Those of you with a significant other?

So I know I do this, and I'm starting to think it's kind of cruel, but does anyone else do the following?:

I watch what I eat. I make sure I don't put a lot of things into my body that I shouldn't. That being said, I love baking. I love sweet things. I love my boyfriend.
I have this outrageously bad habit of baking things or buying delicious dessert things JUST TO GIVE THEM TO MY BOYFRIEND. I understand it's still a form of showing love, but I think I do it because I know that I PERSONALLY can't eat it.

Does anyone else make/bake things with the intention of not eating any of it and just giving it to your significant other?
LOL I don't want him to become fat, but I don't want to eat those things.
Sometimes even when someone gives me a dessert to take home, I give it to him because I know I don't want it. hahaha


  • JerseyGirlMomof4
    JerseyGirlMomof4 Posts: 14 Member
    I will admit to cooking really delish meals for my husband because it makes him happy.

    He loves curries, roasts, steaks, etc etc etc...You know, all those things we "shouldn't" have.

    Like you I don't do it to make him fat, or sabotage any diets I just want him to be happy and not be "stuck" eating all the diet foods that he really doesn't like but I need to be eating right now.
  • JerseyGirlMomof4
    JerseyGirlMomof4 Posts: 14 Member
    I will admit to cooking really delish meals for my husband because it makes him happy.

    He loves curries, roasts, steaks, etc etc etc...You know, all those things we "shouldn't" have.

    Like you I don't do it to make him fat, or sabotage any diets I just want him to be happy and not be "stuck" eating all the diet foods that he really doesn't like but I need to be eating right now.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I do that all the time, but my fiance is skinny as a stick and never gains any weight anyway.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I used to do that. I think it was because I was raised in a house where showing love frequently meant feeding you. But my hubby was also overweight, and I finally was able to stop doing this. I still have to stop myself sometimes, I will be at the store and see something that I know he would love, and want to buy it. But then my reason kicks in, and I know that he does not need it. He has lost about 30 pounds in the last few months, and is eating a LOT healtier. I don't want to sabotage that. My kids and I need him around for a long time.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I do the exact same thing..... :frown:
  • EmCeeKayla
    EmCeeKayla Posts: 53 Member
    like I thought I was just showing love, but now thinking about it, I realized I'm kinda doing it cause I can't have it and I feel like he can.
    But no, he could lose a bit of weight. He wants to.
    He doesn't do anything about it, but he wants to.
    So now I kinda feel bad if I give him sweets.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    This is interesting to me because I feel like I am the opposite. My SO is the one that buys the junk food - I DON'T buy it because I love him (although it makes him grumpy sometimes!)
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Sounds like you just like the craft of baking. Find alternatives to bake. Try using splenda or stevia to cut sugar, try baking whole grain breads. Try super healthy casseroles.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    Yes, I do this. I'm glad its not just me! I'm trying to stop now, though.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I do the same thing! My bf is not overweight, he can eat whatever he likes, and he loves desert. So, I get him treats. He is so good about eating the healthy meals I make without complaint, he deserves a treat. :)
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    I will admit to cooking really delish meals for my husband because it makes him happy.

    He loves curries, roasts, steaks, etc etc etc...You know, all those things we "shouldn't" have.

    Like you I don't do it to make him fat, or sabotage any diets I just want him to be happy and not be "stuck" eating all the diet foods that he really doesn't like but I need to be eating right now.

    Oh goodness.... I eat all of those delicious meals! If those are "bad" for me, then I eat horribly! I don't eat "diet" foods and I don't think anyone should if this is intended to be a lifestyle. Steak and curry and roasts are not bad for you!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I bake for my hubby...he has never had a weight problem. I figure it's not his problem it's mine. I just baked him cookies yesterday. Last week I made banana & zucchini breads for him. He exercises and eating healthy for the most part. We eat at home, and not fast food. I figure he needs a treat : )
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Take it from a gal that LOVES to cook and even moreso, I love to hear the words "Baby, this is delicious" come out of my boyfriends mouth... when you can make a really healthy meal and have them say the same thing, you feel 100x more amazing. I made a whole-wheat pasta chicken lasagna the other night (350 cals per cup) and I was sure he would hate it, but he loved it.

    It isn't love if you taking away from the years they could be spending with you down the road. Know what I mean? :)
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member

    roasts, steaks, etc etc etc...You know, all those things we "shouldn't" have.

    What??? Not in this life time. I'll keep eating my roasts, steaks, burgers - Thanks.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    My husband isn't watchign what he its, so he doesn't mind when I make sweet things for him. However he's picky about his food. I love casseroles and things like that but its a waste of money to make it for my family when 2 out of the 6 of us will eat it so I tend to bake or experiment new recipes on my coworkers, and they love me for it!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I found myself doing this with my husband. After a while I realize it was because I secretly deep down wanted him to gain weight to be unattractive to other women. It took a lot of soul searching and hard work on my part to realize that I was insecure.

    Now in saying this, please note that this is ME, I by no means am saying that anyone else does this. After a nice long talk about how I do not feel good enough for him and I got it out in the open, our lives have changed drastically, for the better. It only took me 42 years to realize this..................
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    i definitely do that... I LOVE baking and cooking, but i usually don't like to eat the things that bake. i'm not as big a fan of banana bread as he is, so i make a loaf, eat one piece and give the rest to him! problem is, he's diabetic and really shouldn't be eating in such high quantities (if i know i'm giving him the goodies i bake with artifical sweeteners though). i too need to stop doing this, because he has finally admitted that he wants to lose a bit of weight (he's a little overweight, but not huge), and because of the diabetes, it makes it that much harder to lose. so together we're turning over a new leaf, and trying to help out each other! :)

    to be fair though... i also do this with my parents... constantly giving them leftovers. i think that's a payback for the many years that my mom has done that for me (and still does). :)
  • Stacyplus5
    I do it for my hubby and 5 kids. I bake homemade sourdough,make homemade doughnuts, cakes cookies,the whole bit, but I don't eat it at all just because I dont like it not because Im watching what I eat. But my family is very active not one of them is overweight or couch potatoes. I'm the one thats unhealthy because I have been sitting on my butt since I became a stay at home mom. This yr I decided to change that and become more active and actually eat and not starve myself. Which ironically doesnt really make you lose weight.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I love baking for my family, and I'm pretty darn good at it!

    If I make a regular cake, the three of us will snack on it for a few days until it's gone I try to find HEALTHIER alternatives. For example, rather than making a pumpkin spice cake from scratch. I mixed one can of pumpkin with one box spice cake (nothing else!) and baked as directed. Cut out the oil, eggs and icing and was unbelievably good!
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I bake for my boyfriend and for my coworkers all the time. My boyfriend is always asking if we have something for dessert after dinner, and he's good about portion control/way too skinny as it is, so I have no problem doing it. If you don't want your guy gaining weight off your baking (because baking's fun! no need to give it up), set aside SMALL portions for him and give the rest away to coworkers or neighbors so he doesn't end up eating an entire batch of cookies or whatever. Also, Stevia and oats instead of sugar and flour will make things lower cal and a little healthier.