Do you have friends?!



  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    I have friends but I've also developed great friends online. Now I have been going through this phase where my "worlds are colliding" and my online friends have been meeting my IRL friends and it's.... weird.

    What I've learned is that online friends are real. Period. See if you can meet some MFP people from your region for coffee? Meet once a month IRL and BAMB you have Real Life friends too!

    This might sound lame, but I have some great friends because I have limited expectations. Many of my friends aren't great at keeping up relationships so I don't expect them to call or check in - I am kinda the ring leader and I'll send out an evite for an event or two and they generally seem quite pleased to get together. They just don't think to set something up themselves.

    Start small and keep it simple... and remember that your MFP friends are real too :bigsmile:
    SOmetimes that's all it takes is a ringleader....THANK YOU for being the "spark plug' and pulling folks together. Our neighborhood just existed for literally 25 years until two guys moved in and started planning 'events'...incredible the difference you can make. Those of us who are not the movers and shakers really DO appreciate what you do.

    And for those of us who are quiet...PUSH..push yourself to at least show up and really are a person worth knowing and talking with, even if you just do an infomercial for Spark People!
  • MawMawRita
    MawMawRita Posts: 5 Member
    I consider myself a very "friendly" person. I talk to everyone and don't shut myslef off from the world. I have lots of acquantances, but no one I could invite shopping or hang out with. I'm glad I'm not the only one with that problem. Thanks so much for asking that question. Just knowing I'm not alone in being friendless makes me feel a lot better!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    WOW! I don't feel so alone now. I'm not a very outgoing person. I'm pretty shy and stick to myself. But I figure that's okay as long as it doesn't bother me that much. I guess if it bothered me maybe I'd try to be more outgoing and make friends. I do have my family though. Thanks for the post. Maybe I'm pretty normal after all. :bigsmile:
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    nope! i dont really have any friends either!! theres ppl i msg on facebook here and there, but no one i really hang out with.......but its mainly due to me having 4 kids and no one to babysit. no dad to help either. i dont get out so of course i dont have friends! i found a new friend on here tho :)
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    Friends... what are they? Nope not in real live. I have some on line and they are wonderful! It is hard to trust people when you have had a bad experience. My last ex- friend became my husband best friend and since then I have forgotten what it is like to have a real one. I do not know that I can ever have a real friend again but who knows...