


  • citygirl04
    citygirl04 Posts: 286 Member
    Nothing wrong with having a rant. I hate it when people look at you and tell you how lucky you are because your slim & roll their eyes up at you because they think it's effordless. I'm like are you f-ing kidding me? Do you have any idea how hard I work and how much I deny myself to be fit? It pisses me off so bad.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    I find that when I'm successfully losing weight that other people that make "excuses" annoy me as well. I try just to stay positive and give them "ideas" of how they can "resist". lol.
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    I have similar issues at work. My co-workers are forever bringing in doughnuts, brownies, etc and then they complain that their own diabetes is out of control. Yet I'm alienated because I choose to pass on the 'goodies' and stick with my bowl of cereal for breakfast. Its not easy to do what right but its better than facing the guilt and the blood sugar spike