Not that I'm an alcoholic or anything but....



  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    My Husband drinks between 24 and 36 beers every week of his life. That guy seems to drop a pound a week just by cutting back on food a little. I hate him. I'd have to preform circus tricks to lose a pound and I never ever drink. Did I say I hate him?

    Ugh, can I hate him too?! Lol. I know a lot of people that are like that and I really can't complain because I've lost 13ish lbs (pending weigh in today) over the last 2 months and that's with my weekend binging. But I'd like to lose more of course!
    Haha.. feel free to hate him with me. Beer drinking, weight losing freak of nature he is... lol

    And good luck with the weigh in.

    Thank you :]
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    I logged what I drank tonight, and was absolutely MORTIFIED by how much that added to my intake for the day... I went WAY over... on my first day! Thanks for adding me... we can definitely be a support... I'll need it with the friends I keep, LOL! We can do it!!!

    I'm two months in and I still have days like that. Just gotta use these days as learning experiences and move forward :] And for sure, my friends are all big drinkers too. Obviously I don't drink a bunch alone lol.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Was drinking a bottle of burboun a day..... a 1ltr bottle that is. Took days off work JUST to drink. Was a great drunk, was funny & could type way better.... trust me I could touch type so fast & with NO mistakes, not like sober. Was like that for about 4 years

    Went cold turkey. Gave it totally up. Poured the rest of what I had down the sink. Don't allow it in the house & I never drank out.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    could you drive when you go out?

    it costs me £50 in a taxi to get back from the nearest town so 99% of the time i drive that way i dont drink a thing :D except occasionally a redbull or coke ...well i did have a glass of champagne last time... but if someones buying champagne thats a wee bit different...
    Ive never really been much of a drinker though only while i was at uni 0:)
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Was drinking a bottle of burboun a day..... a 1ltr bottle that is. Took days off work JUST to drink. Was a great drunk, was funny & could type way better.... trust me I could touch type so fast & with NO mistakes, not like sober. Was like that for about 4 years

    Went cold turkey. Gave it totally up. Poured the rest of what I had down the sink. Don't allow it in the house & I never drank out.

    Oh wow, that's awesome you were able to give it up like that!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    could you drive when you go out?

    it costs me £50 in a taxi to get back from the nearest town so 99% of the time i drive that way i dont drink a thing :D except occasionally a redbull or coke ...well i did have a glass of champagne last time... but if someones buying champagne thats a wee bit different...
    Ive never really been much of a drinker though only while i was at uni 0:)

    I probably could! I hardly ever have to drive, my boyfriend usually does that because he's not much of a drinker. I've definitely improved, but being the DD on nights I don't want to drink out of control is a good idea. I forgot bars serve red bull! haha. I could def just drink one of those :D
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Was drinking a bottle of burboun a day..... a 1ltr bottle that is. Took days off work JUST to drink. Was a great drunk, was funny & could type way better.... trust me I could touch type so fast & with NO mistakes, not like sober. Was like that for about 4 years

    Went cold turkey. Gave it totally up. Poured the rest of what I had down the sink. Don't allow it in the house & I never drank out.

    Oh wow, that's awesome you were able to give it up like that!

    Was tough, but glad I did. Have not drunk in 3 years now. Not since I got hurt & could not drink & have my painkillers. It was really hard on me. Worth it though.
  • rockingallovertheworld
    I never used to drink that much maybe share a bottle of wine at the weekend but when my daughter moved to the USA 5 months before her 21st birthday and had to stop drinking because of the laws in the UK and US being different I said I would stop drinking until her 21st birthday. She will be 25 in January and I have not touched alcohol since August 2008 and can honestly say I don't miss it. Needless to say as soon as daughter got to 21 she could not wait to be able to have a drink!:drinker:
  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    Weekends are pretty horrible for me as well. I have not stopped drinking but I have changed what and how much. I got to the point I was stuck on my weight and the drink changes combined with logging my calories have me back to the 1 1/2 to 2 lbs week loss.

    It has only been a few weeks, but so far so good!

    I try to stay away from beer, but if I do have one I go with a "diet" type. Mixed drinks I try to keep simple. I mix whatever with just plain tea (yes, I know this sounds weird. I think my taste-buds maybe dead to actually like this haha.)
  • Lindsay_N
    Lindsay_N Posts: 100
    Ive cut back. Used to drink 4 days a week about 10 drinks each day. Now I drink one day a week, maybe 2. Still around 10 drinks. Now I try to only drink vodka with water and lemon juice, so the only calories I get are from the vodka (about 70 calories an ounce). And I dont eat after Ive started drinking since processing the booze becomes your bodies first priority and anything you eat is just stored.

    ETA: During the week I usually save some calories so I can go over on my weekend too. And I exercise earlier that day, or the day after (if Im not too hungover)
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I use to drink three to four 20 oz diet dr pepper's a day. A day now. There was very little water I drank with the dr. Pepper too. If I wanted something to drink, I went straight to the dr. Pepper. To say I was addicted? Yes. Still slightly am.

    yet, this is what I did. I downsized on how many I had a day. Four became three. Three became two. Two became a dr. Pepper and ah half. (12 oz.)

    Maybe this will work for you. From there, I stopped drinking it all together for a few months. I went straight to tea and water. I still keep that habit up.

    To this day, I drink water and water mostly. However, I have one can of diet Dr. Pepper a day. Five days. None on Saturday. Maybe one on Sunday.

    I think it's the caffeine. I tried coffee but about the time I get to the coffee in my janitor closet. It's cold. So...
  • xxloveiswarr
    I used to drink a lot myself. Of course like most people have said once you log the calories its kind of a slap in the face. Never realized just how a tiny drink could be so many calories. I do think I experienced some withdrawal at first. I didn't quit, but I did drastically cut down. I only drink once a week and even then I try to make it something reasonable (if it's beer light, if its a cocktail I avoid all the fruity crap). When I was going through withdrawals the best thing that helped was keeping busy and focusing on the fitness aspect. I spent a lot of time at the gym that week. If you're concerned about side effects of quitting or cutting down definitely talk to a doctor, they could give you some other options we might not have thought of. Good luck =]
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I enjoy wine and margarita's. I have actually started drinking more now that I'm smaller. I'm not proud of that, just stating the truth. I think it's because I hang out with people who drink and work in a bar. Sometimes after work I'll have a rita. Now that we have a new rule where we can't drink AT the bar, I see me not having a drink after work anymore, no fun when you can socialize with your friends. I do have a bottle of wine at least once a week though.

    ETA:// I am still losing weight so I don't notice much I try to apply it to my calories.
  • RockyColorado
    I was drinking Vodka, but have not had any for a few months. I stopped when I saw the amount of calories per an ounce! And who drinks only an ounce?
  • I wish you strength !!!!!!!
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    This is a terrible idea, but when I was younger I just wouldn't eat as much before going out. Then I had calories I could use on alcohol plus I didn't/couldn't drink as much due to empty stomach. I would not recommend this method to anyone, but especially anyone over 22. In any case, I think the pizza, hotdogs, omelettes, etc eaten after drinking were worse than the healthy foods I could have padded my stomach with beforehand.

    Again, don't do what I just said.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    Never a good sign it you start out with " not that I'm and alcoholic or anything but..." lol

    My ex ran a drug and alcohol center so no you will not withdrawl from it unless you spend almost every day drunk.

    I haven't drank in almost 2 years never had a problem with drinking but because of my weight the dr said I had the liver of an alcoholic. So I gave it up. If my liver is already angry at me for being fat why piss it off more? I really only miss the excuse of being drunk. Like **** I totally flashed some random person sheesh I was drunk. Now when I flash random people I have got no excuse. Sorry I'm just sober and rediculous. ???... no not the same.

    If you are just looking to be healthier and cut the calories then just go for it! Or cut back by only going out once a month rather than every weekend.
    Regardless of what you decied kudos to you for questioning it. Drinking is a huge part of our society and until you are the person not drinking you maybe would never notice.
  • foodcallsme
    I love vodka! And I really had to cut back because if I drink too much of it then, I also get the urge to snack on foods that I wouldn't normally crave. For example, too much vodka makes me crave things like pancakes at midnight or cold spaghetti at 3am, lol. (I'm being serious, lol!) Not to mention good vodka is not cheap. I also love good whiskey, lol. And of course, red wine - with a platter of cheese...yum! Did I mention I love expensive champagne?

    Since I'm now cutting back on it... I've decided not to buy any for a while - so that at least this way I won't be tempted :)
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Thanks for all the tips everyone! I've decided to start what I'm calling sob-vember. Challenging myself (and anyone else who is sick of the massive calories consumed from alcohol and the day after binging) to go sober for november. Join my group if you'd like! I'll be posting as much as possible on it, but just really need support from people who understand that it is sometimes reallyyyy hard to change your lifestyle when everyone around you is still living it :/ But I'm feeling pretty determined after a HORRIBLE dieting weekend. Moderation went out the window and I was so sick the next day I did nothing but eat and sleep. Ugh, no more of that.
    Here's my group if anyone's interested!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    This is a terrible idea, but when I was younger I just wouldn't eat as much before going out. Then I had calories I could use on alcohol plus I didn't/couldn't drink as much due to empty stomach. I would not recommend this method to anyone, but especially anyone over 22. In any case, I think the pizza, hotdogs, omelettes, etc eaten after drinking were worse than the healthy foods I could have padded my stomach with beforehand.

    Again, don't do what I just said.

    Oh yes, I remember doing this all the time. What an awful idea it is! I used to get chipotle every friday and only eat that and then save all my calories for alcohol. This is before I was tracking so I had no idea of what I was doing to myself. Don't worry, I won't repeat this lol. At 25, I physically can't even do it.