Granted but now you're being harassed by Marge Simpson's stalker.

    I wish that I could run a marathon.

    Done - But you are blind so cannot see where you are running

    I wish I wasn't so tired
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I wish I wasn't so tired

    Granted. Unfortunately, you're now so wired that you make a hummingbird look lathargic. People are afraid to be near you for fear of loosing a limb.

    I wish I could control time.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Granted. However while controlling time you are in a time warp of your own and therefore only able to witness the events of the time you control.

    I wish for world peace /cue cheesy pageant music
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Granted. However while controlling time you are in a time warp of your own and therefore only able to witness the events of the time you control.

    I wish for world peace /cue cheesy pageant music

    Granted, but then the aliens see that as the right time to invade (cue Simpsons music).

    I wish I had a smaller wee-wee. Wait, that was granted already. I wish the oceans were filled with ranch dressing.
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I wish the oceans were filled with ranch dressing.

    Granted, but the ranch dressing turns to LIGHT ranch dressing after midnight.

    I wish I could have a margartia machine in my office at work.
  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 157 Member
    :I wish I could have a margartia machine in my office at work.

    granted, but it is always broken and the repair guys on strike.

    i wish the evenings were longer
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member

    i wish the evenings were longer

    granted: Evening last all day long but it brings on a nuclear winter since there is no sun to warm things up

    I wish I could run really fast.
  • lahdee_dahdee27
    lahdee_dahdee27 Posts: 20 Member
    I wish I could run really fast.

    Granted. But your legs are only 2 feet long...

    I wish I had rhythm...