Mike’s Daily Rant 10/26/2012 Got 2 B Wealthy 2 eat Healthy



  • MikeDaMotivator
    I teach a womens group things like this. They won't believe it or give it a try.
    They continue to pay me, waiting for the day I give them the magic key.
    I buy only the produce I will use in a couple of days. I almost never throw anything out.
    If you don't over buy, nothing has time to go bad. When you go to the store ONLY get what you went for.
    Then GET OUT. Don't cruise the aisles. That's when you see all the 'ooo I want that' things.
    Cut down on condiments. Read flyers. Sales, cycle. Learn when your products are due to go on sale.
    I pay $40 a week for groceries. I get all the nutrients I need. And don't eat the cheapest of everything.
    I buy milk, no other drinks. They're unnecessary, and don't have enough nutritional value for the price.
    It's a learning process. And it takes time. Some people would rather not do either.
    They want an instant magic fix.
    The OP here may have just changed a lot of minds and /or lives.
    I too, think You Sir, are Awesome!

    Thank You for those kind words.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Mike - You are adorable! :heart: Everything you said is so true, especially regarding the lame excuses junk food addicts make about the cost of healthy living. If you can't afford to make healthier food choices, you are NOT trying hard enough, because I SAVE money avoiding all the unhealthy crap other people stuff in their faces. (You would be so proud of my kitchen!)

    Obviously, it's her business what she eats, but since she brought you in and wasted your time, I can see why you would be so disappointed in her. She is clearly NOT ready. Sadly, some people will never be ready. Hopefully, in time, she will get it, but don't hold your breath. It was awesome of you to try to help her change. I think she wants it, she just doesn't want it bad enough yet...:flowerforyou:

    Thank You very much for that. Very well stated.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Years ago I had a similar attitude: healthy = $$$$. Finally, a light bulb went off in my head and I did the simple math. Look at the unit prices and you don't even need a calculator because $1/lb is a little more than 6 cents per ounce (technically 6.25 cents, but let's round down to keep it simple).
    Now look at that fresh produce that's $3/lb;that about 18 cents per oz (c/oz). $3/lb may seem expensive for produce... that is until you compare it to the unit prices on cookies and chips. The name brands may cost 40-50 c/oz, and even the store brand stuff often costs more than 24 c/oz. When you look at it that way, those chips and cookies are now $4-$8/lb! That $3/lb produce doesn't seem so expensive anymore!
    Once I started looking at all food in c/oz, I saw everything in a whole new light. I no longer buy myself those (high sodium) cold cuts that were actually costing me about $7/lb. Hell, on the rare occasion I buy steaks I don't pay more than $6/lb and that's for quality cuts like rib-eye and porterhouse!
    Long story short, maybe if your friend converted some of the prices on her receipt to c/oz, she'd see that cost vs. healthy is a fallacy.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Years ago I had a similar attitude: healthy = $$$$. Finally, a light bulb went off in my head and I did the simple math. Look at the unit prices and you don't even need a calculator because $1/lb is a little more than 6 cents per ounce (technically 6.25 cents, but let's round down to keep it simple).
    Now look at that fresh produce that's $3/lb;that about 18 cents per oz (c/oz). $3/lb may seem expensive for produce... that is until you compare it to the unit prices on cookies and chips. The name brands may cost 40-50 c/oz, and even the store brand stuff often costs more than 24 c/oz. When you look at it that way, those chips and cookies are now $4-$8/lb! That $3/lb produce doesn't seem so expensive anymore!
    Once I started looking at all food in c/oz, I saw everything in a whole new light. I no longer buy myself those (high sodium) cold cuts that were actually costing me about $7/lb. Hell, on the rare occasion I buy steaks I don't pay more than $6/lb and that's for quality cuts like rib-eye and porterhouse!
    Long story short, maybe if your friend converted some of the prices on her receipt to c/oz, she'd see that cost vs. healthy is a fallacy.

    Maybe she could but I trully believe that she doesnt want to see the truth. She wants to have an excuse although it not an excuse she is convinced.
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    Awesome post. I look back on the past and wonder why we seemed to need so many treats and thought veggies were so expensive. It was some sort of weird mental block, I don't know. I spent $25 on fruits and veggies for two weeks just yesterday. Add eggs/bread and that's $30 for 2 weeks for one person. Rather cheap.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Awesome post. I look back on the past and wonder why we seemed to need so many treats and thought veggies were so expensive. It was some sort of weird mental block, I don't know. I spent $25 on fruits and veggies for two weeks just yesterday. Add eggs/bread and that's $30 for 2 weeks for one person. Rather cheap.

    Exactly. The question I always ask myself is how much do you value your health? I guess I should ask that to all my friends that claim to want a healthier lifestyle.