I met someone special...



  • PatByrne82
    PatByrne82 Posts: 72 Member
    Do what you feel you need to do
    In the long run it's all about YOUR happiness not the happiness of others
    Good Luck
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Thank you all! No, he doesn't know my health issues (yet) just that I have had success so far in my loss efforts.
    You have all told me what deep inside I really already knew, so thank you for the re-enforcement!
    *hugs* to you all! :)

    Without knowing the context of your conversation, it's also possible that he said that to compliment you and make sure you're not self conscious. My Hubs loved me when I was severely obese (260) and he still loves me now (171). Your shape doesn't matter, your health does. If you need to, explain to him that it's not about losing the weight or getting skinny but about your health, fitness, longevity. Anyone would get on board with those reasons...

    Take care!
  • AshleighTaylorXOXO
    Stick to your plan! My boyfriend said the same thing, that I am beautiful just the way I am... but I'm doing this for me. I assume you are doing the same. You aren't doing it for him, you are doing it for YOU. So stick to the plan, and if he is a keeper.. he'll love you no matter your size. :D
  • Lacebopp
    Lacebopp Posts: 92 Member
    You know, you all are so great! Thank you!!!! ;)
  • tdismydog
    tdismydog Posts: 42 Member
    i feel you i have an ex wife that actually got mad a me when i started losing weight. i did most of the grocery shopping and would buy alot of healthy foods that and she would not sacrifice the junk....

    i have a new girl friend that i like just the way she is, not matter what her weight, but if part of her that makes her feel like she is as beautiful as i see her is to lose weight, i fully support her. i think if you dont promote being healthy in a relationship, its well kinda strange.

    thats my rambling for the day...
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Please re read your post and think really hard about what you're asking.

    This journey is for YOU. Great he likes the way you are right now, but do YOU like the way you are right now? Not just physcially but mentally and emotionally? Its not always about what you see in the mirror, but what you feel inside.

    If he loves you now, he will love you 5, 15, 30lbs smaller/bigger! you need to do this for you and no one else - their reaction/appreciation/acceptance is just the bonus!!

    if you are not ready to stop losing then dont - explain to him that physically, mentally, emotionally ,etc you feel you need to continue for a little while longer and hope he supports you. Thats all you can ask for - if he doesnt' then he never really loved you for you in the first place!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    so I assume he likes you for your body and not for your personality?
    IMO you should continue losing weight, and if he still is interested in you then its wonderful but if he loses interest hes an a$%hole...