How do you exercise when it's cold and snowing in winter??



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When it's cold and snowing, my exercise is shoveling about 150' of sidewalk. :grumble:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I must be a real Canadian, eh?

    I love winter, it's all in being dressed properly for the weather and activity. There are few things more enjoyable than going for a run on a clear, starlit winter evening (or early morning). Winter alos offers an opportunity to enjoy things you can't do in the sumer like skiing (downhill and/or cross country), skating outdoors (here in Ottawa we have the world's longest skating rink - the Rideau Canal), snowshoeing etc - embrace the cold, don't let it scare you into hiding all winter.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I head to the gym , otherwise I do one of Jillian Michaels DVD's
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    More about dressing appropriately - you may wanna do it in layers, in case you get hot...take pieces off until you settle on a temperature you like. You'll be a little chilly when you start but once you get moving, you will warm up! You do NOT wanna sweat a lot when you're out in the cold, cuz it can be very uncomfy when it freezes on you and chills you. Definitely wear some moisture-wicking clothing as your base layer, the one next to your skin. Look in to something like Under Armour or the equivalents in other brands. I never wanted to spend on this stuff before, but once I tried it (got one on discount at ****'s), it's changed my life. There are different fits for it too, so if the "fitted" or second skin style ones are too tight and uncomfy, the semi-fitted still very work well with getting the sweat off of your skin.

    This is great information!

    I think everyone has covered it but I wanted to mention that when you get outside to exercise in the winter, it helps keep the winter blues away and it goes by so much faster! Before you know it, spring is here.

    The most important thing is to wear technical fabrics in the winter. NO COTTON. Cotton will hold moisture next to your skin. I have a balaclava that I wear to run when it's really cold, I can pull it up over my nose and mouth to breathe through. I have run when it gets down to -10F. I wouldn't run 10 miles in that temperature, but 4-5 miles is doable. I try not to get too far from home or neighbors houses in case something happens and I can't run for some reason. I am plenty warm enough running, but it cools off quick if you have to walk. I run at work on my lunch hour when I can. It is warmer and it is nice to see the daylight!

    I used to be a real wimp about running in the cold and then I read an article about a running group in Anchorage Alaska. They run when it is -20 and colder! They might only run 2 miles if it is that cold, but it is better than nothing, and your immune system needs the boost this time of year that you get from exercising in the outdoor air!
  • tldugger
    tldugger Posts: 1 Member
    Be very careful, I have heard of many people that have had heart attacks due to over exertion in cold conditions and no where near the temperature you are talking about.. There are Lots of exercises that can be done inside that will provide the workout you are looking for. There are lots of workout videos out there or you might consider getting a Wii (Wii fit) , Xbox Kinect, or Playstation Move.
    A gym would even be better if that's an option for you. Good luck and God Bless.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    This morning I did 5K in 20 deg f...brrrrr. It is cold, but I made sure I had enough clothes on (in layers). Just need to dress for the occasion I say.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I have a recumbent bike and love it. It keeps me ready for my cycling in the summer.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    As a side note, you burn more calories in the cold too. I used to think this was b.s., but when I got my heart rate monitor I found out is is true!
  • Natadance11
    I'm a dancer and that doesnt stop me from dancing, just make sure to always warm-up, cool-down, and before you go outside to cover yourself up very well to not get injured. You just get used to it eventually :)
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I am new to this climate and I've been told by my partner that it is too cold and snowy to go outside some days for walking and that it can be dangerous to my health. This is so hard for me because I love to walk, it's my favourite way to exercise...I don't even think the cold bothers me that much but I haven't really experienced a -20 degree day.

    How do people exercise in the winter?
    I do run outside in winter at minus 20 degrees. You just need to dress up very warm. It's not dangerous if you have warm closing. If not then yea, you can get pretty bad and dangerous cold. But if ya know what you are doing then you are fine.

    Just make sure you have warm boots and your lower back and neck is warm as well. Of course you should be warm everywhere else too but that's the most important. Also, if you do cardio in such cold after you are done make sure that you do not cool off outside. That can be pretty bad. Cool down in room temperature when you back home.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Free workouts on the internet.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I always exercise inside anyway. I tried it outside and it didn't take.
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    It's the worst. I live in Minnesota, and the winters are brutal. All I want to do is hibernate. This year, I joined a gym with group fitness classes.

    1. They are tough but fun, so I enjoy going.
    2. The gym is on my route home from work, so I can't use the "it's too far out of my way" excuse.
    3. I have a plan for each week. Monday = Kickboxing class, Tues = Water aerobics, Wed= treadmill,etc. No surprises.

    Plus working up a sweat in the freezing cold (yup, -20 and below) feels better than shivering!!!!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Skating, snow shoes, cross country skying are all fun winter activities. I live in a place where it can be -30 degrees celcius and I love winter activities or sports. You just have to dress for the weather. Another great calorie burner for the winter is shoveling snow!!!! Gotta love that one. I also walk my dog in the winter. Make sure to have good winter boots with proper grips and you will be fine!!!
  • MonolithTMA
    MonolithTMA Posts: 62 Member
    Yaktrax are another nice option for cleats. We have a driveway that is a hill. They've saved me from many a spill.
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    Skating, snow shoes, cross country skying are all fun winter activities. I live in a place where it can be -30 degrees celcius and I love winter activities or sports. You just have to dress for the weather. Another great calorie burner for the winter is shoveling snow!!!! Gotta love that one. I also walk my dog in the winter. Make sure to have good winter boots with proper grips and you will be fine!!!

    We have very cold winters here too......After living in Fl for almost 17 years I had to get a whole new winter wardrobe and a who;e new attitude to doing stuff outdoors again. Most days it is doable, even with my asthma. Very few days do I skip walks with the dog, it has to be really really freezing cold/windy. Gedt some proper winter clothes, boots etc and walk if nothing else. Even a 20 min walk in the neighborhood feels good, believe it or not. Best 'workout tool' for me is my Malamute in the winter. She is good to walk in even the worst weather and keeps me motivated. Cross country skiing and/or snowshoeing are also good exercise. Ice skating is an option. I will try and run outdoors this winter for as long as I can safely do it. My other regular exercise is indoors anyway - Yoga. If I can't get enough outdoor activity in this winter, or have to skip a walk with the dog for some reason I will dust off the Wii, do more Yoga or find some exercise DVD or vid. And there is always the trusted snow shovel.....I rarely ever get the snowblower out, I prefer to shovel for the exercise even if I have to do the driveway in 2 sessions. And then have a cup of hot soup or cocoa for a treat!!!!!
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    Shoveling snow!!! Usually around 400-500 calories per hour!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Funny to read this a few months later. :smile:

    So far, winter hasn't kept me indoors. I've been out running in snow and single digit temps and keeping to my 3x a week plan.

    And I'm really happy I've been doing it. I used to be afraid of the cold, because I used to get cold induced asthma.

    Key words: Used to. :drinker: