New to the adult ADD/ADHD club. Members only



  • cdspark
    cdspark Posts: 56 Member
    Oh my, so glad I found this topic. I have adhd and I'm 43. I believe both my kids have it....very interesting household we have.

    Does anyone else have trouble with tracking food, keeping excercise semi interesting-both are incredibly boring? I always start off great and fall down after a week....I really need to change my life once and for all. I have been going to the gym with a friend of mine and that is working well so far.
  • cdspark
    cdspark Posts: 56 Member
    Oh, some helpful info, I guess...I was diagnosed by a nuerologist about 13 years ago. I do not currently take medication, I do not really think it works for me (i have used ritalin, adderall and vyvanse and one other one that made me cry all the time so I tossed it). But its funny my exhusband used to think the meds worked so who knows.

    The only time I have focus on medication is when I have vicodin (which I don't have very often) and caffeine.
  • croppinqueen
    croppinqueen Posts: 43 Member
    So nice to see there's a group here for this. I'm no. 4 out of 4 in an ADD household, diagnosed late last year with inattentive but somewhat combination type. Suffice it to say, as the mom, it is a lot to keep up with and deal with, particularly meds administration. I'm 44, so this has come late in life, after living with diagnosed family members for over 17 years. It is good to see so much discussion on the topic now and there is so much to learn, especially in women since we went largely undiagnosed for 20 years. I am particularly interested in learning from others how meds, exercise and weight loss has affected your ADD symptoms. And also, if there are any of you Adult ADDer's here that also have Type II diabetes, I'd love to talk to you too. Managing diabetes being ADD is really challenging, but after a year and a half, I'm doing pretty well these days. Exercise helps A LOT, and a low carb diet is my friend.

    Lastly, is this board private? I see it says Members only. How does this work?
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Seems like everyone has ADD and hypothyroidism ... Doesn't anyone else wonder what it comes from? I've been diagnosed with both in my early lifetime and still deal with distraction problems. I do not take meds though. I just feel it is life and that its something to be dealt with. I think about going back on Ritalin but had dreadful side effects
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I take meds for thyroid not ADD just clarifying lol
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Lastly, is this board private? I see it says Members only. How does this work?

    No, it isn't private. The title says "Members Only" because she wanted people with ADD/ADHD to respond.

    I don't have it but I am married to a man who has ADHD, non-medicated. I don't like who he is on the medication. I'd much rather deal with who he is than with who the medication makes him.
  • nroseberry11
    Ok.........I recently found an article that describes Adult ADD symptoms and how people quickly pass them off. I am 29 and myself and my family have always joked about my having ADD but I have never been tested. As a matter of fact, I don't know how to begin, the only doctor I really see is my orthopedic surgeon and after I built him a private lake I am trying to stay away from his office :).

    I have always gotten ok grades but focusing has been so hard for me. I am very athletic but recently, I believe due to more symptoms of my ADD, I have gained a lot of weight and become quite sedentary. It is taking me a decade to finish college, which is strange becasue I was in honors in college then just couldn't focus anymore and kept trying to go to class and couldnt. Thus, that is when I found my depression. I became depressed becasue I couldn't physically force myself to focus or do specific tasks becasuse I was afraid of them or just unintrested. I often do not pay bills, even with the money, due to procrastination (a very bad case of it). I am always putting things off, stressing about them, then shutting down and becoming more depressed. I hate writing becasue I can never keep track of my thoughts, and if I am really excited about something I find myself jumping over topics very quickly.

    I have never been on medication, as I said before never been diognosed. It has just been within the past few months that I have seriously taken the idea of needing treatment for my problem. I am at a crossroads however, because I am back in college, I don't really want to go to the campus clinic because they are so harsh when it comes to these issues based on the amount of kids trying to get drugs and not to mention I like 2 hours away from campus (online student). I am just at a loss!! Do I drive there, fight with them and they schedule a pleathera of appointments I don't have the money for, or attempt to pay out of pocked for a recommended doctor and see where this lands?

    I really could use some advice from anyone familiar with my sitation.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Recently diagnosed with Adult ADHD after talking to my son's counselor who told me the fact both of my boys have it meant I could. Never knew it was genetic. After talking with a psychiatrist myself (I was tired of dealing with the symptoms and never knowing why I was the way I was) I got my diagnosis and am currently trying to find the best treatment for me. I am on Concerta, which is the same meds my sons are on. I am also trying to lose some weight and eat healthy in hopes that healthier diet can help control the symptoms as well.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I have inattentive ADHD, dyslexia and a form of dyscalculia (I can do the conceptual/logic side of maths, but I'm hopeless at mental arithmetic or memorising numbers). was diagnosed with the first two years ago when I was 19, but it was only in relation to studying, I didn't find out that a lot of problems I have in every day life are actually caused by the inattentive ADHD.

    I'm not on any medication but I drink a lot of tea and I'm probably self-medicating with caffeine.

    my older daughter also seems to have inattentive ADHD and dyslexia, not sure yet about the dyscalculia. She doesn't have a formal diagnosis, we live in the Gulf and i'm part home educating her (British curriculum), and she's also going to an Arabic school. The teachers of the Arabic school are understanding about her difficulties in spite of no formal diagnosis or prior knowledge about dyslexia etc. I just explained it to them and they got it.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I think I might have AD....hey! look! Toy Hunter! I love that show! Anyone see that? This one episode...Seinfeld is on right now too...such a cool episode. Its the one where Kramer....oh man i hope the dvr can record it....its gonna rain this weekend. My dog has to go out....did I pack my lunch for tomorrow?

    and this is me......I am fabulous at multi-tasking, unless of course you want it completed. If I can sail through it without much thought, I can get it done no problem. If there's a glitch-i.e. I have to go hunt down a number for a report, then I get distracted and the whole thing gets to be much more than I can handle. Blah.

    I havent been formally diagnosed but my 18 year old daughter has and her symptoms fit me to a T. To deal with my ADD I am a list-maker. I know I need to do A, B, and C but while doing A i see that D needs to be done and it'll only take a second and then the phone rings and then something catches my eye on TV and then the computer beckons and then it's the end of the day and I accomplished nothing. A list gives me something to refer to while gently keeping me grounded. I can prioritize and hopefully not miss anything. I am like you, I would constantly be late paying bills while the money was in the bank. I didnt make insurance and doctor's appts that I needed to because I put it off or forgot. Forget Halloween costumes on time or baking cupcakes for a class party. They were store-bought at the last minute. My kids survived and turned out pretty danged well if I do say so myself.
  • mommakitten3
    I am so glad to have found this topic!

    ::waves:: Hello, my name is Kat and am a 30 year old ADD momma of 3 kiddos who have ADHD (Both hyper active (my twins) and inattentive (my 13 year old). I was just diagnosed in February, and have just recently started taking Ritalin. Let me tell you, the only thing I do not like about it is the BIG wall I hit when the medication wears off. BUT, while the medication is in effect, I can get my to-do list done in the proper amount of time (or in 2 seconds flat lol), instead of it taking me a whole week to get it done, or the most usual is not getting anything done.

    I own and operate my own business, and being able to focus is crucial. Being able to take care of my ADHD children (the twins have many other complications other than ADHD) without the medication was horrible.

    I have been going to my Psychiatrist for about 5 years, we initially started dealing with my postpartum depression, and anxiety. Which led into finding my OCD tendencies, and trying to deal with my fatigue as well. It wasn't until our appointment in February when I had a major anxiety attack the day before the appointment that we found out that I in fact had ADD. I don't even remember what we were talking about that caused him to ask me if I had ever been diagnosed with ADD, but when he asked I was like, you know what, I always joke about being ADD, but it has never been diagnosed. He then asked me questions for about 20 minutes, and said at the end "Kat, I am 99% sure that you have ADD, welcome to a new beginning.".

    He had me read Driven to Distraction, and that book was creepy. It was like they were writing about my life, the WHOLE book was about me.

    All in all, the Ritalin so far is working. Very little in side effects, except I do tend to stutter or lose the words I need to say once i hit that wall, which is really annoying. But I am thankful for finally being diagnosed! A huge weight has been lifted, knowing that my type of "crazy" is manageable lol.
  • napkinpoem
    I was diagnosed when I was 16 but the doctor believes I have always had it, my parents just didn't know the signs. It's very difficult to deal with not just because of the attention deficit part, but because I'm also compulsive and have a hard time focusing on what I SHOULD be doing and not what I WANT to be doing. But I'm getting back on Vyvanse this week and that should help A LOT. I'm a college student and a mother, I need to be able to focus D:
  • Persephone7676
    Persephone7676 Posts: 91 Member
    OMG it is really awesome to see this thread! I am even more shocked that a couple of you have ADD with Dyslexia like myself. I have a formal diagnosis and currently take medication. However, I am finding that caffeine and exercise can provide just as good of results. I hope to go off my meds when I finish school in a year and a half. As long as I can get regular exercise I can control it naturally.

    Hi everyone, it's so great to see you all :-)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    I have 50/50 split ADD/ADHD. I've probably had it for 20 years now but it has gotten progressively worse and worse until I was finally officially diagnosed a few years back by a psychiatrist.

    Symptoms: pervasive memory loss (so bad, I honestly thought I had early onset dementia), extreme restless leg syndrome, misplace things all day long without recollection of misplacing them or where they were (keys in garbage disposal, spices in fridge, ice cream in pantry, etc) must read lips or captioned TV in order to augment poor listening skills, loud noises and voices in my head (NOT telling me to do things; more like lots of conversations, A TV on, a radio on, just NOISE), inability to sit longer than a few minutes (still to this day, even on medicine, I can't watch movies)

    Now I take 18mg of Methylphenidate ER and my life is amazing! I forgot to take it yesterday and I seriously thought I was going to havea mental breakdown. I was so frazzled and discombobulated. It was torture!

    Feel free to PM :-)
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    I had childhood ADHD. Now, as an adult I have adult ADHD. I dont know what it is to be not ADHD. I find it mostly fun with moments of frustration and awkwardness. But then I see a butterfly and its so pretty and I have to chase it =)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I wasn't diagnosed with ADD until a few years ago, but I had it for as long as I can remember. None of my teachers said anything to my mom about my lack of ability to stay on task. My dr put me on Strattera, and it was wonderful. I took an accounting class and aced it. I remembered everything I read, and everything made sense. I had to go off of it because I would get dizzy, and I also gained 50 lbs. I've been on generic Ritalin and Concerta, and neither worked as well. He just gave me a script for generic Adderall, but I didn't have $160 to pay for it, so right now I'm not medicated. I have to write everything down at home and at work, and I put appointments in my calendar right away. I put the Cozi app on my phone, which helps me keep everything from shopping lists to to-do lists organized. Now if I could find something to keep me from getting distracted in the mornings so I could get to work on time, I'd be set!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I had childhood ADHD. Now, as an adult I have adult ADHD. I dont know what it is to be not ADHD. I find it mostly fun with moments of frustration and awkwardness. But then I see a butterfly and its so pretty and I have to chase it =)

    ^^^ so much this
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I definitely have a slight case of ADD/ADHD...I really have to stay present or I am the QUEEN of getting things half done due to "oh look! Something shiny!"