What do you do (other than going to the gym) for exercise?



  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    Wouldn't you rather take a ballet class, jazz class, jump on a trampoline, learn how to tap dance, or play soccer than go to the gym and run on a stupid treadmill and lift weights? I know they have classes and I've heard Zumba is pretty awesome, but most classes I find so boring and repetitive.

    I was a competitive gymnast for 13 years and was a college cheerleader. I also danced (ballet and jazz) and I did diving in HS. Now I'm about to graduate college and I feel like my only options are going to a stuffy gym or starting the new crossfit craze (I have nothing against crossfit, other than I don't think it's for me.)

    Am I the only person that just wants to take classes and do fun activities like I did when I was a kid? Does anyone remember DZ discovery zone? That place was a blast!

    I just want to have fun. What do you all do for physical activity other than going to the gym?? Or what would you like to be able to do again; for instance play shipwreck or red rover like we used to play in elementary PE?

    I run, outside. and walk, hike, etc. also outside. I go to the gym to use the treadmill when I don't have childcare at home, so very rarely. I do most other exercises at home (weights, calisthenics, yoga) too

    I never liked gym as a child: I'm not good at games or team sports. I was only ever good at running. I'm not uncoordinated but I prefer exercising alone.
  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 157 Member
    i run round and round the giant softplay with my son. i wish there were giant playparks! i'd like to be fit enough to be a cheerleader, but not be a cheerleader, lol

    i love the gym though, i get hypnotised by the moving numbers :P
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    All I do is run.
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    I still do cheerleading/tumbling.
    For a local football team... professional women's tackle football league.

    Love every moment.

    Plus the hub loves my skirt. :-)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Dig holes. Drag bodies to them. Fill holes.
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    Monday - Upper body resistance (strength) training
    Tuesday - Run 5-6 miles
    Wednesday - Upper body resistance (strength) training
    Thursday - Run 5-6 miles
    Friday - Yoga or day off
    Saturday - Long Run or Cycle
    Sunday - Day off or Long Run or Cycle (whichever did not do Saturday)

    I have not gone to a gym in several years. Takes too much time to fight for weights, machine, etc.
  • nastycivilian
    nastycivilian Posts: 22 Member
    I find going to the gym boring if I'm going into the main part with the treadmills, stepmills, ellipticals, etc.
    However, I LOVE taking classes that my gym offers because I find them very fun & I like being surrounded by like-minded upbeat people who are working out.
    I love zumba, muscle conditioning, cardio & tone, boot camp, TRX, yoga, etc. I pretty much like any class that our gym offers.. I just find them more interesting & fun instead of being bored out in the main gym hoofing it out on a treadmill.
  • wyodawn
    wyodawn Posts: 217 Member
    hula hooping and fire spinning. I didn't start out with fire - I learned with some soft sock ones so I could nail myself in the head a lot. But now I play with fire and it is SO fun.
  • poetictraveller
    poetictraveller Posts: 47 Member
    Rock climb, bike, ski, hike....it's all weather dependent!
  • pinkkeith
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    Road Bike!!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    My favourite workouts of the week are the ones in the gym, lifting weights. I lift for fun.

    Otherwise I run, swim, dance, hike.
  • racquetball, golf - driving range and playing holes, bowling, and riding bicycles
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I walk my son to school and back 2 days a week. I ride my bike several times a week. I also do workout videos at home.

    We also take family walks.
  • dalissalee
    dalissalee Posts: 289 Member
    Zumba is great. I also do fitness boot camp and my trainer always changes it up. And, I did the C25K program and now like running.
    I love to run outside. Walking is good, too.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I think more adults should just start skipping..like when we were younger.. I think it would make life more fun ;)
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    i use an ab belt and a pull up bar.
  • Notyourrevolution
    Notyourrevolution Posts: 24 Member
    Depending on where you live, lots of places have adult rec leagues these days. They tend to offer everything: volleyball/soccer/hockey/curling/football/dodgeball/etc. and they allow team or individual registrations so not knowing other people who want to participate isn't an issue.

    I'm weird though and I enjoy gym work outs and solo runs.
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    For me it depends on the time of year, Stoolball outdoors from April to October, tennis in the summer, squash in the winter, running, hiking and archery all year round and I've just started swimming but find it a bit dull :ohwell:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    River Treking
    Snow Tubing