Scale does lie!



  • christinacherrelle
    christinacherrelle Posts: 27 Member
    I have a Tanita. In my opinion they are the leading brand to go with. This is by FAR the most accurate scale I've had and I've had a lot.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    I liked the WW one initially as it also measures hydration and bodyfat % but i think tomorrow i will go out and buy some mechanical ones at least i can cross reference lol
  • no1tam
    no1tam Posts: 3
    I had this problem and found it to be an uneven floor. I now have a glass chopping board under mine (which stays there at all times) and I get exactly the same reading now no matter how many times I get on and off.

    Hope this helps. x
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    I never checked this.

    I should look into this today and see what goes on.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Hey i had the same idea! but i used a wooden one lol but unfortunately it made no difference with my WW scales, this morning i jumped on the scales and first time i weighed 246lb's second time i weighed 249, and third time i weighed 250! i went on again after breakfast (2 slices of toast, glass of oj and a pint of water) and i had LOST 3lb's????

    later this morning i had to go collect my mom as she is coming to ours for the day and i sneaked a go on her scales fully clothed and after three measurements they read a consistent 245-246lb's so i thought thats it dammit im going to go buy a new set of scales and see what happens!
    I bought some Salter Mechanical scales which are good up to 295lb's and when i got them home I undressed and stepped onto them (determined to prove a point by this stage! lol ) and on the new scales i weighed in at 240lb's over and over again which again would be consistant with my moms scales as i was wearing jeans, t-shirt and shirt etc.

    The only problem now, is it kinda screws up my progress chart as it was unlikely that i was ever 256lbs in the first place so should i just start from scratch and clear everything? On the bright side, im glad i dont have quite so far to go now :happy:
  • mattysmom
    mattysmom Posts: 82 Member
    I agree with Mandillynn. I have a 13 dollar digital scale and mine will give me the same weight repeatedly no matter how many times I step on it in a row
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    Just a should be weighing yourself on a hard flat surface. Thick carpets will not give an accurate reading, although the reading looks good.
  • Buzzkitty1
    I weigh in on the Wii, and it gives me the same reading consistently :)
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    I got mine at walmart for around 15 - 20 dollars.

    I tried, and it says the same everytime.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Too think, I was wishing I had a Weight Watchers scale! Now I'm glad I have my $19 dollar walmart digital one. And I always weigh first thing in the morning. And no looking down until I think its done, then I look. I get on it slowly with no sudden moves, no bouncing. And I take the first reading. And I've learned to accept when it suddenly jumps up 2 pds that its probably something I ate the day before that has caused water gain, maybe something salty or something fried. My body loves to hang onto the "bad" foods. So I try hard not to screw up my eating but once in a while it happens and I learn to accept the fact that my scale's going to jump due to what I may have eaten, but it usually eventually flushes out and Im back to where I expected to be weight wise, in about in 2days.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Well it's official... the scales SUCK! I tested both sets with 28lb's of weights from my barbell. The new £7.99 scales were spot on where as the £34.99 WW consistently were out by 2.5lb's and it seemed that the more weight that was being measured, the larger the inaccuracy. My mom was not impressed with the extra 12lb's it gave her haha. Going to try replacing the battery to see if it fixes it but it looks as though they are destined for the bin.
  • QueenInge
    QueenInge Posts: 25 Member
    We put a large stone floor tile under our scale since it does sit on a carpeted floor. Seems to work fine. I only weigh in the morning before coffee, naked! Any other time of the day it would not be accurate.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Well it's official... the scales SUCK! I tested both sets with 28lb's of weights from my barbell. The new £7.99 scales were spot on where as the £34.99 WW consistently were out by 2.5lb's and it seemed that the more weight that was being measured, the larger the inaccuracy. My mom was not impressed with the extra 12lb's it gave her haha. Going to try replacing the battery to see if it fixes it but it looks as though they are destined for the bin.

    Your poor mom! HA! So glad you guys tried out the weights and tested the scales!
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    We tried our scales on our tiled bathroom floor and with a wooden chopping block that is perfectly flat and the WW ones sucked no matter how we tried them, total waste of £35
  • Kittany
    Kittany Posts: 31 Member
    hehehehe Weight watchers has like 50 different scales. I have a really nice WW's one. If it's incorrect I will weigh myself 3 times. It usually gives me the same number. Sometimes it doesn't and i'll re-weight myself 3x's to make sure. It usually spits out the same number once I'm balanced properly on it.
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    I had that scale and it did that to me constantly! I finally got the health-o-meter from Walmart and it works fine. I have checked up to 5 times in a row with the same reading.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member

    This is the critter Boooo, hissss! lol
  • Alyxw
    Alyxw Posts: 50 Member
    I have WW scales that are accurate - same reading straight away. I have no idea what model number they are though butthey are about 5 yers old now. I have just replaced them with some body fat scales eek.
  • romst19
    romst19 Posts: 100 Member
    Just to contribute...I also had a WW scale (can't remember the model). It worked well for a little over a year, then gave me inconsistent readings. Even after I changed the battery, I would still step on it over and over, and the number would vary by about three pounds. I recently bought a Taylor (it was rated high on Amazon and not expensive at all), and it's been great.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    I live in the UK and have a Salter scale, which I find to be 100% accurate every time I step on it. The weight I get is actually identical to the Tanita scales in my gym as well.

    While I was living in the US for 2 months last year, I bought a Taylor scale from Target and that too was always completely accurate.

    I had a WW scale previously which was a little bit unpredictable. Maybe there's a pattern being formed here! :-)